Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Assessment one - The role of ethics in Journalism Essay
Assessment one - The role of ethics in Journalism - Essay Example Umpteenth number of times the media has been blamed to be inaccurate and biased (â€Å"Ethical Issues in Journalism†). Englehardt and Barney express that utilitarianism â€Å"declares an action, intention or principle should be judged by the overall immediate outcomes†(16). The theory of utilitarianism rests on the principle of utility, where every action is approved or disapproved as per the propensity it seems to have with the purpose of augmenting or diminishing happiness of the part whose interest is in question (Harrison 67). Petrick & Quinn (48) suggest that utilitarianism signifies that the ethical value of an action is dependent on yielding the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Applying this concept to journalism ethics involves the practice of journalism in a technical sense into conflict with the corporate values (Breit 213). Although journalism regards ethical value on the basis of its effect on journalists’ potential to supply information, the media corporation calculates ethical values from the viewpoint of maximizing investor wealth (Breit 213). As per Sta tman, living according to utilitarianism implies â€Å"caring about principles, rules and obligations, not about real human beings†(7). According to Mills, the principle of utilitarianism is that the purpose of ethics is to direct people in performing things that will result in making the world a better place (Smith 47-52). In short, the utilitarians expect people to endeavor to perform in a manner that will yield â€Å"the greatest good for the greatest number†(Smith 47-52). What actually matters is the consequences of our actions and not our motives or intentions (Smith 47-52). However, it is not always possible to determine the consequences of our actions (Smith 47-52). For instance, a reporter may think that a story about teen suicide may enable the schools and the public to understand and
Monday, October 28, 2019
The duality of human nature in chapters 1, 4 & 9 of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay Example for Free
The duality of human nature in chapters 1, 4 9 of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay In what ways does Stevenson present the duality of human nature in chapters 1, 4 9 of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and how does this duality reflect the concerns of the time? Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, published in 1886, regards many of the issues within Victorian culture and it presents the authors own disgust towards the traditions and affairs concerning Victorian society and the people living in it at the time. Stevensons book incited the idea that everyone was capable of committing moral and immoral actions, it had nothing to do with your appearance, and his one shilling shocker did what he said it would, it shocked and appalled the Victorian public. Science was rapidly becoming a more frequently occurring part of peoples lives and it was posing a fast rising threat to religion and its practises, whilst at the same time theories such as Charles Darwins theory of evolution were severely undermining and attacking the influence that the Christian church could have in peoples lives. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley was another science based book, and this is similar to Stevensons book in a way that a Dr [Frankenstein] is using his mind and science for the wrong reasons. People had begun to question the notion that God created the world, and this was exacerbated by Frankensteins experiments. In a clearly divided London, there was conflict between the East and West end, much like there was conflict between the upper and lower classes. Over time, a momentously bitter split was formed between those who were born into wealth, and those unfortunate enough to be thrown into a struggling, lower class background. The upper class feared that the lower class would pollute their flawless society. Habits such as infraction and homosexuality were thought to be associated with the lower class and the upper class feared this. A recurring theme of the time was that a criminal could be recognised simply by their appearance and reality was discounted totally. When the book was taken to the theatre, Richard Mansfield the actor who played Mr Hyde fit the common recognition of an evil man, and acted so convincingly that the audience actually believed he was Jack the ripper himself. However, Jack the ripper contradicted these beliefs and went against the general beliefs inspired by the theories of Lombroso and Francis Galton (a criminal was short and had a big head as they had devolved). What is more, it was proven that Oscar Wilde, a lower class man who was six foot six, hence hugely different to the theories of Lombroso and Galton, was having a homosexual relationship with a member of the aristocracy. This furthered the idea of disease coming from the lower class and infecting the upper class. Plus, the book Dracula considers blood transfusions, and it is a parallel to the notion of separation in Victorian London. Blood passed into a normal persons body from a vampire and infected them, much like the lower class were infecting the upper class. Firstly, much alike other characters in the book, there is a clear and present duality between the characters (or character) Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. We are first introduced to Mr Hyde during the incident in which he tramples over a little girl in the street. He is described as a monster, not of this world: It wasnt like a man; it was like some damned Juggernaut. On any occasion that there is a portrayal of Hyde, we are made aware of his hellish actions and the actuality that someone either dislikes him, or more severely, wants to kill him: I had taken a loathing to my gentleman at first sight. So had the childs family, which was only natural. In the nature that he is referred to as a Juggernaut, we are told he is an unstoppable force, and he is therefore likened to Jack the Ripper who, although he should supposedly fit Lombroso and Galtons theories about criminal appearance, is impossible to catch. During the opening of the book, Hyde is in no way likened to a man, hence insinuating that there is something wrong with Hyde, and he may be like no other man, in either appearance or reality. Stevenson strengthens this notion by stating: he gave me one look, so ugly that it brought out the sweat on me like running. Despite this, Dr Jekyll is first construed as a, large, well-made, smooth-faced man of fifty. This gives the reader the impression that he is just an indifferent member of the upper class, hence suggesting that he is the exact opposite to Mr Hyde. Moreover, the fact that Jekyll is referred to as, Dr and Hyde is referred to as Mr suggests that Mr Hyde, a lower class person is polluting Dr Jekyll, an upper class person, fitting in with the common fear that the lower class would pollute and corrupt the idealistic upper class, therefore suggesting the duality of the East and West ends. The duality between Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at the time of the book could epitomize the concerns of Victorian society and the theories of evolution proposed by Charles Darwin. The theory enunciated that all human beings began as apes, and that we have developed throughout time to suit the environment, or to adapt, fitting the idea of survival of the fittest. The harsh fact that Mr Hyde has not yet been likened to man suggests he is devolved, and Stevenson is able to convey this point by stating that he clubbed him to the earth (in relation to the murder of Sir Charles Danvers). From this statement we are able to infer that Mr Hyde is now being likened to a caveman brandishing a club, a supposed early stage in the theory of evolution. What is more, Hyde is depicted to have, ape-like fury which even more so directly parallels him to Darwins theory. Sigmund Freud had proposed at the time was that a person has three parts; the id, the ego and the superego. The id was supposedly the unconscious mind, or inner desires, the ego being a conscious self, which was a front to interact with society, and finally the superego was the conscious feelings of disapproval that would be hidden away as the guilty conscious. Mr Hyde could be characterized as the id, as the unconscious mind providing us with physical drives and desires, thus allowing Hyde to live with no moral restraints or standards. On the other hand, Dr Jekyll can be perceived to be the ego, the conscious self being developed by the mind. He is fully conscious of his own actions. Mr Hyde or Hide is the id. We can consider that Hyde (the id) may be hiding within Hide. Furthermore, Dr Jekyll begins with the French word Je, or it can translate to I. Therefore, Jekyll who is the ego, can be seen as I or Stevenson could be the I in Jekyll, and he could be using him [Jekyll] as a puppet to convey a didactic message. Amid Stevensons one shilling shocker, there are numerous references to both science and religion. Scientific advances at the time intimate that Stevenson was trying to convey a didactic message by writing a highly controversial book. In chapter one, it was hellish to see is but one of the frequently occurring references to religion, along with describing Mr Hyde as, really like Satan. This indicates that Stevenson is trying to liken Mr Hyde to Satan, who at the time was thought to be the most evil creature in the universe, by some religious people. However, when describing the dark London night, the quote: all lighted up as if for a procession and all as empty as a church demonstrates conflicting ideas between science and religion. Stevenson is trying to bring one aspect of duality in Victorian society to a halt, by combining science, with relation to the street lamps, and religion with relation to the church. What is more the church is described as empty, ergo insinuating that science is constantly becoming more and more a part of Victorian society, gradually stripping religion of its influence. Stevenson utilises two different settings in which he presents the two main characters, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and this explores the conflicting backgrounds and personalities of the two men. In the instance that Mr Utterson is taken to the residence of Hyde in Soho, he enters his room and Stevenson delineates the room as being, furnished with luxury and good taste. This is a huge duality, as it would seem strange that Mr Hyde, having been characterized as such an evil looking, ugly man could have such a clean and well furnished room. Yet another quote, the closet filled with wine would indicate that Mr Hyde is a rich, thriving man and thus should be of a high status within Victorian society. What is more, we are enlightened that Mr Hyde has a: picture hung on the walls, a gift from Henry Jekyll, who was much of a connoisseur. This portrayal of the wall hanging and of the entire flat seems to give us more of a concept with regards to the type of accommodation that Dr Jekyll would live in, because of his status as a high class man. However, it is apparent Mr Hyde is living in the flat, due to the, dingy windowless structure and, distasteful sense of strangeness that Stevenson goes on to describe. Duality of the flat is found in the sense that in one judgement, the flat is elaborately and intricately decorated, but in another, it is dingy and distasteful. Dr Lanyon is a scientist, much like Dr Jekyll; however, although the two men share the same profession, they do not share the same ideas or moral values. Lanyon may be a scientist, yet he is still a very strong and motivated religious believer, and he tries to distance himself from Jekyll because of what seems to be his [Jekyll] lack of morals with regards to human life, my colleague [Dr Jekyll] was insane. Through Lanyon and Jekyll, Stevenson is able to convey the antithesis of science conflicting with religion, and how just as before, Lanyon and Jekyll should live together as friends and in peace, as potentially science and religion can. Throughout the book, references are made as to the duality between reality and appearance. Mr Utterson, a key featuring character in the book is given a detailed description in chapter one. He is described as, cold, scanty and embarrassed and he is referred to as, dreary which suggests that he is an extremely dull and irksome man who will play no major role in the book, due to the fact that he is so terribly tedious. Despite this, he is later referred to as, loveable and it is said that, something eminently human beaconed from his eye thus suggesting that he is a man who likes to keep to himself, but underlying emotions and feelings may expose the real person within, hence connoting duality between his human side, and his dreary, uncaring side. It is said in the Bible that, the eyes are the window to the soul consequently the fact that we are told something human is emerging from his eye suggests that he is not soulless and boring as suggested, there is an antithesis between his cold and harsh exterior, and his softer, more forgiving inside. Stevenson uses Utterson to convey a didactic message that Victorian society is too concerned with appearance, and too little attention is paid to reality. Additionally, there is a certain duality between the character associated with Mr Utterson, and his personality in reality. In the book it is stated that he: enjoyed the theatre but had not crossed the doors of one for twenty years. Over time, he has been able to work upon and build his image as a true, upper class gentleman. This can be regarded much like a poet spends an age perfecting a sonnet, and as part of this image, he must obey the rule that the theatre is the place of the common people, and not for someone of the stature of himself. Utterson was a, nut to crack intimating that he was really just a man who wanted to enjoy life hiding behind a shell of lies, yet out of fear for his reputation and status, this spirit of free will must be locked away. Throughout the short book, Stevenson has used more than one narrator to tell the story of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The book had effectively been written by society and it is highly reflective of Victorian life. Dr Lanyon narrates some of the book, along with Dr Jekyll narrating through his letter. This is extremely effective as it can tell the story in two parts, thus emphasising the split in Victorian society between the East and West end, and the lower and upper class. In conclusion, throughout the book, Stevenson has epitomised his ideas on the issues haunting an unstable Victorian society, and most definitely, the sentiment of allocation within this society due to the importance and lust for money is one that Stevenson strongly disagrees with, thus allowing him to passionately convey his didactic message to eliminate this divide. Furthermore, Stevenson is sickened by the paradox in which those as evil and immoral as Mr Hyde can live a luxurious lifestyle and do what they want when they want, regardless of the horrific deeds and actions which he has perpetrated. The dedication to Katharine De Mattos in a way conveys all of the didactic messages that Stevenson is attempting to display within the book: its ill to loose the bands that God decreed to bind suggests that what God has created should be cherished and ordered as he decides, and that science does not have the right to change what God has laid out. Furthermore, and finally, away from home intimates that we are far away from heaven, and our sins will drive us away from God. The word wind connotes a force of change, and a well know phrase can be likened to thi part of Stevensons dedication: one day the wind will change and your face will stay like that Although used as a modern day and light-hearted threat from a mother or father to their child, this is relevant to the book as potentially Dr Lanyon could uptake the father figure, whilst Henry Jekyll can appear as the child. Much as Dr Jekyll changed into Mr Hyde, we too can change from a faithful person with a well led life, to an arrogant and selfish person who had little if any moral values.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Evolution of Whales Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Papers
The Evolution of Whales Image sitting on the beach one July morning. The sun is beaming down and decide to go for a swim. As you approach the water, you see a whale unusually close. You begin to get nervous as it continues to approach the shore. However, you aren’t worried because you know that they are confined to the sea. As the whale comes near you can see it clearly. Just as you think that it will turn around, the whale walks out of the ocean! If you were to live during the tertiary period, this would be one of the things you would often see. All of the mammals that existed during that time period were terrestrial. They all were land dwelling mammals. Before J. G. M. Thewissen and colleagues’ discovery in Pakistan, many scientists believed, since the constant new discoveries twenty years ago, in what the numerous fossils from North America, Pakistan, and Egypt have revealed, â€Å"†¦these early cetaceans had mobile elbows and external hind limbs with articulated knees. However, they were fully aquatic, except for Ambulocetus, which was amphibious-much like sea lions†(Walking with Whales). Scientists had some idea to the evolutionary process of whales. â€Å"It has always been clear that aquatic cetaceans must have evolved from terrestrial mammals and returned to the water, and the forelimbs of recent cetaceans still have the same general pattern as that of land mammals.†(Walking with Whales) It was known fact that land mammals and whales were related. However, the change from ancient whales to modern whales is drastic. Today, we see much less of an obvious relationship of the cetaceans to the terrestrial mammals. â€Å"†¦Modern cetaceans are highly specialized, with numerous adaptations that allow them t... J. G. M. Thewissen and his colleagues changed the way in which scientists thought about the early lifestyles of whales. The evolution of the ancient artiodactyls was discovered to be joined with the well-known group of cetaceans. The tertiary period was a time of terrestrial life forms. Every mammal walked the earth. It wasn’t uncommon to see a whale running through the grasslands or shark sleeping on the coast of a land mass. It was a time when mammals roamed freely and unconfined by the limits of the ocean. Now that scientists have this newly found knowledge, it is time the scientists further investigate â€Å"why?†Works Cited Muizon, Christian De. Walking With Whales. Nature 413, 259-260. September 2001. Thewessen, J. G. M., Williams, E. M., Roe, L. J. & Hussain, S. T. Nature 413, 277-281. 2001.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Colgate Palmolive-Precision Toothbrush Case
COLGATE – PALMOLIVE COMPANY: THE PRECISION TOOTHBRUSH I-SYNOPSIS In 1992, Colgate-Palmolive (CP) was the global leader in household and personal care products like toothbrushes and toothpastes. In 1991, its sales topped at $6 billion and profits at $2. 76 billion and it cornered 43% of the world’s toothpaste market and 16% of the world’s toothbrush market. It was also the leader in retail toothbrush sales in the United States. Prior to the 1990s, consumers were satisfied with toothbrushes that were aesthetically pleasing. But the 1990s saw that baby boomers were becoming increasingly concerned with their oral health, specifically their gums. This led to a rise in the sales of therapeutic toothbrushes. The toothbrush industry experienced a massive influx of worthy competitors and this led to the formation of a niche, super-premium market. In order to gain an edge each competitor worked on developing new toothbrush technology, forming alliances with dental professionals, expanding advertising budgets and offering promotions that would grab consumer attention. In August 1992, Colgate – Palmolive was poised to launch a new toothbrush in the United States, tentatively named Colgate Precision in the super-premium market. Precision, was proven to be very effective in removing plaque – 35% more effective than existing brands – and in preventing gum disease. This advantage has been attributed to the innovative design, high-tech research using CAD and infrared scanning, consumer research and extensive product testing. CP’s Oral Care had been developing this technologically superior toothbrush for over three years. But the market was highly competitive with new products already in the fray. CP had to market Colgate Precision as per existing market strategies that include proposed strategies involving product, price, place, and promotion. The issues and Challenges, Analysis and Recommendations of the case are enumerated in the succeeding paragraphs. II-SSUES AND CHALLENGES In 1991, CPs sales topped at $6 billion and profits at $2. 76 billion and it cornered 43% of the world’s toothpaste market and 16% of the world’s toothbrush market. In the United States, the world’s largest market, Colgate-Palmolive held the number one spot in toothbrush sales with a market share of 23%. Its international sales accounted for 64% of total sales and profits account for 67% of the total profits from international operations. The impending release of Colgate-Palmolive’s new toothbrush, Precision, may affect sales of its existing toothbrush lines. This may lead to a â€Å"cannibalization†of the Colgate Plus and Colgate Classic’s market of up by 35% to 60%. of the expected Colgate Precision sales. Since the existing toothbrush lines are the â€Å"cash cows†of the company’s oral care division, a dismal performance by the new Colgate-Palmolive Precision might drain the â€Å"cash cows†of its their resources market share altogether. Colgate-Palmolive’s media expenditure layout is very small compared to its rivals. It spent only $7 million dollars on marketing Colgate-Palmolive Plus. Since media exposure fuels consumer demand for a new product, this is one area where Colgate-Palmolive needs to have its expenditures equivalent to that of its rivals. Colgate-Palmolive’s media expenditure layout is very small compared to its rivals. CP could be positioned as a niche product to be targeted at consumers concerned about gum disease as such; it could command the 15% premium over Oral-B and would be expected to capture 3% of the US tooth brush market by the end of first year following its launch. Alternatively Precision could be positioned as a mainstream brush with the broader appeal of being the most effective brush available on the market. It was estimated that as a mainstream product, Precision could capture 10% of the market by the end of the first year. CP already had another toothbrush in the mainstream toothbrush, but didn’t have any in the super premium niche position. Other decisions that will follow the positioning decision would be price, distribution channels, advertising and promotion planning. If it is positioned as mainstream right away then not only will it cannibalize Colgate Plus, which is one tier below the super-premium category, but will have leave CP without a product in the super premium category which is the largest customer segment and Oral-B is virtually unrivalled in that space. Challenges Because of the recent market saturation, the various producers of oral health care products have rushed to offer promotional incentives including two-for-one, buy-one-get-one-free and mail-in refund coupon deals. With the increase of in-store advertising, toothbrushes and toothpastes have been found to sell 170% better when located in close proximity. The most worrisome threats to CP are from the company itself. If CP were to release the Precision brush into the mainstream market as the â€Å"Colgate Precision,†not only would it knock the children’s Plus brush off of the shelves, it would also cannibalize its flagship Plus model. III-ANALYSIS In the year 1993, budget was increased to cater for overall toothbrush ads and promotion budget by $19. 2m (80%over estimated $24m). $32. 5m was devoted to precision, $10. m to Colgate plus. The advertisements focused on prevention of gum disease, toothbrush effectiveness so as to develop superiority claim for Precision. Customers picked their brushes based on features, comfort, personal recommendation and health and hygiene. As a consequence they were willing to pay premium for products addressing these concerns.. 82% of toothbrush purcha ses were unplanned. 46% of adults were therapeutic brushers. 85% brushed daily. 85% used professional brush and 54% flossed regularly. Their major brands were Oral B Angle, Oral B Regular and Colgate Plus. In 1992 CP had a principal toothbrush brand Market share of 26% and was followed by Oral B and Johnson & Johnson with market shares of 23% and 22% respectively. CP had the highest market share of 26% in Food stores and 39% in Mass merchandisers but had a dismal 17% market share in drug stores where Oral B had a highest market share of 31%. Thus CP needed to increase its focus in the drugstore channel. Colgate precision was priced at $2. 02 in the niche category and $1. 76 as a mainstream product. The manufacture cost per unit of Colgate precision was $0. 66 in the niche category and $0. 4 as a mainstream product. Industry Analysis Not only can the industry be broken down by price models (super-premium, professional, and value), it can broken down a second time into niche and mainstream offerings. Consumers of this industry can be sorted into three categories: therapeutic, cosmetic, and uninvolved. Competitive Analysis One promising conclusion that can be drawn from the competitive an alysis is that every company has been caught off guard by the change in consumer behavior, emergence of new technology, and introduction of new players entering the playing field. For example, in 1988, Johnson & Johnson introduced â€Å"new brush technology†only to phase it out by 1992. In order to get an edge, competitors, Johnson & Johnson, Oral-B, Procter & Gamble, and Smithkline Beecham (latter two are new competitors), are offering promotions in the form of coupons, mail-in refunds, and bundles. Environmental Analysis With 43% of the global toothpaste market and 16% of the global toothbrush market, CP has defined itself a leader of household and personal care products worldwide, and positioned itself as the number one retailer of toothbrush products in the United States. Because of its good standing relationship with retail stores, it is able to position its products on the middle shelf, right between its competitors, Reach and Oral-B. Although industry players are manufacturing products to improve oral health, it has been difficult to educated consumers of the importance of preventing gum disease (which is a common motivator to improve dental care habits). One major advantage that the competitor, Oral-B is, it is recommended by dental professionals. IV-RECOMMENDATIONS Opportunities In consumer tests, majority of consumers are willing to experiment with new brands/models, CP could make being new, different, and effective the major tenants of its marketing messaging; along with including messaging concerning their incredible ability to fight gum disease, it should have a rock solid campaign. Price Precision should be positioned as niche category in the price category $2. 29
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma Essay
One very debatable ethical dilemma in today’s society is euthanasia. Euthanasia, like any other medical treatment should be seen as a choice. As a society, there are obligations to the sick that should be up held, but morally and legally may not be supportable. There are many aspects that go with this choice besides the obligation. There are also stakeholders to consider as well as social values, morals and religious implications. Euthanasia is Greek for good death which translates into English as easy death or mercy killing. It was accepted by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Three Asian religious traditions accept euthanasia: Buddhism, Shintoism, and Confucianism. It was rejected by the 3 main monotheistic religions: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. It has its supporters and opponents in all countries. Two types of patients are involved in euthanasia: (a) a patient in a persistent vegetative state who is awake but is not aware of self or the environment. Such a patient has no higher brain functions and is kept alive on artificial life support (b) patient in terminal illness with a lot of pain, psychological suffering and loss of dignity. The patient may or may not be on life support. There are different types of euthanasia. Active euthanasia, an act of commission, is taking some action that leads to death like a fatal injection. Passive euthanasia, an act of omission, is letting a person die by taking no action to maintain life. Passive euthanasia can be withholding or withdrawing water, food, drugs, medical or surgical procedures, resuscitation like CPR, and life support such as the respirator. The patient is then left to die from the underlying disease. Sometimes a distinction is made between normal nutrition and hydration on one hand and medical nutritional support involving intravenous and naso-gastric feeding on the other hand. Euthanasia can be by the patient or by the health care giver. Euthanasia can be voluntary when the pat ient takes the decision, non-voluntary when the decision is made by another person for an unconscious patient and involuntary when the decision is made contrary to the patient’s wish. There are ethical implications of European and American arguments for and against euthanasia. Two arguments are made for active euthanasia: (a) mercy killing because of pain, psychological and physical suffering (b) the utilitarian argument is that euthanasia is desirable because it relieves the misery of the terminally ill. Two arguments are made against active euthanasia: (a) killing is morally wrong and is forbidden by religion (b) unexpected cures or procedures may be discovered to reverse the terminal condition. Nurses are the gatekeepers of the healing facility, although they may have their own outlooks based on their own ethical, cultural, and religious views (LeBaron, 2010). There are always value conflicts when it comes to euthanasia, which can be demonstrated by examining utilitarianism and rights. The nursing practice should be to keep patients alive, do no harm, do everything possible to save the life, and do good to everyone by respecting the right or autonomy of the individual patient. Although most of Americans presently think that physician-assisted suicide should be legal and no existing federal laws prohibiting the practice of euthanasia in United States, voluntary/assisted euthanasia is yet considered illegal and killing in all of the States but in Oregon, Washington, and soon Montana (Webster, 2009). First, Oregon and recently Washington passed a Death with Dignity Act and are actually the only places where euthanasia in terminally ill patients is legally and openly authorized (Blizzard, 2012). In 2009’s Baxter v. Montana case, the Montana Supreme Court declared that no law in state constitution stops patients from practicing voluntary/assisted euthanasia (O’Reilley, 2010). Any time the legislature can act to join Oregon and Washington in the public arena. According to both States’ laws, an adult competent patient must address three witnessed solicitations, two verbally and one in writing, to his/her attending physician for a fatal medica tion. Then the patient administers the dose on her/ his own. Obviously, the Death with Dignity Act unambiguously bans assisted euthanasia that obliges another person than the patient to take part in administering the medication (Exit International Australia, 2012). As euthanasia is observed from a diversity of different perspective, the stake holders’ opinions are considered. In front comes the patient who wishes and requests to discontinue her/his life in respect to human right to select the time and manner of death when she/ he is terminal ill by stopping unwanted, burdensome and/or futile medical treatment. Other people entrusted with the euthanasia dilemma include physicians/healthcare professionals, the family, insurance companies, religious groups, and the government. The second stakeholder is families that have to admit and follow the desires of their loved one to die in nobility. The involvement in this kind of decision may be an unbearable load for some families who would be would be either not ready to let their darling one go, which could generate a catch-22 mainly if they are bending patient’s wishes, or emotionally scarred by the death. Other stakeholders in this situation are physicians and other practitioners who might come across a real impasse because the euthanasia breaches the â€Å"do no harm†Hippocratic Oath. The insurance companies may drive the patient in opting for death to conserve the money on an individual who does not hope of staying alive. Some religious groups are against euthanasia and consider it a suicide. Lastly the government intervenes in the stake holder in this state of affairs in defensive position for citizen from illegal measures. Voluntary/assisted euthanasia is an ethical dilemma, and creates issues and disagreements amongst those involved (Gore, 2012). Netherland and Belgium are the two countries in the world to legalize euthanasia. In the US, Oregon and Washington also legalized euthanasia. The main barriers to legalize euthanasia are the government, religion, fear, education and the media. More religious people are against euthanasia. Education also plays a major role in euthanasia. The more education a person has he/she believes all individuals have the right to autonomy and therefore the person has the right to decide to end their life. Euthanasia has pros and cons. Pros include relief from pain, relief from low quality or vegetative state of life, relief from financial strain on health care system and the resources can be used for other people. The cons include family members can kill another family member if they don’t like them or reduce financial burden, loss of respect of human life and according to religious view God can only choose when to end life. In Euthanasia legalized countries, such as palliative care nurses in Belgium have important roles and responsibilities in working with euthanasia requested by patients and their families. The nurse involvement starts when the patient requests to euthanasia and ends by supporting family and loved ones. They are in key positions to provide valuable care to the patient and family. Nurses assist the health care team after the life threatening procedure. Pain management and comfort care are their main goals at that time. Nurses are open-minded and have unique relationships with the patient and family. â€Å"In the twentieth century, a number of social and technological changes made euthanasia a morally acceptable choice to growing numbers of people†(Wells, 2006). There are two types of ethical theories that are going to be focused on. The first is utilitarianism, which is an action that is morally correct if its consequence is good for the greatest numbers. It generally focuses on the greatest good for the greatest number, and neglects the individual rights. The other theory is called deontology, which takes into consideration the way something is to be done and not just on the consequences of that action. One may tell a lie to the doctor, just to save a friend but doesnâ₠¬â„¢t think of the grave consequences they have to suffer later on. A person making a voluntary euthanasia uses the utilitarianism theory when making such a judgment. One might choose to voluntarily do euthanasia if the person has reached an all-time low and the only other option is to the act. The person has to have thoroughly thought about the consequences and make sure his or her judgment is not biased or is not taken personal. There are certain conditions that apply for one to request voluntary euthanasia. Conditions are an unlikelihood of recovering from a cure, suffering from a terminal illness, and most importantly, they must have a voluntary wish to die. As can be seen by the multiple views of the authors, euthanasia is not an easy topic to side on. Due to many religious beliefs, one may feel euthanasia is wrong. But as a nurse that sees suffering every day, this same person would support euthanasia if not condemned by his/her religion. With the support of the ‘do no harm’ belief, it can also be construed that assisting in euthan asia is not doing harm, but preventing harm for those with chronic severe pain. There is no nationwide movement for the majority of the states to legislate for euthanasia, but thankfully there are two, soon to be three compassionate states that have in-acted this law. References Blizzard, R. (2002). Right to die or dead to rights? Retrieved from Euthanasia: The nurses role (2011). Issues in nursing. Retrieved on 10/3/12 from Nursing students Exit International Australia (2012). Death with Dignity in Oregon (soon to be Montana. Retrieved from Gore, J. (2011) Stakeholders in Euthanasia. Retrieved from LeBaron Jr, G. (2010). The ethics of euthanasia. Retrieved October 3, 2012, from Purtilo, R., & Doherty, R. (2011). Ethical dimensions in the health professions (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Task Force on the Nurse’s Role in End-of-Life Decisions, 2011. (2011). Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 8(1). Webster, B. (2009). Assisted Suicide/Voluntary Euthanasia. International debate education association. UK. Retrieved from Wells, K. R., Frey, R. (2006). The gale encyclopedia of nursing and allied health ed. In J. L. LONGE (Ed.), (2 ed., Vol. 2, pp. 993-996). DETROIT, GALE
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Papal Rites And Rituals
Title: â€Å"Papal Rites and Rituals of Death†Exact Purpose: After hearing my speech the audience will be made well aware of the Series of events that must take place in the Roman Catholic Church after the death of a Pope. INTRODUCTION Attention- getter: Since the Saturday of April 2nd 2005 we have been witnessing history in the making! The death of Pope John Paul II has set off a series of rites and rituals that have existed since the founding of the Roman Catholic Church. Credibility: I am and have always been a practicing Roman Catholic, which gives me some experience with in the church. Too add to my credibility I also happen to be a History major and I am currently enrolled in a class that has a focus on the history of religion. Audience motivation: The topic I am addressing today happens to be a current event. In the world we are living in today it is extremely important to have a comprehensive understanding of the events going on around us even if it does not have a direct effect on us. Purpose: The three main points I would like to cover today about these rituals are: Preview: 1) The rituals that take place at the moment of a Pontiff’s death. 2) The lying in state, funeral, and nine day mourning period that surrounds the death of a Pope. 3) Papal election. How it works, what events take place, and what occurs when a new Pontiff is elected. BODY I. What rituals have taken place in the past and will take place in the present at the moment of a Pope’s death A. In Medieval times the Camerlengo (papal chief of staff) was to tap the Pontiff’s forehead three times with a small silver hammer. Each time he was to call out the childhood name of the Pope. When no response occurs the Camerlengo formally declares the Pontiff dead and fills out a death certificate. B. The tapping of the Pope’s forehead was done in the past due to the lack of modern medicine. The church now keeps with... Free Essays on Papal Rites And Rituals Free Essays on Papal Rites And Rituals Title: â€Å"Papal Rites and Rituals of Death†Exact Purpose: After hearing my speech the audience will be made well aware of the Series of events that must take place in the Roman Catholic Church after the death of a Pope. INTRODUCTION Attention- getter: Since the Saturday of April 2nd 2005 we have been witnessing history in the making! The death of Pope John Paul II has set off a series of rites and rituals that have existed since the founding of the Roman Catholic Church. Credibility: I am and have always been a practicing Roman Catholic, which gives me some experience with in the church. Too add to my credibility I also happen to be a History major and I am currently enrolled in a class that has a focus on the history of religion. Audience motivation: The topic I am addressing today happens to be a current event. In the world we are living in today it is extremely important to have a comprehensive understanding of the events going on around us even if it does not have a direct effect on us. Purpose: The three main points I would like to cover today about these rituals are: Preview: 1) The rituals that take place at the moment of a Pontiff’s death. 2) The lying in state, funeral, and nine day mourning period that surrounds the death of a Pope. 3) Papal election. How it works, what events take place, and what occurs when a new Pontiff is elected. BODY I. What rituals have taken place in the past and will take place in the present at the moment of a Pope’s death A. In Medieval times the Camerlengo (papal chief of staff) was to tap the Pontiff’s forehead three times with a small silver hammer. Each time he was to call out the childhood name of the Pope. When no response occurs the Camerlengo formally declares the Pontiff dead and fills out a death certificate. B. The tapping of the Pope’s forehead was done in the past due to the lack of modern medicine. The church now keeps with...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Causes And Effects Of Abortion Essay Example
Causes And Effects Of Abortion Essay Example Causes And Effects Of Abortion Paper Causes And Effects Of Abortion Paper Introduction: Abortion means expiration of gestation – it can either be self-generated or induced. Spontaneous is known as abortion, while induced merely means expiration of a gestation which is planned. Recently, the statistics have shown an addition in abortion rate twelvemonth after twelvemonth. Abortion can do by societal, economic or pregnant adult females wellness status as good. However, it will take to a figure of negative consequence toward pregnant women’ wellness, and societal as excessively. Abortion is an activity banned in certain state, such as North Carolina and Hawaii (Countrywide abortion process prohibitionupdate1998 ) . This activity can specify as a expiration of gestation ; it can be either self-generated or induced. Spontaneous is known as abortion, while induced merely means that expiration of a gestation which is planned (Abortion2001 ) . The latest statistics have shown an addition in abortion rate twelvemonth by twelvemonth, it is unfavourable fact. It can do by societal, economic or pregnant adult females wellness status as good. However, it will take to a figure of negative effects toward pregnant woman’s wellness and societal excessively. Social issue can be one of the large factors which cause abortion rate addition twenty-four hours after twenty-four hours, such as offense act. We are unable to deny that the frequence of offense instances in our state is somewhat high. There is a existent instance which takes topographic point in the old month, April, which a pupil from Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman ( Ktar ) was rape by the college’s security guard, the victim is merely 18 old ages old, because of this bad experience, the victim it will be confront with long term influence, which mean that she will non merely impact in the facet of physically but besides physiology, and it likely need to take some clip to bring around towards the bad incident and unfortunate. For those gestations result from colza or insect, these adult females who are victims of the assaults frequently seen abortions (Abortion- Reasons for abortions2007 ) . Incest can be defined as sexual dealingss between individuals who are so closely related t hat their matrimony is illegal or forbidden by usage (Incest2001 ) . The chance of the foetus get from incest will be malformation is somewhat high because the parties may hold blood-relation between themselves. Most of the adult females, nevertheless, decide to hold an abortion because the gestation will represents a job in their hereafter and current lives every bit good. Besides that, there is besides an grounds abounds that a high proportion of adult females become pregnant accidentally, in both developed and developing states. In the United States and in some Eastern European states for which informations are available, approximately on-half to three-fifths of all gestations are unintended, and a big proportion of these are resolved through abortion. And in many developing states, the proportion of recent births that are unintended exceeds 40 % . The degree of unintended gestation for developing states would be even higher if more accurate abortion information were available, s ince most abortions represent, by definition, unintended gestations (Reasons why adult females have induced abortions: grounds1998 ) . Education degree in a certain state may impact the thought of the abortion pattern in the public head. However, lower degree of instruction perchance will promote the people enter into a insouciant sexual relationship which will leads to pregnancy with no chance of matrimony. Even if the sexual relationship is more than insouciant, abortion is may be needed because a adult female decides that the societal position of the male is improper (Abortion- Reasons for abortions2007 ) . Sexually active adolescents are at an immediate hazard of going pregnant or geting a sexually familial infection. Young sexually active teens are much less likely than older teens to utilize contraceptive method systematically, nevertheless, the huge bulk of teenage gestations are unintended, and near to half of those inadvertent gestations which is 45 % terminal in an abortio n. Teenss may take to hold an abortion because they have concerns about how the babe would alter their lives, for illustration finishing their instruction, and they will worry about the fiscal jobs, or they feel that they are non mature plenty to go a parent, abortion degrees can worsen if the high rate of unintended gestations is reduced or if more pregnant teens are transporting their gestation to term (Adolescent abortions2003 ) . In add-on, immature pregnant adult females will be short of experience in taking attention the babe, and so they besides unable to anticipate the baby’s subsequently life, because of that, they may make up ones mind to end the gestation instead than transport on the foetus. In certain state, such as China, they have carried out a policy which the authorities tend to command the population in their state, which is one kid per household policy, this policy was using in twelvemonth 1980 (Abortion in China2001 ) . Introduction of this policy has cont ributed to the increased quickly in the figure of abortion and there are studies show that forced abortions are uncommon presents. In several alone fortunes, the gestation adult females can be legalising by obtaining the blessing from the population governments. Therefore, those adult females who are from urban country in China show higher possibility to achieve the permission to transport more than a kid (Illegal births and legal abortion – the instance of China2005 ) . Besides, abortion is a legal pattern in Brazil if it is the lone means to salvage the woman’s life or if the gestation is the consequence of colza. Although this has been the jurisprudence for over 60 old ages, it has about neer been applied until recent old ages. In the past five old ages, the figure of infirmaries supplying attention to adult females victims of sexual force has increased from 4 to 63, of which 40 people are presently supplying legal abortion (Making legal abortion accessible in Brazi l2002 ) . Furthermore, status of an economic in certain state will give an impact to the statistic of abortion in a state, such as during unemployment, rising prices and deflation. A merely define that rising prices is where a state of affairs that ‘too much money trailing excessively few goods’ , and this will act upon straight toward the distribution attack in the market (Inflation2000 ) . On the other manus, unemployment is where a state of affairs the worker wants to work, but is unable to work and it may hold advantages every bit good as disadvantages for the overall economic system, notably, it may assist turn away from rising prices, which will negatively impact about everyone in the economic system (Unemployment2007 ) . During a high unemployment rate, there will be recession in market, which the employee will confront fiscal trouble to afford an extra kid and every bit good as the parents and the bing kids. If this happen, the pregnant adult females will believe about whe ther they should transport on or end the gestation. In contrast, while there is roar in the economic, and so there will be a different pick on the pregnant adult females. While sometimes the parents will do a determination to take on an abortion, where there is a chance in their calling and they are unwilling to give the cherished chance. Some will believe the parents are barbarous and selfish, but we are non them and we will non cognize the state of affairs and feeling on them. Yet, economic roar will advance international concern in the state, and the people will derive benefit through it, such as advanced in engineering. International concerns encourage exchange of cognition and experience between the states, and it will construct good relation between states. As we know, Japan ever following and possessing the progress engineering and technique among the states ; many people in our state are fancy to acquire trained from them. Unable to deny that, failure rate in our state have been minimized by the advancing of medical technique in our country’s which compare to old phase and presently the people are become more assurance with our country’s medical system, and technique and they are willing to transport out some high hazard operation, such as bosom operation. Recently, our state ex-prime curate has successfully done the bosom operation in Malaysia. Subsequent to this incident, some of the pregnant adult females will perchance more assurance, and fewer dying toward the possibility of failure in an abortion, and so they are able to do a quicker determination when they in the pick of either terminate or carry on the gestation. A worst wellness status of the pregnant adult females may non promote to transporting on the gestation, because there will be a hazard to the foetus and the pregnant adult females excessively. Womans who use drugs frequently will endure from serious wellness jobs, sexually transmitted diseases, and mental wellness jobs. Surveies have found that at least 70 per centum of adult females who are drug users have been sexually abused by the age of 16. Drugs usage is a serious wellness job for many grounds. Womans who use drugs may at the hazard of going infected with HIV, which it is a virus that causes AIDS. These viruses can be spread through acerate leaf used to shoot drugs. As a consequence, adult females who inject drugs and portion acerate leafs are particularly at the hazard. A female parent who uses drugs may perchance menace her life and her baby’s. When a pregnant adult female uses drugs, she and her unborn kid may confront serious wellness jobs. For case, during gestation , the drugs used by the female parent can come in the baby’s blood stream. The consequence on the babe can be HIV infection, AIDS, prematurely, low birth weight, little caput size, hapless motor accomplishments and behaviour jobs. The female parent who is go oning drug usage will set her kids at hazard for disregard, physical maltreatment and malnutrition (Pregnancy and drug usage2001 ) . In add-on, drug maltreatment may besides do scraggy babes, birth defects or backdown symptoms after birth. For those pregnant adult females who are infected with serious injuries of wellness, and they will be advice by physician which come to an terminal of the gestation instead than convey on, because the virus perchance will convey to the babe during gestation, labour and bringing, and through breastfeeding. If the pregnant adult females no take any preventative drugs and breastfeeds so the opportunity of her babe going infected by the virus is around 20-45 % (HIV AIDS A ; Pregnancy2007 ) . Although gestation is frequently portrayed as a clip of great joy, that is non world for all adult females. At least one in 10 pregnant adult females will be suffers with depression. For old ages, experts erroneously believed that gestation endocrines protected against depression, go forthing adult females more in danger to the unwellness merely after the babe was born and their endocrine degrees plunged. They now believe that the encephalon chemical science will be interrupt in the rapid addition in endocrine degrees at the start of gestation and lead to depression. Hormonal alterations will do the pregnant adult females experience more dying than usual. Anxiety is another status where that can and should be treated during gestation (Depression during gestation2005 ) . In these yearss, there are many immature adult females in high school or college find out themselves pregnant and they are confront with emotional troubles, which is due to that they are unprepared to come in pare ntage and raise a kid, or they are excessively immature to make so and non hold a dependable spouse with who to raise a kid. Besides that, they are required to take either go oning instruction which can last economically in their ulterior life or dropping out to hold the babe. Young twosomes who are merely get downing their lives together and want kids might prefer go financially unafraid first to supply better attention for their future kids. In add-on, the wellness of the babe will be affected if the pregnant adult females are covering with mentally troubles, such as anxiousness and emphasis. In contrast, status of a foetus during the gestation period will non merely due to mental unwellness of the pregnant adult females, the life style of the pregnant adult females will give a large impact toward the baby’s strength. For those pregnant adult females who take in intoxicant on a regular basis, smoking and any others bad wont will all supply a serious impact to the babe, whic h the possibility of carry an unnatural babe is highly high. While the pregnant adult females smoking during gestation period will go through nicotine and cancer-causing drugs to the babe and fume will besides maintain the babe from acquiring nourishment and raises the hazard of spontaneous abortion or premature birth. On the other manus secondhand fume exposure will do disease and premature decease in kids and grownup who do non smoke. For those kids who are exposed to secondhand fume are at increased in the hazard for sudden baby decease syndrome, ear jobs, and more terrible asthma (Health injuries from secondhand fume2007 ) . Alcohol can do life long physical and behavioural jobs in the kids, including Fetal Alcohol Syndrome ( FAS ) , which mean it will do the babe mental deceleration, unnatural facial characteristics, growing jobs, vision or hearing jobs, all this causes will be stopping points for a life clip, and there is no remedy for this. So, if the pregnant adult females a re making so, the wellness attention supplier can urge plans, such as abortion, to assist you discontinue and so the pregnant adult females and the babe will be better off (Pregnancy and substance maltreatment2007 ) . In contrast, relationship with hubby or spouse and household members will impact the pregnant adult females judgement. About all of the adolescent gestation, will non back up by their household members, because they believe that though of the adolescent gestation are still immature and they are unable to educate their kid in the right manner, due to this the household members will propose them to end the gestation. Because of resistance of the immature gestation will experience homeless and though of terminate the baby’s life even suicide. In add-on, if the relationship with spouse or hubby had broken up before or since gestation discovered it will as a consequence of why adult females have abortions (Reasons why adult females have abortions2002 ) . If there is a job in the relationship between pregnant adult females and the hubby or spouse and will take to the pregnant adult females decides to abort the kid because she does non desire to be a individual parent (Abortion: Professionals and cons1999 ) . On the other manus, if in a household which the hubby is lending the chief fiscal support, and one time they have broke up or divorce, the pregnant adult females may believe to abortion alternatively of transporting on which due to the gestation adult females will non be able to work for a certain period and so she will hold no sufficient fiscal support during and after gestation clip. Furthermore, abortion may besides do by the hubby or spouse or the pregnant adult females are in gaol or prison because misdemeanor of subject, which this incident is force to end the babe and non abort with willingness. In the sentiment of Pro-life people, they believed ‘psychological harm’ is one of the effects of abortion. They argue that adult females will acquire atrocious incubuss of their kids after they have abortion, and they will repent and experience guilty about their determination. They physical effects from the abortion normally appear in the hereafter, such as tubal gestation and asepsis. Peoples from the pro-life group have grounds that abortion can breast malignant neoplastic disease and the worst physical consequence is decease, it’s recoded that 200 adult females have died from legal abortion since 1973 (Abortion: Professionals and cons1999 ) . For those adult females who decide to take on an abortion, they must be willing to bear the effects after the abortion neither it is physiology nor psychological. The worst physical consequence is decease, in record, there are 200 adult females have died from legal abortion since 1973 (Abortion: Professionals and cons1999 ) . In add-on, about 60 per centum of adult females who experience of abortion followup a study with self-destructive ideation, with 28 per centum really trying suicide, of which half attempted suicide two or more times. Research workers in Finland have identifies a strong statistical association between abortion and self-destruction in a records based survey. They identified 73 self-destructions associated within one twelvemonth to a gestation stoping either of course or by induced abortion. The average one-year self-destruction rate for all adult females was 11.3 per 100,000. The suicide rate associated with birth was significantly lower at 5.9 per 100,000 (Aborti on hurts adult females psychologically and emotionally1999 ) . There is another instance where excessively much blood run off during abortion may take to both female parent and the babe or either one decease. There is a hazard in executing abortion, and if the pregnant adult females decide to take the hazard, and so she must lament to digest the deduction which due to abortion. Harmonizing to Cr. M. C. Pike, at University of Southern California in 1981, he has demonstrated a direct association of induced abortion with chest malignant neoplastic disease. He surveies 163 adult females who developed chest malignant neoplastic disease before age 33, and compared them with 272 controls. He showed that if a adult female had aborted her first gestation, her alteration of developing chest malignant neoplastic disease was increased by a factor of 2.4 times (Breast malignant neoplastic disease2006 ) . While there is another position with hazard of abortion, which in February 2003, the US Nati onal Cancer Institute ( NCI ) held a workshop of more than 100 of the world’s taking experts who study gestation and chest malignant neoplastic disease hazard. The experts’ appraisal bing human and carnal surveies on the relationship between gestation and chest malignant neoplastic disease hazard, including surveies of induced and self-generated abortions. Among their decision, chest malignant neoplastic disease hazard will increased after a term gestation, which is a gestation that consequences in the birth of populating kid or abort it (Can holding an abortion cause or contribute to chest malignant neoplastic disease2007 ) . In another word, chest malignant neoplastic disease may due to hormonal alterations during gestation ; moreover, alteration in endocrine will do the disableds of the neonate in ulterior gestations. Post abortion syndrome ( PAS ) is a term that has been used to depict the emotional and psychological cost of abortion, in order to get by with the em otional hurting that accompanies abortion ; adult female may develop a set of opposition mechanisms to support their determination. They may include rationalisation, repression, and compensation. Furthermore, there may hold several symptoms of PAS, where some will happen instantly after an abortion and other may take months or even old ages to come up. One of it is strong feeling of guilty, which is a normal reaction that normally surface after the adult female acknowledge that abortion is incorrect and that she is responsible for perpetrating her ain abortion (Physical and psychological complications of abortion2002 ) . For those who are experiencing highly guilty, they will reiterate and persistently dreams or even nightmare which is about the kid. In add-on, where a new research from New Zealand has confirmed that abortion well increases the hazard for mental wellness jobs, such as anxiousness and depression in immature adult females. Harmonizing to David Fergussen, psychological science professor, had found a comparative rate of mental health-related concerns, such as a inclination to suicide, and drug and intoxicant maltreatment were all significantly increased in adult females with a past history of abortion (New research supports abortion-mental wellness hazard claims2007 ) . A societal will squarely act upon 1s behavior, and there are some people who are reasoning that abortion is morally incorrect on the footing that a foetus is an guiltless homo being, nevertheless, there are still a group of people who are non agree with that (Abortion argument2007 ) . If a society allows the people to transport out abortion lawfully, the peace in a state will be affected, because the people will now go more barbarous and unethical, which they will neer experience any guilty after the making any offense act, such as abortion, and so the society will be panic. On the other manus, the acting of offense will increase unconsciously due to the immorality of the human. Besides that, in the underdeveloped state, there may perchance originate an incident where the citizens are deficiency of information about the sexually intercourse, therefore the people there are incognizant sing the cause and consequence of abortion and insouciant sexual pattern. Because of the ignorant, wi ll confidence the populace to transport out insouciant sexual relationship among the adolescents. Furthermore, this will hike up in the of infection venereal disease due to violence in sexual activity, such as AIDS, which are common in these yearss (Nine grounds why abortions should be illegal2001 ) . In drumhead, issues arise in societal, economic and wellness status of pregnant adult females will do an abortion activity taking topographic point. Besides, the will be some specific impact which due to the abortion. Crime rate in a state is somewhat related to the abortion, because gestation consequence from colza will be an unwanted kid, and the pregnant adult females will make up ones mind to abort it. Additionally, knowing in a certain state will impact the thought of abortion in the populace, and regulation and ordinances of a state will give an impact to the people as good. However, inclination of economic will exemplify in the rate of the abortion rate, for illustration, during high unemployment rate, the abortion rate will travel high every bit good, and it may due to the fiscal job which will face by the household subsequently. Next, engineering progressing in a state, will promote the people to take on an abortion, because the hazard of failure can be minimize, and so thei r concern. In fact, lifestyle and wellness status of pregnant adult females are linked, for case, those adult females who are drug maltreatment will show an impact toward the foetus, which is a life long impact. Abortion may take topographic point where there is a affair arise either with hubby or household member and it will act upon the esthesis of the pregnant adult females. Nonetheless, abortion could come along with the deduction either mentally or physiology or both fondness, such as experiencing guilty and depression. Besides that, they will besides be infected with chest malignant neoplastic disease, or even decease during or after the abortion. Subsequently, societal will besides be affected if the abortion carries out lawfully in a certain fatherland. As a decision, abortion will certainly take to a bad inclination in society, so authorities should play their function, which control the abortion activities, guarantee that, there is a good ground for abortion, and non the g round of experiencing funny toward sexual intercourse. Besides, pregnant adult females should aware about the cause and consequence of abortion and guarantee that you and your spouse are free from genital disease, which mean that carry out the sex in a safe status. R E F E R E N C E Abortion2001. Retrieved: October 31, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Abortion argument2007. Retrieved: 2 November, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Abortion_debate # Ethical_debate Abortion hurts adult females psychologically and emotionally1999. Retrieved: 31 October, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // % 20Sheet % 20on % 20abortion emotional % 20risks.pdf Abortion in China2001. Retrieved: October 28, 2007, fromhypertext transfer protocol: //www.abortiontv. com/Misc/ChinaAbortions.htm Abortion: Professionals and cons1999. Retrieved: 1 November, 2007, fromhypertext transfer protocol: //www.lclark. edu/~krauss/advwrf99/causeeffect/felixcause.html Abortion- Reasons for abortions2007. Retrieved: October 30, 2007, fromhypertext transfer protocol: //family. Breast malignant neoplastic disease2006. Retrieved: 1 November, 2007, fromhypertext transfer protocol: //www.abortionfacts. com/online_books/love_them_both/why_cant_we_love_them_both_23.asp Can holding an abortion cause or contribute to chest malignant neoplastic disease2007. Retrieved: 31 October, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // an_ Abortion_Cause_or_Contribute_to_Breast_Cancer.asp Depression during gestation2005. Retrieved: 31 October, 2007, fromhypertext transfer protocol: // # articlesection0 Health injuries from secondhand fume2007. Retrieved: 1 November, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // HIV AIDS A ; Pregnancy2007. Retrieved: 1 November, 2007, fromhypertext transfer protocol: //www.avert. org/pregnancy.htm Illegal births and legal abortion – the instance of China2005. Retrieved: October 28, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // artid=1215519 Incest2001. Retrieved: November 1, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Inflation2000. Retrieved: October 31, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Glossary.nsf/b551f2529ff409b742256b41004c6a7e/b6de54fdff3ee35442256b430 02f6fc7? OpenDocument Making legal abortion accessible in Brazil2002. Retrieved: October 29, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // New research supports abortion-mental wellness hazard claims2007. Retrieved: 2 November, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Nine grounds why abortions should be illegal2001. Retrieved: 31, October, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Countrywide abortion process prohibition update1998. Retrieved: October 31, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // # countrywide Physical and psychological complications of abortion2002. Retrieved: 31 October, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Pregnancy and drug usage2001. Retrieved: October 29, 2007, fromhypertext transfer protocol: //www.pregnancy. org/article.php? sid=1201 Pregnancy and substance maltreatment2007. Retrieved: 1 October, 2007, fromhypertext transfer protocol: //www.nlm. Reasons why adult females have abortions2002. Retrieved: 2 November, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Reasons why adult females have induced abortions: grounds1998. Retrieved: October 29, 2007, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Adolescent abortions2003. Retrieved: October 29, 2007, fromhypertext transfer protocol: //www.childtrendsdata Unemployment2007. Retrieved: October 25, 2007, fromhypertext transfer protocol: //en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Unemployment
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Easy English Proverbs
Easy English Proverbs Learning proverbs - or sayings - are a great way to get insight and improve your English. Unfortunately, some proverbs are easy to understand and others more difficult. This article provides twenty easy proverbs that are right for your level. Each proverb has a definition for you to learn the proverb. Once you have learned these twenty proverbs, match the situations to the appropriate proverb at the end of the article. Teachers can use these activities with proverbs in the classroom to help your learners. List of Proverbs Accidents happen. Mistakes and bad events naturally happen. Its not your fault. Better late than never. Its good you came to something. The customer is always right. People who pay money for something you sell deserve respect. You only die once. Nothing in life is so bad. Easy does it. Be careful, dont go too fast. Every man has his price. Every person will do anything for enough money. Fight fire with fire. If someone is aggressive with you, be aggressive with that person. If you cant be good, be careful. When you do something that mom and dad wont like, dont be too crazy. Home is where the heart is. Your true place is with the people you love. The king can do no wrong. People with a lot of power, the boss, etc. do wrong, but are not criticized by others. Knowledge is power. Learning will help you succeed in life. Live and learn. Living teaches you lessons, take advantage of the lessons. He lives long who lives well. Living healthfully will lead to a long life. Money isnt everything. Money is not the only important thing in life. Never say never. Life will surprise you, dont say no to things. Never too old to learn. No matter how old you are you should learn new things. No news is good news. If you dont hear anything from someone, it means that everything is OK. Out of sight, out of mind. If you dont see or hear about something, you wont worry about it. You get what you pay for. Quality items are never cheap. Every picture tells a story. Each situation tells you something about the people and places involved. Matching Proverbs Test Match the proverbs below with the appropriate situations for the proverb. Better late than never.The king can do no wrong.Never say never.You get what you pay for.He lives long who lives well.No news is good news.Easy does it.Every man has his price.Home is where the heart is.Out of sight, out of mind.Fight fire with fire.Every picture tells a story.The customer is always right.You can only die once.Knowledge is power.Accidents will happen.Never too old to learn.Money isnt everything.Live and learn.If you cant be good, be careful.Dont worry about what you did. Sometimes bad things happen.Im glad you are here, even if the party started three hours ago.Even though that man makes you angry, he is spending money in our shop. Be nice.I know it was bad news, but there are worse things in life.Speak to Peter again. Im sure you can convince him to join our company.If Mary is going to do that to you, you need to do something to Mary.When you go to college, you will probably do some things you shouldnt. Please dont be too crazy!Ive moved all over the world with my w ife. Were happy together no matter where we live. Hes the director of the company, so he can do what he wants.This bad experience is only part of your life. Dont worry about it.You might not want to visit Los Angeles today, but maybe you will someday.I know its hard to find a new job when you are 53, but you can do it!I havent heard from my brother for more than three months.Shes gone so her mother doesnt worry about her so much.Im not surprised it already broke. You only paid $10 for that toy.Look at those two old people holding hands. I think they probably have a good marriage.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Purpose of Criminal Laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Purpose of Criminal Laws - Essay Example For example, a child that fails to clean their room would receive â€Å"punishment†in the form of extra chores or loss of other things they normally enjoy. For criminal law, it is no different, except that the consequences of their actions involve a loss of privilege on a greater scale, such as by imprisonment or fines (Banks, 2009). Again, if there were no punishments, there would be no reason not to commit crimes; therefore, some type of consequences must be handed out. Criminal laws seek to set consequences for and punish those that have carried out a crime by means of deterrence, as well as incapacitation, incarceration, restitution, and retribution. People are â€Å"deterred†from actions when they refrain from carrying them out because they fear or do not want the consequences that come with the action (Banks, 2009). Criminal laws aids in this because they not only define what the laws are that cannot be broken but also set out the punishment that each law brings with it. In a state with a death penalty, for example, if someone does not wish to be punished by death, they will not commit a crime that leads them down that path. Thus, the criminal laws have done their job both in setting out the action and the punishment for it, because it has kept people from committing crimes due to the consequences imposed. Though some question the validity of deterrence and call for stiffer penalties in certain laws (Banks, 2009), the fact remains that deterrence is a reason that criminal laws exist. Another reason that criminal laws exist is retribution. Simply put, retribution means that whoever has gone against the laws of society deserves to be punished, and it will bring a measure of peace, if not pleasure, to those that were wronged to see punishment happen. Systems of retribution for crime have long existed, with the best known being the Biblical proverb of â€Å"an eye for an eye†(Banks, 2009). While retribution is known to be confused with revenge, it has been pointed out in law and in argument that the difference between the two is very defined: retribution involves limits set according to the seriousness of the wrongs done to society, whereas there is no limit to revenge (Banks, 2009). Take again the case of the criminal who chooses to murder and take a life in a state that has the death penalty. If convicted, they will pay with their own life through execution. One cannot argue that this is, in fact, an example of â€Å"an eye for an eye†logic in punishing someone who has done wrong. Criminal laws also exist to provide incapacitation and incarceration measures for those that choose to go against the laws of society. Incapacitation is a theory of â€Å"incarceration†, arguing that some criminals need to be separated from society not only for what they might have done but also to protect those who have not done wrong from this individual. It is seen as a good punishment for those that commit crimes be cause while they are incapacitated, or incarcerated
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Organization of the Islamic State (Da'ash) Thesis
The Organization of the Islamic State (Da'ash) - Thesis Example This essay stresses that terrorism and violent protesting activities are considered as destroying factors for the entire globe. These factors can affect the normal growth of human life and prohibit individuals to lead a developed and peaceful life. It can be apparently observed in this similar context that those people who live in terrorist control regions become highly affected from the brutal and cruel activities perform by the protestant groups. It is worth mentioning that attacks make by a rebel group generally create major chaos in the political stability of a country and make adverse impact upon its economic stability. It will be vital to mention in this similar concern that the rebel group Da’ash mainly operates its protestant activities within the territory of Iraq and Syria by following the ideologies of the terror group Al-Qaida. This paper makes a conclusion that it has been also observed that the people who are living in Syria and Iraq often become the victim of the violent actives perform by Da’ash. Specially mentioning, after the separation of Al-Qaida and Front Victory, the level of violent activities has been increased at an alarming rate. Da’ash has conducted several attacks upon Syria in a regular basis. It is observed in this similar context that the higher authorities belonging to the above stated two nations failed to control the increasing power of Da’ash. It has been claimed that Da’ash is indirectly controlling several parts of Syria and Iraq by raising violent protestant activities within the two countries.
Marine Cargo Claims Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Marine Cargo Claims - Assignment Example In an attempt to keep pace with fast moving goods, sea waybills have avoided cargo congestion at destination terminals caused by delayed bill of lading arrivals from the consignor or one of the banks involved in the credit transaction2. The late arrival of waybills does not affect delivery because, contrary to a bill of lading, the nature of a sea waybill is different from that of a bill of lading in that the former is a non-negotiable document, and to receive the goods, the consignee does not need to present the original sea waybill3. The sea waybill, however, cannot replace the bill of lading in many important areas of marine. This paper examines the bill of lading as a document of title by endorsement. Although the sea waybill is important, it cannot replace the bill of lading in many important areas of marine transport where a document of title is required4. Bills of lading are still widely used in any trade that requires the sale of goods during the voyage, such as commodity tra des5. In the case of oil tanker trade, or bulk cargoes of grain, ore, and coal, for instance, the cargo is often the subject of repeated negotiations while in transit. Furthermore, only bills of lading, due to their negotiability, can serve as security for loans since banks may collect waybills without any documented approval. A bill of lading, as a foundation of overseas trade, serves three distinct purposes6. First, they are a receipt for goods. Second, they are the best evidence of the contract of carriage, and third, they are a negotiable document of title. By serving the last function, the bill of lading replaces those goods indicated on its face, enabling the endorser to transfer the property in the goods7. The last function is the one dealt in depth in this paper. By endorsing a bill of lading, the carrier states that it has received the specified goods and it promises to transport and deliver them to designated and legitimate endorsee or consignee. In international trade, bi lls of trade once passed legitimately for value out of the hands of the shipper; facilitate the documentary credit process as documents of title, where payment is made against a document upon which reliance can be placed to represent the goods shipped8. Ownership of the bill of lading is tantamount to ownership of the goods. Banks, through a system of documentary credit, finance a considerable proportion of international trade9. Under the normal CIF contract, the seller is supposed to take to take to the bank the bill of lading alongside other documents upon shipment of the goods10. When these documents are presented in the right form to the bank, the seller can now pay the contract price. Possessing of the bill of lading is equal to possessing the goods according to three different purposes11. First, the holder of the bill of lading is entitled to delivery of the goods at the port of discharge12. Second, the holder can claim the possession of the bill of lading when they are being carried only be endorsing it13. Third, the bill of lading can be used as a security for a debt14. By commercial usage, the bill of lading has become the key document in the contract of sale. Accordingly, the seller is obliged to tender to the buyer a shipped onboard bill of lading under common shipment contracts concluded on C&F and CIF terms15. Where the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Bills of Lading, otherwise known as
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Homo heidelbergensis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Homo heidelbergensis - Research Paper Example Another group headed to eastwards side throughout Asia and evolved to Denisovans. Homo heidelbergensis were discovered in 1907 near Herdelberg, Germany. Between 300000 and 400000 years ago, a group of Homo heidelbergensis left Africa, one group went into Europe and west Asia and another group went eastwards through Asia which later evolved into Homo Sapiens about 130,000 years ago. The Schoningen spears were discovered between 1994 and 1998 in Schoningen, Germany under the management of Dr. Hartmut Thieme. About 16000 animal bones were also found at that time approximated to be about 300000 years old. These were the oldest complete hunting weapons preserved in the world and provided proof that Homo heidelbergensis was hunting. In 1992, a team from Spain located about 5500 human bones in Sima de los Huesos site, northern Spain that were dated to be at least 350000 years of age. The pit that was excavated had 32 individuals. In 1994, a british scientist discovered a lower hominin Tibia bone a few distance from the English channel together with many primordial hand axes at Boxgrove Quarry site. The discovered leg dated between 478000 to 524000 years old. A number of Homo heidelbergensis teeth were also discovered in subsequent researches. In 2005, there was a discovery of flint tools from water vole in Suffolk, England. Mimomys Savini which was a key dating species were discovered at Pakefields, Suffolk in the cliff. This is an indication that Hominins can be dated to 700000 years ago in England. Homo heidelbergensis is approximately 300000 to 400000 years old as evidenced in the above descriptions. About 30 human skeletons found in Atapuerca, Spain suggested that Homo heidelbergensis were the first species to bury their dead. The Homo heidelbergensis was discovered by first discovered by Daniel Hartman in 1907 in Mauer,
The Dollar-Pound Exchange Rate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Dollar-Pound Exchange Rate - Essay Example This coupled with the devaluation of the pound sterling, in a bid to reduce the domestic credit in UK, brought down the exchange rates against pound sterling. But there was always an opinion and not wrongly, that the market was predominantly controlled during those days by speculators which was possibly the single largest reason to work against the interests of pound sterling. Though this was the scene in September 1931, the scene has not undergone drastic changes in terms of operational methods. The number of players in the market, speculators, traders and the countries interacting with one another has all increased. But then the basic working of the market remains more or less similar to the pre-war condition in the case that it is controlled by the speculators of the market to a great degree. The market has been set aside as Futures for the speculators. But then the futures carry a very special impact on the over all exchange rates of the currencies on the bourse. The aim of this research is to study the impact of the futures market on the currency exchange rate across the counter. The objective of the research is to identify a relationship either empirical or otherwise between the futures market and that of the spot business after passage of a specific time. It is quite possible that the current futures price on a specific contract at a specific period could determine the price of the currency, in our case, the pound against the dollar, for that period in time. The projections and the relationships if could be explained and established then it would be easy to predict the future price of the currency at a specified contract period based on the current futures rate as well as on the spot price if relevant. This objective comes out of the hypothesis that there will be a clear impact of the futures rate of the market on the spot price of the currency. The exchange rate would therefore, is expected to vary with the futures price or rate as much as with the spot rate at the given point in time. Research material that is supporting this hypothesis as well as contra to this are studied and these are researched to spot the relationship between them in order to predict the future path that the spot prices might take. Literary Review There have been a number of theories and models that have been set to explain the exchange rate dynamics. Jeffrey Frankel (Sep 1981) writes about the empirical exchange rate model. In a typical exchange rate equation for the empirical nature of the behaviour o the exchange rates, most of the proponents accepts a 'semi-reduced' form of the formula. The equation consisted of the nominal exchange rate on the left hand side of the equation and the right hand side consisted of the variables to the issue, specifically, money supplies, relative Outputs, interest rates and wealth positions normally dictated by the cumulated current account positions. All this would make up the empirical relationships that make up the exchange rate for the currency. Peter Hooper and John Morton (1980) introduced the current account in the equation in the eighties. However, the empirical system of explanation for the exchange rates failed to stand the test of the time. The main purpose to study the changes in the pound-dollar
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Homo heidelbergensis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Homo heidelbergensis - Research Paper Example Another group headed to eastwards side throughout Asia and evolved to Denisovans. Homo heidelbergensis were discovered in 1907 near Herdelberg, Germany. Between 300000 and 400000 years ago, a group of Homo heidelbergensis left Africa, one group went into Europe and west Asia and another group went eastwards through Asia which later evolved into Homo Sapiens about 130,000 years ago. The Schoningen spears were discovered between 1994 and 1998 in Schoningen, Germany under the management of Dr. Hartmut Thieme. About 16000 animal bones were also found at that time approximated to be about 300000 years old. These were the oldest complete hunting weapons preserved in the world and provided proof that Homo heidelbergensis was hunting. In 1992, a team from Spain located about 5500 human bones in Sima de los Huesos site, northern Spain that were dated to be at least 350000 years of age. The pit that was excavated had 32 individuals. In 1994, a british scientist discovered a lower hominin Tibia bone a few distance from the English channel together with many primordial hand axes at Boxgrove Quarry site. The discovered leg dated between 478000 to 524000 years old. A number of Homo heidelbergensis teeth were also discovered in subsequent researches. In 2005, there was a discovery of flint tools from water vole in Suffolk, England. Mimomys Savini which was a key dating species were discovered at Pakefields, Suffolk in the cliff. This is an indication that Hominins can be dated to 700000 years ago in England. Homo heidelbergensis is approximately 300000 to 400000 years old as evidenced in the above descriptions. About 30 human skeletons found in Atapuerca, Spain suggested that Homo heidelbergensis were the first species to bury their dead. The Homo heidelbergensis was discovered by first discovered by Daniel Hartman in 1907 in Mauer,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Plant Form and Function, Plant Reproduction and Development Essay
Plant Form and Function, Plant Reproduction and Development - Essay Example The information contained in the article somehow applies to those in charge of domestic health, environment, and even interior decorating. The fact that certain species of plants have the ability to filter air pollutants is a promising new way of decorating the house and doing it the holistic way. Moreover, the idea of plants filtering the air of pollutants is also a clear message to horticulturists and environmental specialists that they should increase the production of such plants and that they should at least encourage people to do the same and to value these species. If these plants become so numerous, they might be able to bring about a positive effect in the environment.The anonymously written article appears in the Sciences News section of Science Daily and was about how a new species of monkey flower developed the natural way. According to the article, the new species of monkey flower, which is scientifically known as Mimulus peregrines, was produced from a series of matings among foreign plant species in Britain that lasted 150 years. Basically, these different species of plants actually cannot reproduce upon mating, but during the 150 years of evolution, infertility was overcome. The principle involved was polyploidization, which is the â€Å"duplication of the entire hybrid DNA [which] can balance the amount of DNA and restore fertility†. It is also mentioned in the article that even wheat, cotton, and tobacco may have originated in the same way. ... Moreover, the idea of plants filtering the air of pollutants is also a clear message to horticulturists and environmental specialists that they should increase the production of such plants and that they should at least encourage people to do the same and to value these species. If these plants become so numerous, they might be able to bring about a positive effect in the environment. Plant Reproduction: â€Å"Rare Glimpse Into the Origin of Species†The anonymously written article appears in the Sciences News section of Science Daily and was about how a new species of monkey flower developed the natural way. According to the article, the new species of monkey flower, which is scientifically known as Mimulus peregrinus, was produced from a series of matings among foreign plant species in Britain that lasted 150 years. Basically, these different species of plants actually cannot reproduce upon mating, but during the 150 years of evolution, infertility was overcome. The principl e involved was polyploidization, which is the â€Å"duplication of the entire hybrid DNA [which] can balance the amount of DNA and restore fertility†(â€Å"Rare Glimpse,†2012). It is also mentioned in the article that even wheat, cotton and tobacco may have originated in the same way. This article is based on the journal article entitled â€Å"Mimulus peregrinus (Phrymaceae): A new British allopolyploid species,†which was written by Mario Vallejo-Marin and published by PhytoKeys. The Science Daily article therefore is heavily backed by scientific information and peer reviews, and is therefore very reliable. Moreover, it has its own DOI number. The Science Daily article was also written with great objectivity and
Common Intention Essay Example for Free
Common Intention Essay Section 149 deals with the 5 or more people as that would account for unlawful assembly here section 34 is not applicable. Section 34 talks about common intention whereas section 149 talks about common object such as the common object have a wider scope. Common intention is if two or more person commits any crime with the same intention and under a prearranged plan, but in common object it is not necessary that there should be a prior concert in the sense of a meeting of the members of the unlawful assembly, the common object may form on spur of the moment; it is enough if it is adopted by all the members and is shared by all of them. In section 34 Participation of the people in crime is an important aspect, even standing people who indirectly help in commissioning of crime are also prosecuted. But in Section 149 mere membership of the group of an unlawful assembly is sufficient enough for prosecution. Section 34 is substantive evidence and other sections like 302 murder has to be clubbed with it. Section 149 is a constructive crime in itself. Section 34: Acts Done by Several Persons in Furtherance of Common Intention- According to Section 34, when a criminal act is done by several persons in furtherance of common intention of all, each of such persons is liable for that act in the same manner as if it were done by him alone. Object of Section 34:- Section 34 lays down only a rule of evidence and does not create a substantive offence. This section is intended to meet cases in which it may be difficult to distinguish between the acts of the individual embers of a party or to prove exactly what part was taken by each of them in furtherance of the common intention of all. This section really means that if two or more persons intentionally do a thing jointly, it is just the same as if each of them has done it individually. The reason why all are deemed guilty in such cases is that the presence of accomplices gives encouragement, support and protection to the person actually committing an act. Elements of Section 34: T o attract the application of Section 34, the following conditions must be satisfied:- 1. Some Criminal Act:  ‘Criminal act’ used in section 34 does not refer to individual acts where a crime is committed by a group of persons. Where a crime is committed by several persons in furtherance of common intention of all of them, each of them doing some act, similar or diverse, big or small shall be liable for that act. ‘That act’ refers to the ‘criminal act’ used in section 34 which means the unity of criminal behaviour which results in something for which an individual would be punishable if it were all done by himself alone in an offence. . Criminal Act Done By Several Persons:  The criminal act in question must have been done by several persons i. e. by more than one person. The number of wrong doers should be at least two. Most importantly, if the criminal act was fresh and independent act springing wholly from the mind of the doer, the others are not liable merely because when it was done they were intending to be partakers with the doer in a different criminal act. 3.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Difference Between Men And Women
The Difference Between Men And Women Understanding The Difference Between Men And Women For centuries, the differences between men and women were socially defined and distorted through a lens of sexism in which men assumed superiority over women and maintained it through domination. As the goal of equality between men and women now grows closer we are also losing our awareness of important differences. In some circles of society, politically correct thinking is obliterating important discussion as well as our awareness of the similarities and differences between men and women. The vision of equality between the sexes has narrowed the possibilities for discovery of what truly exists within a man and within a woman. The world is less interesting when everything is same. It is my position that men and women are equal but different. When I say equal, I mean that men and women have a right to equal opportunity and protection under the law. The fact that people in this country are assured these rights does not negate my observation that men and women are at least as different psychologically as they are physically. None of us would argue the fact that men and women are physically different. The physical differences are rather obvious and most of these can be seen and easily measured. Weight, shape, size and anatomy are not political opinions but rather tangible and easily measured. The physical differences between men and women provide functional advantages and have survival value. Men usually have greater upper body strength, build muscle easily, have thicker skin, bruise less easily and have a lower threshold of awareness of injuries to their extremities. Men are essentially built for physical confrontation and the use of force. Their joints are well suited for throwing objects. A man’s skull is almost always thicker and stronger than a women’s. The stereotype that men are more thick-headed than women is not far fetched. A man’s thick headedness, and other anatomical differences have been associated with a uniquely male attraction to high speed activities and reckless beh avior that usually involve collisions with other males or automobiles. Men invented the game chicken, not women. Men, and a number of other male species of animal seem to charge and crash into each other a great deal in their spare time. Women on the other hand have four times as many brain cells (neurons) connecting the right and left side of their brain. This latter finding provides physical evidence that supports the observation that men rely easily and more heavily on their left brain to solve one problem one step at a time. Women have more efficient access to both sides of their brain and therefore greater use of their right brain. Women can focus on more than one problem at one time and frequently prefer to solve problems through multiple activities at a time. Nearly every parent has observed how young girls find the conversations of young boys boring. Young boys express confusion and would rather play sports than participate actively in a conversation between 5 girls who are discussing as many as three subjects at once! The psychological differences between man and women are less obvious. They can be difficult to describe. Yet these differences can profoundly influence how we form and maintain relationships that can range from work and friendships to marriage and parenting. Recognizing, understanding, discussing as well as acting skillfully in light of the differences between men and women can be difficult. Our failure to recognize and appreciate these differences can become a life long source of disappointment, frustration, tension and eventually our downfall in a relationship. Not only can these differences destroy a promising relationship, but most people will grudgingly accept or learn to live with the consequences. Eventually they find some compromise or way to cope. Few people ever work past these difficulties. People tend to accept what they don’t understand when they feel powerless to change it. Relationships between men and women are not impossible or necessarily difficult. Problems simply arise when we expect or assume the opposite sex should think, feel or act the way we do. It’s not that men and women live in completely different realities. Rather, our lack of knowledge and mutual experience gives rise to our difficulties. Despite great strides in this country toward equality, modern society hasn’t made relationships between men and women any easier. Today’s society has taught us and has imposed on us the expectation that men and women should live together continuously, in communion, and in harmony. These expectations are not only unrealistic but ultimately they leave people feeling unloved, inadequate, cynical, apathetic or ashamed. The challenge facing men and women is to become aware of their identities, to accept their differences, and to live their lives fully and as skillfully as possible. To do this we must first understand in what ways we are different. We must avoid trying to change others to suit our needs. The following illustrates some important differences between men and women. These differences are not absolute. They describe how men and women are in most situations most of the time. Problems Men and women approach problems with similar goals but with different considerations. While men and women can solve problems equally well, their approach and their process are often quit different. For most women, sharing and discussing a problem presents an opportunity to explore, deepen or strengthen the relationship with the person they are talking with. Woman are usually more concerned about how problems are solved than merely solving the problem itself. For women, solving a problem can profoundly impact whether they feel closer and less alone or whether they feel distant and less connected. The process of solving a problem can strengthen or weaken a relationship. Most men are less concerned and do not feel the same as women when solving a problem. Men approach problems in a very different manner than women. For most men, solving a problem presents an opportunity to demonstrate their competence, their strength of resolve, and their commitment to a relationship. How the problem is solved is not nearly as important as solving it effectively and in the best possible manner. Men have a tendency to dominate and to assume authority in a problem solving process. They set aside their feelings provided the dominance hierarchy was agreed upon in advance and respected. They are often distracted and do not attend well to the quality of the relationship while solving problems. Some of the more important differences can be illustrated by observing groups of young teenage boys and groups of young teenage girls when they attempt to find their way out of a maze. A group of boys generally establish a hierarchy or chain of command with a leader who emerges on his own or through demonstrations of ability and power. Boys explore the maze using scouts while remaining in distant proximity to each other. Groups of girls tend to explore the maze together as a group without establishing a clear or dominant leader. Relationships tends to be co-equal. Girls tend to elicit discussion a nd employ collective intelligence to the task of discovering a way out. Girls tend to work their way through the maze as a group. Boys tend to search and explore using structured links and a chain of command. Thinking While men and women can reach similar conclusions and make similar decisions, the process they use can be quit different and in some cases can lead to entirely different outcomes. In general, men and women consider and process information differently. Women tend to be intuitive global thinkers. They consider multiple sources of information within a process that can be described as simultaneous, global in perspective and will view elements in the task in terms of their interconnectedness. Women come to understand and consider problems all at once. They take a broad or collective perspective, and they view elements in a task as interconnected and interdependent. Women are prone to become overwhelmed with complexities that exist, or may exist, and may have difficulty separating their personal experience from problems. Men tend to focus on one problem at a time or a limited number of problems at a time. They have an enhanced ability to separate themselves from problems and minimize the c omplexity that may exist. Men come to understand and consider problems one piece at a time. They take a linear or sequential perspective, and view elements in a task as less interconnected and more independent. Men are prone to minimize and fail to appreciate subtleties that can be crucial to successful solutions. A male may work through a problem repeatedly, talking about the same thing over and over, rather than trying to address the the problem all at once. While there are differences in the ways that men and women think, it must be emphasized that they can and do solve problems in a similar manner. There are no absolutes, only tendencies. Memory Women have an enhanced ability to recall memories that have strong emotional components. They can also recall events or experiences that have similar emotions in common. Women are very adept at recalling information, events or experiences in which there is a common emotional theme. Men tend to recall events using strategies that rely on reconstructing the experience in terms of elements, tasks or activities that took place. Profound experiences that are associated with competition or physical activities are more easily recalled. There appears to be a structural and chemical basis for observed memory differences. For instance, the hippocampus, the area in the brain primarily responsible for memory, reacts differently to testosterone in men and it reacts differently to changing levels of estrogen and progesterone in women. Women tend to remember or be reminded of different emotional memories and content to some extent as part of their menstrual cycle. Sensitivity There is evidence to suggest that a great deal of the sensitivity that exists within men and women has a physiological basis. It has been observed that is many cases, women have an enhanced physical alarm response to danger or threat. Their autonomic and sympathetic systems have a lower threshold of arousal and greater reactivity than men. In both men and women, higher levels of testosterone directly affect the aggressive response and behavior centers of the brain. Increasing estrogen and progesterone in men has a feminizing effect. Sexually aggressive males become less focused on sexual aggressive behavior and content when they are given female hormones. On the other hand, changing estrogen and progesterone levels in women during menstrual cycles can produce a flood of memories as well as strong emotions. Increasing or high levels of testosterone can produce an emotional insensitivity, empathic block and increased indifference to the distress others. At the heart of sensitivity is o ur capacity to form, appreciate and maintain relationships that are rewarding. Even here there are important differences. For men, what demonstrates a solid relationship is quite different from that of most women. Men feel closer and validated through shared activities. Such activities include sports, competition, outdoor activities or sexual activities that are decidedly active and physical. While both men and women can appreciate and engage in these activities they often have preferential differences. Women, on the other hand, feel closer and validated through communication, dialogue and intimate sharing of experience, emotional content and personal perspectives. Many men tend to find such sharing and involvement uncomfortable, if not, overwhelming. The Task Of Relationship Facing Men and Women The task that faces men and women is to learn to accept their differences, avoid taking their differences as personal attempts to frustrate each other, and to compromise whenever possible. The idea that one gender can think and feel like the other if they truly loved each is rather absurd. Sure, a man or women could act in consideration of the other’s needs, but this would not necessarily be rewarding and honest. Holding the benefit of another above our own is rewarding. But from time to time, and more often for most of us, it is important to be our self and to be accepted, and not to be the source of distress and disappointment in the lives of people we love. The Role Of Counseling and Therapy Counseling and therapy can help a couple understand and appreciate each other, and even benefit from their differences. Understanding these differences intellectually is not enough. A counselor or therapist can help point out these differences, as they surface, and guide a couple to a greater level of relationship. Understanding that differences are not intentional and that misunderstandings are merely the result of expectations that are not realistic can make a huge difference in a relationship. The differences that can be sensed between a man and women can deepen their relationship. More importantly, when men seek to understand and appreciate that which is feminine, they come to a deeper understanding of their self. And when a women seeks to understand that which is masculine in men, they come to appreciate and understand more about their own masculinity. THE SOCIAL ROLES OF MEN AND WOMEN In all societies the obvious biological difference between men and women is used as a justification for forcing them into different social roles which limit and shape their attitudes and behavior. That is to say, no society is content with the natural difference of sex, but each insists on adding to it a cultural difference of gender. The simple physical facts therefore always become associated with complex psychological qualities. It is not enough for a man to be male; he also has to appear masculine. A woman, in addition to being female, must also be feminine. However, once the contrast between men and women has been increased and accentuated in this fashion, it is usually taken as a further manifestation of biological differences which confirm the need for different social roles. Or, to put it another way, sex differences are used to create gender differences which are then explained as sex differences which, in turn, require gender differences, and so on. This may be no more than circular reasoning, but it is socially very effective. For example, in our own patriarchal society males enjoy a socially dominant position. Thus, from an early age, boys are helped to acquire a masculinity that allows them to assume and maintain that position. By the same token, girls are taught to cultivate a submissive femininity. The resulting difference in the male and female character is then described as inborn and used to defend the existing power arrangement. Only those who accept it are normal, and only they can expect to succeed. The male social role is designed to reward masculine men, while the female social role offers its relative advantages only to feminine women. (The aggressive man will run the bigger business; the pretty, agreeable woman will find the richer husband.) In other words, masculinity and femininity are gender qualities which are developed in response to social discrimination. However, once they have been developed, they justify and cement it. The masculine and feminine gender roles mutually reinforce each other and thereby perpetuate the inequality on which they are based. Obviously, this psychological mechanism can operate only as long as the behavior of men and women does not transgress the generally accepted limits. Every society tries therefore to prevent such transgressions by calling the socially defined gender roles natural, eternal, and unchangeable. Any person who refuses to accept them is persecuted as a deviant and punished as an offender not only against society, but against nature itself. An hist orical example of such deviance is the case of Joan of Arc who, as a young girl, not only led the French army to victory over the English, but also wore male clothing. In her later trial she was promptly accused of having thus violated the laws of nature. Over the centuries, many people have, of course, wondered why allegedly natural roles should need such rigorous social enforcement. After all, if they were truly natural, they would come naturally to both men and women. However, it is noteworthy that the advocates of the so-called natural inequality of the sexes resent nothing more than letting nature take its course. Yet, if their arguments were true, there would be no need to deny women equal opportunities, since they would be unable to compete with men. If women were naturally inferior, men would have nothing to fear. Therefore, the fact that many men do fear such competition raises sufficient doubt as to the validity of their claim. The truth is that human desires and capacities have a tendency to go beyond the narrow limits of our traditional gender roles. Indeed, it takes a constant combined effort by all social authorities to keep this tendency under control. Such social control appears not only externally, in the form of parental guidance, peer-group pressure, and law enforcement, but also internally in the form of concepts and values which determine the self-image of every individual, and it is in the individual mind where the confusion of sex and gender can create the most serious problems. For instance, men and women who feel that they do not fit the masculine and feminine stereotypes, or who resent them as too restrictive, may also develop ambiguous feelings about their biological sex. They may begin to wish for different bodies which would allow them to play a role more to their liking. Or, to take another example, since men have been told that women are socially and sexually passive, they are usually gravely disturbed by encountering a woman who is socially aggressive and who takes the initiative in sexual intercourse. Confronted with this lack of femininity in a woman, a man may feel tempted to dispute her womanhood. If this contention does not hold up in face of the evidence, he may instead begin to doubt his own masculinity and become sexually dysfunctional. Conversely, a handsome, gentle, and passive male may invite ridicule and may be denounced as a pervert or queer. Real women may regard him as less than a real man and therefore reject him as a sexual partner. However, the confusion goes still further. The notion that in every sexual encounter there has to be one active (masculine) and one passive (feminine) partner is so persistent that it not only ruins many heterosexual relationships, but also influences the behavior of certain homosexuals who feel compelled to model themselves after these stereotypes. By doing so, they give support to the curious belief that even in sexual relationships between members of the same sex, there always has to be one to play the man, while the other must assume the role of the woman. There is, in fact a general impression that every homosexual couple (whether male or female) consists of one active, masculine and one passive, feminine partner. People who hold this belief are, of course, at a total loss to explain phenomena like the famous homosexual elite troops of ancient Greece, which consisted entirely of male lovers. All of these views are based on a wrong conclusion drawn from a false assumption. The false assumption states that women are naturally passive, while men are naturally active. The wrong conclusion asserts that every passive person is playing a feminine role and that every active person is playing a masculine role. However, in actual fact neither sex nor gender need be characterized in this fashion. After all, in some human societies the role assignment for men and women is the reverse of our own. In short, there is nothing natural or definite about our sexual stereotypes. By the same token, full human equality will not be achieved until it becomes conceivable to both sexes that active and passive attitudes can be appropriate for either of them, and that even two active or two passive partners can have a rewarding relationship. This does not mean that, in an ideal future, all human differences will disappear. Indeed, once the old stereotypes have been discarded, the differences between individuals within each sex are likely to increase. Furthermore, under conditions of social equality, these individuals may also happily continue to play different gender roles. There should be no need to point out that there is nothing wrong with gender differences as such. They can greatly enrich our lives, as long as we understand that, in human beings, different does not have to mean superior or inferior. In other words, those who demand equal rights for men and women are not asking for drab uniformity, but for a social climate in which variety can flourish without being exploited. The following pages first elaborate further on the basic concepts of sex and gender and then offer a brief discussion of the different moral standards for men and women. Male Logic and Womens Intuition The split in our thinking between masculine and feminine is probably as old as language itself. Human beings seem to have a natural tendency to divide things into pairs: good/bad, light/dark, subject/object and so on. It is not surprising, then, that the male/female or masculine/feminine dichotomy is used to classify things other than men and women. Many languages actually classify all nouns as masculine or feminine (although not very consistently: for example, the Spanish masculine noun pollo means hen, while the feminine polla is slang for penis). This is perfectly natural; it is part of the way categorisation works in language. This does not, however, mean that it is right. It is probably unimportant whether a table or a chair is thought of as masculine or feminine. It may not even be very important these days whether we think of the sun as male and the moon as female (like the ancient Greeks) or vice versa (like most of the German tribes). However, when we start associating abstr act concepts like Reason or Nature with men and women, we run into serious difficulties. The association of Reason with men and Nature with women is well-known, and has been widely criticised. Aristotle defined Man as a rational animal, and by that he really meant men, not human beings. Unlike Plato, he saw women as less able to reason, hence less human and more animal. In Europe, well into the twentieth century, women were generally seen as somehow intellectually deficient. An English woman recently became Oxfords oldest graduate because although she had completed her degree course in the 1920s, at that time the university did not award degrees to female students. Presumably it would have decreased the status of the university to award degrees to an intellectually inferior sex! Nearly all societies, from hunting and gathering tribes to post-industrial nations, offer some kind of compensation to those who lose out in the status game. For example, among the practically matriarchal Zuni Indians of New Mexico, the economically powerless men were credited with the ability to make rain. Black slaves in the American South were thought to be naturally stronger (which they generally were), better at music and dancing (which they may have been) and more cheerful (highly unlikely for slaves, but a good justification for treating them badly). In the same way, women are compensated for their supposed inability to think rationally by a mysterious womens intuition. Attempts were made to justify this in biological terms; women were seen as naturally more emotional and/or in touch with Nature because of their strange biology (menstruation, hormones, vapours or whatever). This was about as scientific as the Zuni Indians theory that men could make rain. Men and women are, of course, biologically different. There are even significant differences in male and female brains; women, for example, have a thicker corpus callosum (the thing that connects the two halves of the brain). However, it is a giant leap from observing that there are neurological differences between the sexes to assuming that these differences correspond to the classic Reason/Nature or logic/emotion dichotomies. In fact, some of these differences may even indicate the opposite. The left hemisphere of the brain generally deals with linear processing, as found in language and some types of mathematics, and this hemisphere develops faster in girls than in boys. The old 11 plus test of verbal reasoning used in British schools was actually adjusted to bring boys scores up to the level of girls! Whatever the case, it is a mistake to look at peoples brains and then decide that they must think in a certain way; it would be far better to try and find out how people actually th ink, and then to see if this corresponds to brain structure. When we talk about the way men and women think, we are actually dealing with not one, but at least three separate things: how men and women usually think, how men and women can think, and how we think men and women think. Usually when we think we are looking at the first or second subjects, we are actually only describing the third. Since our main guide to how people think is their language, the fact that in most cultures men and women talk in different ways, and about different things, may lead us to false conclusions about the way they think in general. Womens conversation tends to emphasise feelings more, which may also mean that they think about feelings more. It does not, however, mean that woman are more emotional. It is perfectly possible that men are just as emotional, but for social reasons they talk (and think) about their feelings less. Similarly, the fact that in most cultures men argue more about abstract things does not mean that men are naturally more logical, it just means that the things men prefer to talk about require logical argument more than they require expression of feelings. Obviously the more you argue, the better you get at it, hence the prejudice that men are somehow biologically more logical. This would be like assuming that I am biologically better at speaking English (my first language) than Turkish (my second). Problems also arise with the actual words we use: logic, reason, intuition and emotion. Logic is simply a set of principles for getting from something we already knew, to something we didnt. If we know that all cows eat grass, and we know that Daisy is a cow, we can use very simple logic to say that Daisy eats grass, even if we have never seen her eat anything. The more complex logic that we use in constructing philosophical arguments or designing computers is really only doing the same kind of thing. The word rational is a little more problematic, since it involves an assessment of aims and actions. If our aims are consistent with each other and our actions achieve our aims, then we can fairly say that we are behaving rationally. If we act in a way that prevents us from realising our aims, then we are behaving irrationally, or in other words, stupidly. For example, if I know that I will have a better relationship with my wife if I dont shout at her, but I still shout at her because I am in a bad mood, my problem is not that I am being emotional, it is that I am being stupid. The opposite of rational is not, then, emotional but irrational. If we set up a pair of opposites, rational/emotional, we are likely to make the assumption that women are more emotional and therefore irrational, which is a polite way of saying that women are stupid. While having strong emotions can sometimes interfere with your thought processes, this is not automatically the case. For example, I often get quite excited when I am working on a new theory or project, but this usually makes my thinking better, not worse. Strong negative emotions such as rage, jealousy or depression are usually the result of irrational thinking as much as a cause of it, and men are just as vulnerable to this type of stupidity as women. Intuition is an even trickier concept. We usually say that we arrive at an idea or solution to a problem intuitively when we know something without knowing how we came to know it. A scientist may arrive at a new theory because the idea just pops into his or her head, or even turns up in a dream. You may get an intuitive feeling that a person is dishonest without actually having heard them say something you know to be untrue. In both these cases, what seems to be happening is that the mind stores and sorts information unconsciously, providing us only with the end result of this process. There is no guarantee, of course, that this conclusion will be true; a scientist would still have to perform experiments to prove their intuitive theory, and you would probably want some hard evidence to prove that the person you feel is dishonest really does tell lies. There is therefore nothing particularly strange or mystical about intuition; it is something we do all the time. Why, then, do we talk about womens intuition, as though men never arrive at a conclusion without consciously following all the stages that were necessary to reach it? Again, the answer is probably linguistic. As we have seen, traditionally womens conversation is less formal, less argumentative, and more concerned with feelings than mens conversation. Intuitive conclusions are therefore more acceptable in an all-female group. Men, on the other hand, are expected to argue more, and to argue more logically, presenting evidence in a systematic way to back up their conclusions. It is less socially acceptable in an all-male conversation (or a conversation where the men are doing most of the talking) to say Well guys, I dont know why, but I just get this kind of feeling that e=mc2. We can see, then, that these pairs of opposites, logic/intuition and rational/emotional, are not only false, but also damaging, particularly to women. It therefore surprising that some feminists actually support a version of this patriarchal nonsense. Particularly at the more spiritual end of the Radical Feminist community, there is a tendency to glorify womens intuition and closeness to Nature, and to avoid logic as somehow male, as though it were a psychological problem resulting from too much testosterone. The fact that men often use logic, or at least logical-sounding arguments, to put women in their place is not a fault of logic, it is the fault of those mens sexism and lack of social skills. More innocently, men are often accused of being too cold and logical, not because there is anything wrong with their ideas, but because they do not understand the unspoken rules of female conversation, in the same way that women are often accused of being illogical or emotional because they do not argue using the same language as men. If women reject logic and rely solely on feelings, they are left in the weak position of having to argue with feelings. Feeling that something is true does not make it true, and it will not convince anyone else that it is true either. You can say, I feel X, but the person you are arguing with can just as well reply, Well I dont. The result is that the argument usually goes nowhere. This is particularly damaging in arguments between men and women, since both sides are likely to go away with their prejudices strengthened; the men think women are subjective, emotional and illogical, and the women think men are impersonal, cold and over-intellectual. To justify their feelings of hurt at being beaten in an argument, the women concerned may go further and dismiss the whole thing as male logic, as though there were two types of logic, on for men and anoth
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