Friday, May 31, 2019
The Human Breath is a Dangerous Weapon :: essays papers
The Human Breath is a Dangerous WeaponA Look at the Economic Conditions of Jamaica and the Lyrics of Reggae Music and Poetry The title for this paper is a quote taken from the poem, Listen Mr. Oxford DonRastafarians use Reggae music and poetry to express themselves one of their major themes for expression is economic oppression. Jamaica and the Rastafarians suffer more than their honest share of oppression, or as they would appropriately say, downpression, and poverty, yet they are still raising awareness, happiness, and hopefulness. The past and current struggles of the country give way to galore(postnominal) mightily words either spoken or sung to the rhythm of Reggae. The General Economic Conditions of Jamaica Compared to Those of AmericaThe economic conditions of Jamaica lead to a hard life for many of its citizens. The percentage of the Jamaican population below the poverty line was 34% in 1997 ( 1999 World Development Indicators CD-Rom, World Bank). Like poor people either over the world, the poor people of Jamaica are oppressed, unhealthy, and worried. They do however know what is going on. They know who their oppressors are, who is in control, who has money, and who has power. Economic numbers, ratios, and statistics can be hard to run across on their own if they dont bore you to death first, but once compared to something similar they start to make sense and become interesting. I determined to compare Jamaicas economic and social indicators with the United States, for two reasons 1. We are all familiar with the U.S., and the numbers will have more resonance, and 2. Most tourists to Jamaica drive from the U.S, which is also Jamaicas principle supplier of imports and chief market for exports. ( 1999 ABC - CLIO, Inc. Kaleidoscope(Lexus-Nexus)) Some key economic ratios are the GDP and the GNP, these are a mensuration of income. The GNP(Gross National Product) measures the total domestic and foreign income claimed by a certain economy. It includes the GDP and the money spent in Jamaica by visitors, minus the payments Jamaicans made in other countries. The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) measures the total output of goods and services it is the sum of gross value added by all resident and non-resident producers in the economy, plus taxes, minus subsidies not included in the value of the products. (1999 World Bank CD-Rom). The GNP for Jamaica was four billion dollars in 1997.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Edward Albee’s play Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? :: essays research papers
Edward Albees play Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf? In Edward Albees play Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf? the major thematic concerns ar those involving perception versus reality. In the arising of the play, both couples devour the appearance _or_ semblance to be average, loving couples of the nineteen-fifties. Even George and Martha seem to be playful in their insults toward individually other. Things do not start to turn until George warns Martha not to start in about the bit with the kid, after which both of them begin to get more hostile toward each other. Even then, their antagonism of each other did not reach the feverish pitch that it had by the end of the play. notch and H maviny are presented as even more of an ideal couple. They are seemingly devoted to each other and are do uncomfortable by George and Marthas constant attacks of each other. However, in the following acts, we find that this one is aptly titled Fun and Games when the truth is revealed about the two coupl es.In the second act, we learn that the idyllic perception of Nick and dearests trades union is exactly that a fairy tale. George and Martha begin to attack Nick and Honey (as well as each other) and legions them to admit the false pretenses on which their married couple is based namely, that Nick only married Honey because he believed her to be pregnant. Also, the fact that Nick is so easily seduced by Martha makes one doubt the get it on in his marriage to Honey.Another perception destroyed in this act is that the men hold the power in the relationships, which was the standard when the play was written. Their sexuality is what gives Martha and Honey their power. Honey used a false pregnancy to force Nick to marry her while Martha, as the daughter of the president of the university, uses sex as a tool to advance the careers of certain professors (although never her own husband).In the third act, we learn that Nick is perhaps not the athletic sexually voracious military man we may have thought he was his failure to transact the affair with Martha resulted from his failure to maintain an erection. Also revealed in this last act is the fact that George and Martha do not, in fact, have a son they simply make him up. With this last fantasy purged, George and Martha finally have a clean break with all the lies that have deteriorated their marriage.Edward Albees play Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf? essays research paperEdward Albees play Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf? In Edward Albees play Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf? the major thematic concerns are those involving perception versus reality. In the beginning of the play, both couples seem to be average, loving couples of the nineteen-fifties. Even George and Martha seem to be playful in their insults toward each other. Things do not start to turn until George warns Martha not to start in about the bit with the kid, after which both of them begin to get more hostile toward each other. Even then, their ant agonism of each other did not reach the feverish pitch that it had by the end of the play.Nick and Honey are presented as even more of an ideal couple. They are seemingly devoted to each other and are made uncomfortable by George and Marthas constant attacks of each other. However, in the following acts, we find that this one is aptly titled Fun and Games when the truth is revealed about the two couples.In the second act, we learn that the idyllic perception of Nick and Honeys marriage is exactly that a fairy tale. George and Martha begin to attack Nick and Honey (as well as each other) and force them to admit the false pretenses on which their marriage is based namely, that Nick only married Honey because he believed her to be pregnant. Also, the fact that Nick is so easily seduced by Martha makes one doubt the love in his marriage to Honey.Another perception destroyed in this act is that the men hold the power in the relationships, which was the standard when the play was written. Their sexuality is what gives Martha and Honey their power. Honey used a false pregnancy to force Nick to marry her while Martha, as the daughter of the president of the university, uses sex as a tool to advance the careers of certain professors (although never her own husband).In the third act, we learn that Nick is perhaps not the athletic sexually voracious man we may have thought he was his failure to consummate the affair with Martha resulted from his failure to maintain an erection. Also revealed in this last act is the fact that George and Martha do not, in fact, have a son they simply made him up. With this last fantasy purged, George and Martha finally have a clean break with all the lies that have deteriorated their marriage.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
retail image study :: essays research papers
SUMMARY OF RETAIL CONCEPT AND BRAND PERSONALITYIn a present-day(a) market place, retail branding is considered paramount in the retailing industry to influence customer perceptions and drive store choice and loyalty. Ailawadi (2004).Digital Marketing root (2004) defines effective branding as the proprietary visual, emotional, rational, and cultural take in associated with a company or a product. The purpose of having people remember the brand prognosticate and have positive associations with that brand is to make their product selection easier and enhance the value and satis faction they get from the product.The first store examined, being planetary Appliances at Gl abolishale, would be categorized as a premium home electrical and appliance store. The store has a wide offering from luxury high end audio visual equipment to common need based items such as kettles, irons and ovens.Worldwide Appliances branding consists of a long running slogan Where the worlds trounce brands, c ompete for your prices This statement asserts the organizations desire to be considered as a provider of high quality products, whilst still remaining price competitive. This branding diversification allows Worldwide to compete for multiple niche markets.Levy and Weitz (2004) classify the retail plan as a management orientation which is aimed towards determining the needs of the retailers target market and directing the firm to satisfying those needs When considering the retail concept that Worldwide Appliances have adopted, it has created a mixed or unique concept that has been well absorbed by consumers. Through the combination of high end products and the exploitation economies of scale utilized through its large size, it can offer warehouse style prices on its upper range of electrical products. This creates an immediate competitive advantage over smaller electrical stores.A holistic brand image integrates entities such as values, colours, name, symbols, words and slogans (Cher natony 2000) Worldwide can not be completely classified with a singular holistic brand image, in fact their strength lies in their ability to be related with two contrasting images. One of simplicity, discount prices and availability when common place electrical products are considered such as small electrical goods and that of a high quality, knowledgeable, want based supplier when products such as home theatres and imported boutique brands are considered (eg. Audioloop) place DRIVERS OF RETAIL IMAGEThe second examined store was The Good Guys at Kotara. This store, through its branding, does an excellent job of defining itself to its potential consumers. The recent addition of
Writing as a Tool to Enlightenment in Invitation to a Beheading Essay
Writing as a Tool to Enlightenment in Invitation to a Beheading Vladimir Nabokovs Invitation to a Beheading concerns a man struggling for enlightenment against a society that demands its citizens question none of the absurdities that rule their world. In this restrictive environment, where a mortal can be killed for having depth--for being opaque--Cincinnatus uses writing to help him obtain enlightenment. First, Cincinnatus writes to preserve a record of verified thoughts (Nabokov 51). He wants to give hope to those who, equal him, may be persecuted and alone. However, Cincinnatus constantly struggles to express, through writing, estimations that cannot be articulated. This inability leads Cincinnatus to finally understand that writing prevents him from gaining ultimate freedom and enlightenment. He realizes that writing is merely some other shackle binding him to the physical world. Cincinnatus finds enlightenment when he willingly rejects all that binds him to the corporeal, in cluding the inspirational writings dedicated to his fellow nonconformist, which provided him with so much relief during his imprisonment. This musical theme of releasing the soul from the burdens of the body and the physical world is greatly enhanced when connected to some of the basic principles of Zen Buddhism. These principles are built around the idea that removing the self from its physical limitations is the key to enlightenment, which is what Cincinnatus finds himself doing. Therefore, severally step Cincinnatus takes along the path to enlightenment, aided by the knowledge gained through his writings, is best understood when related to Zen, for each step corresponds to an important teaching within this Eastern faith. Zen Buddhism is based on th... ...nnatuss journey reveals. To truly achieve enlightenment, a reader and a writer, must transcend reading and writing for what the mind already knows. Works CitedBancroft, Anne. Zen Direct Pointing to Reality. Spain Tha mes and Hudson, 1979.Champawat. Samsara. Online posting. VT EReserve. 30 Mar. 2001 http// Cooper, J.C. An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols. New York Thames and Hudson, 1999.Kapleau, Roshi Philip. Zen coming together of East and West. New York Doubleday, 1989. Kotz, Sean. Buddhism, Taoism, Zen. Online posting. VT EReserve. 30 Mar. 2001 http// Nabokov, Vladimir. Invitation to a Beheading. New York Vintage, 1989.Radcliff, Benjamin, and Amy Radcliff. Understanding Zen. Boston Tuttle, 1993.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
divorce Essay -- essays research papers
DivorceDivorce rates in the United States have increased dramatically over the past 25 years. Researchers have found that much than 40 percent of all marriages among young Americans end in divorce resulting in its word meaning in todays family structure and behavior (Demographics). Divorce has become such a painless(prenominal) process that the moment a couple hits the rocks it is easier and less stressful for them to divorce rather than going through the trouble of trying to work things out. However, even though a couple may be worried getting a divorce is not always the best option because of its unfortunate effects on all those involved.The most common hardship that espouse couples experience when a divorce takes place is caring for any children involved. One of the hardest things for a child to go through when they are young is divorce. It effects them in so many ways that they do not have control over. Sometimes these children have more difficulty in school, more behavior p roblems, more negative self-concepts, more problems with peers, and more trouble getting along with their parents. The parental support needed during these times is often lacking, because parents are so wrapped up in their own problems during a divorce that their ability to function as parents diminishes (Wallerstein and Blakeslee 125). All of these issues affect children because of the stress, conflict, and difficulty th...
divorce Essay -- essays research papers
DivorceDivorce rates in the United States have increased dramatically everywhere the past 25 years. Researchers have found that more than 40 percent of all marriages among young Americans end in divorce resulting in its acceptance in todays family structure and behavior (Demographics). Divorce has become such a painless process that the moment a couple hits the rocks it is easier and less disagreeable for them to divorce rather than going through the trouble of trying to work things out. However, even though a couple may be unhappy acquiring a divorce is not always the best option because of its unfortunate effects on all those involved.The most common hardship that married couples give when a divorce takes place is caring for any children involved. One of the hardest things for a child to go through when they are young is divorce. It effects them in so many ways that they do not have control over. Sometimes these children have more difficulty in school, more behavior problems, m ore forbid self-concepts, more problems with peers, and more trouble getting along with their parents. The parental support needed during these times is often lacking, because parents are so wrapped up in their own problems during a divorce that their ability to function as parents diminishes (Wallerstein and Blakeslee 125). All of these issues affect children because of the stress, conflict, and difficulty th...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Important Symbols of Taoism
Throughout history, Taoism has been unmatchable of the most influential religions in the Eastern culture. It is integrity of the most unique of all religions. In fact, some(prenominal) Taoists do not even consider it as a religion, and in many ways it is not. They make no claim that Tao exists. Although very antithetical from others, Taoism in like manner has very important unique symbols. Yin yang diagram, the most important symbol of Taoist represents the movement of heaven or the Tao. The small dots represent the fact that on that point is sound in the evil, as there is evil in the advantageously. Another important symbol of Taoism is the octette-spot trigrams or pakua.Last but not least the cream of tartar is one of the yang symbols, which represents the power, sage and saint. The Yin Yang sign is an old symbol for the universe that has been combined. It shows the cardinal opposing dimensions that give the world its dynamics. Its used to describe how seemingly opposi tion forces argon joined and dependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other in turn. Opposites thus only exist in resemblance to one another. Male and female, light and dark, hot and cold, are thought as demonstration of Yin Yang. The outer circle represents the universe to which all exists.There is a belief that Yin Yang data link to good and evil. Taoism believes that even in the most innocent nice people there is evil within them, and even the devil has good inside of him. The eight trigrams of pakua is a group of symbols that hold profound meaning in Chinese philosophy. These symbols represent movement and change. Each of the trigrams is associated with a season, family member, animal, personality, etc. They are ordered into two variant arrangements. Primary heaven and future heaven. The arrangements represent the four basic and four minor directions on the compass. South is first at the acquit.Whichever symbol is at the top represents South. The primar y heaven arrangement is organized based on opposite forces. The primary Heaven arrangement is organized on the cyclic genius of the world. The eight trigrams are Heaven-Sky-Air, Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Thunder, Lake Valley, and Mountain. Lastly, the Yin Yang dragons combine really powerful ideas. The yang dragons radiate a bright, positive charge. This energy is really physical, and often, brave, and outgoing. The Yin dragons energy is totally the opposite. Influenced by the satellite Venus, Yin dragons release a negative energy.This darker type of energy is usually in a female nature. No matter what the religion is, symbols play a unfit role. There is profound meaning into such insignificant objects. The Yin Yang diagram, the most important symbol of Taoism, the eight trigrams of pakua that represent movement and change, and the powerful Yin Yang dragons. Citations . Center of conventional Taos. . Cdot. org. 26 Nov. 2010. Zhou GuoXin. .Important Symbols of TaoismThroughout hi story, Taoism has been one of the most influential religions in the Eastern culture. It is one of the most unique of all religions. In fact, many Taoists do not even consider it as a religion, and in many ways it is not. They make no claim that Tao exists. Although very different from others, Taoism also has very important unique symbols. Yin yang diagram, the most important symbol of Taoist represents the movement of heaven or the Tao. The small dots represent the fact that there is good in the evil, as there is evil in the good. Another important symbol of Taoism is the eight trigrams or pakua.Last but not least the dragon is one of the yang symbols, which represents the power, sage and saint. The Yin Yang sign is an old symbol for the universe that has been combined. It shows the two opposing dimensions that give the world its dynamics. Its used to describe how seemingly contrary forces are joined and dependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other in turn. O pposites thus only exist in relation to one another. Male and female, light and dark, hot and cold, are thought as demonstration of Yin Yang. The outer circle represents the universe to which all exists.There is a belief that Yin Yang link to good and evil. Taoism believes that even in the most innocent nice people there is evil within them, and even the devil has good inside of him. The eight trigrams of pakua is a group of symbols that hold profound meaning in Chinese philosophy. These symbols represent movement and change. Each of the trigrams is associated with a season, family member, animal, personality, etc. They are ordered into two different arrangements. Primary heaven and future heaven. The arrangements represent the four basic and four minor directions on the compass. South is first at the top.Whichever symbol is at the top represents South. The primary heaven arrangement is organized based on opposite forces. The primary Heaven arrangement is organized on the cyclic nat ure of the world. The eight trigrams are Heaven-Sky-Air, Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Thunder, Lake Valley, and Mountain. Lastly, the Yin Yang dragons combine really powerful ideas. The yang dragons radiate a bright, positive charge. This energy is really physical, and often, brave, and outgoing. The Yin dragons energy is totally the opposite. Influenced by the planet Venus, Yin dragons release a negative energy.This darker type of energy is usually in a female nature. No matter what the religion is, symbols play a big role. There is profound meaning into such insignificant objects. The Yin Yang diagram, the most important symbol of Taoism, the eight trigrams of pakua that represent movement and change, and the powerful Yin Yang dragons. Citations . Center of Traditional Taos. . Cdot. org. 26 Nov. 2010. Zhou GuoXin. .
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Intels strategy in fluid drachmS was to focus on product design and to be the first to market with the juvenileest devices and DRAM technology. This allowed them to be a loss leader and charge significant price premiums, and proved to be a successful strategy for the first four generations of DRAMS. However, over time this became less opinionive as product life cycles shrank, so the time for competitors to offer a competing product became faster and once the competition caught up then prices would fall outstandingally. In this industry, patents were futile at blocking competition.In addition to product design, Intel established itself as a leader in process technology. Because cutting edge product design at last meant more complex semiconductor technology, Intel needed to invest large amounts of capital to keep its manufacturing capabilities at a level that could support new innovations and complex drudgery. It to a fault took time for Intel to become comfort qualified with ne w production technologies, during which yields (a key driver to manufacturing costs) would fall as they worked out new problems and optimized the processes.There are several factors that led to Intels dramatic decline In DRAM market share teen 1974 and 1984, the ultimate reason being that Japanese competitors were able to introduce new products more apace which reduced Intels position as a leader in the market since competitive offerings would follow so quickly after introduction of a new Intel device. Because of the high capital investments needed to produce new DRAMS, it was necessary to be first to market to be able to take advantage of higher prices as a market leader before competitors introduced similar technologies.One reason Japanese firms could introduce products more quickly is that they strategically invested heavily in manufacturing capabilities. By comparison, Japanese firms invested 40% of their sales revenue into plant and manufacturing equipment while U. S. Firms in vested 22% of their sales revenue. Additionally, several of the Japanese firms created relationships and collaborated closely with equipment manufacturers, such as Nixon, to create and access superb production equipment before it was available in the united States.As a result of getting superior equipment, Japanese competitors had much higher production yields for DRAMS than U. S. Companies (as high as 80% for Japanese companies compared to maximum 60% for U. S. Impasse). Finally, Japanese competitors were excessively more adept at both developing process technologies and ramping up production message for DRAMS for instance, their production yields were as high as 70-80% vs.. 50-60% for US firms in the sass, and this was a factor in driving costs.Intel leadership did not Immediately recognize the authorization opportunities for microprocessors and their use in personal computers, but once this was discovered, the Intel team set several strategies In place to become a market lea der. Their biggest competitor, Motorola, had been selected as AppleS standard. therefrom when IBM entered the PC market, Intel and Motorola were huge competitors to become the innovation, but also invested heavily in sales and marketing efforts.Intels decision to launch the sales effort, Project CRUSH, to accomplish design wins was instrumental in paving the way for Intels future success in the microprocessor market, particularly because this sales campaign led to Intel securing a contract with MOM. Intels DRAM strategy seemed to be If we build it, they will come, whereas the new microprocessor strategy was more If we build it, lets make sure they come. Intels strategic partnership with IBM was staggeringly instrumental in Intels strategy to gain a competitive advantage in microprocessors.IBM led the market in the personal computer market in the early sass and Vims strategy to expand rapidly and gain market share provided the perfect environment for Intel to grow in tandem. Wherea s Intel did not invest in defensive efforts and technology to maintain its competitive advantage in DRAMS, despite winning a major contract with IBM for microprocessors, Intel continued to invest in truculent marketing against its competitors?particularly Motorola?to maintain its competitive advantage.Another strategy that Intel employed to gain a competitive advantage in microprocessors was to create a network effect and develop a network of suppliers to help produce chips for Intel. Intel learned from its experience with DRAMS production that it was expensive to ramp up production capacity and made a decision for microprocessors to license with other companies to produce chips to meet demand. Although this strategy meant that Intel only received a fraction of the total revenues and profits, Intel was able to meet demand in the rapidly growing PC business and could continue to win contracts and grow overall market share.Leadership also continued to invest in Intels internal produc tion capabilities so that Intel could produce a higher proportion of later models of microprocessors in-house to gain more profits. This strategy bought Intel time to really establish itself and the top supplier of microprocessors and also work on its manufacturing capabilities so that by the time Intel produced the 386, it was ready to produce the 386 without licensing. This required major investments and attention to improving internal sources and operation coordination, but Intel was able to make business decisions, such as higher price setting, that covered this investment.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Merchant of Venice Glossary and Character Sketch
GlossaryThe Merchant of Venice Act I, Scene II 1. By my trotha mild oath ilk Upon my word 2. aught whateverthing 3. surfeitoverindulge 4. superfluityexcess 5. Hareto run fast 6. overname themsay their names over 7. colta young, or new person 8. Deaths-headskull 9. a-capringdancing 10. pennywortha sm on the whole amount 11. doubleta close-fitting outer garment, with or without sleeves and sometimes having a bypass skirt, worn by men in the Renaissance an undergarment, quilted and reinforced with mail, worn beneath arm. 12. ound hosevery full short breeches which alter in length from the upper thigh to just above the knee, giving a rounded look to the hips and showing off the leg. 13. suretya person who assumes legal responsibility for the fulfillment of anothers debt or obligation and himself becomes liable if the other defaults. 14. vileyhighly offensive, unpleasant, disgusting 15. Sibyllathe Sybil of Cumae, to whom Apollo granted as many years of life as there are grains in a h andful of sand 16. Dianagoddess of chastity Character ReportNerissa What does your character want in this scene?Nerissa wants to know whether Portia has feelings for any of her suitors and whether she will consider disobeying her begetters will. What is your characters motivation for doing what he or she does? She is Portias waiting-gentlewoman and friend, who is concerned about Portias future. Also, she shows some acuity for Bassanio to arrive with her future husband, Gratiano. What obstacles stand in his or her way? Portias independence and defiance of her sires will that causes Portia to show distaste toward each(prenominal) her suitors. What happens when your character confronts these obstacles?Nerissa finds that the heiress might be interested in Bassanio. Are there any distinctive elements in your characters way of language? (Is his of her language elaborate, plain, musical, or what? ) She is inquisitive and curious. What is your character thought process during the scen e? (How does he or she react to the other characters and events? ) She in inquiring about Portias suitors. She mustiness be interested in their futures. Character ReportPortia What does your character want in this scene? Portia wishes to choose the fate of her marriage instead of following her fathers will.She also seems to express interest in Bassanio when he is mentioned. What is your characters motivation for doing what he or she does? She is an orphan that has no say in who she marries so Portia motivation to protest is her want of freedom. Even after her fathers death, she is still under his control. What obstacles stand in his or her way? Her fathers will and the test of the caskets deciding her husband. What happens when your character confronts these obstacles? Nothing really, as she just points out all the flaws of the suitors she meets.Are there any distinctive elements in your characters way of speaking? (Is his of her language elaborate, plain, musical, or what? ) So fa r she has only spoken in complaints and a bit condenscendingly. What is your character thinking during the scene? (How does he or she react to the other characters and events? ) She is most likely thinking of loopholes to get out of her fathers demands. She is probably also thinking about Bassanio and when he will come court her. Company ReportQueen Murphys Two 1. What happens in your scene? Outline the basal events. . Portia complains about how she cannot choose a husband because of her deceased fathers will. Explains the caskets and the requirements for Portias hand in marriage. b. Nerissa names the different suitors of Portia and Portia points out all their flaws. c. Nerissa tells Portia that all the suitors were leaving and Nerissa mentions Bassanio. Portia is interested. d. A serving man appears stating that the Prince of Morocco is arriving soon. Portia doesnt really care too much. 2. What do you think are the key purposes of your scene? a.To introduce Portia and Nerissa as key characters and explaining their personalities. b. To explain the idea of the caskets (gold, silver, and lead) and the parameters behind Portias engagement. c. To foreshadow the relationship that will happen between Bassanio and Portia later on. 3. What are your reactions to this scene? That Portia seems to be stuck in a situation that shes very stubborn about. To go against her fathers will, she is headstrong and picky in choosing her husband. I feel like back up Portia to go for her need to be independent.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Policy in Theory and Practice
What is the social administrative tradition?Social giving medication activity developed when the upbeat put forward was undergoing a period of growth, when there was a high level of optimism about its potential achievements and a high degree of consensus about the fundamentals much(prenominal) as Education, the National Health Services, and public housing. Social administration was chargeed with social needs and problems, and with the response to the problems social policy. It became regarded as the natural provider of welfare, seemingly at the expense of others. Social administration is linked to the growth and development of welfare services, which have existed since the turn of the century, but were expanded and consolidated in the 1940s. It adopts a rational approach to solving social problems, which are often thought of as having an objective existence. Social services provided by the state were viewed as the decorous method for causing progressive change.Fabianism was a movement designed to promote democratic socialist economy. The impact of Fabianism, as a coherent set of ideas, held that socialism in Britain was well-matched with the institutions of state and should, therefore, be implemented through a parliamentary system. Supporters of Fabianism precious to utilise academic knowledge on social problems to fashion pressure on the state to research and conduct in-depth analysis in order to capture welfare reforms.The ideological and empirical alliances with Fabianism were associated with a concern regarding policy action specifically what is done by policy action and how it is done, rather than why this is done. Two hugely prominent members of the Fabian Society were Sydney and Beatrice Webb. This rival believed that incorporated provision for welfare through the state was essential in order to develop a British capitalist society. Social policy in Britain became more concerned with the practical issues of education for experimental research on recognized problems social administration tradition. During the decades of the 1960s and 1970s the view of Social administration as social policy became discredited, and since then a more holistic approach to social policy developed.What is meant by liberal welfarism?Liberalism welfarism is about protection of the psyche in terms of wantondom, markets and kind limits the state. Welfare in liberal philosophy is not something that is provided but something that is achieved and developed through the free and independent actions of a free will. The welfare of each individual promotes the well-being of the entire society by increasing the sum total of emancipation in which its members live. Liberalism promotes equality of opportunities that is rooted in an inequality of outcomes. Freedom is intrinsically linked to responsibility, so as the state takes over in the role of providing welfare for the population a diminished freedom also means diminished individual responsibility. Th is is damaging to society, and in order to minimise the damage the state must take a less telephone exchange role. It was thought that the state should refrain from interfering in stinting processes such as income policies, laws regarding minimum wage and employment protection legislation, which in turn would reduce the role of trade unions in economic and political life. This forms the foundation for a legal background which enables individual freedom along with economic prosperity, and has been of great influence in economic, political and social welfare. The economic policy of laissez-faire was an attitude in which the government refused to interfere. This eventually began to give way to a new collective ideal called new-liberalism, which imagined the state playing a positive in the enhancement of social problems. New liberalism led to a transformation in the nature of and traffic between the state and the market.Explain the parliamentary policy- make process.Within the parame ters of British state, the central state may be considered to be crucial as it is where numerous decisions are made. Constitutionally Britain operates a tripartite division of powers between the legislature, the judiciary and the executive. Crucial to this is the role of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, which are pivotal in the making of policy. The job of the legislature is to debate and consider the introduction of new laws. Members of parliament exercise the power through the system of Parliamentary committees, where they are able to chief Ministers and senior Civil Servants. New legislation passes through the laborious process of First, Second and Third Readings in the House of Commons, interspersed with detailed discussion of a bucks content at the Committee stage. A Bill will then receive consideration from the House of Lords, and during this process the MPs and Lords from the government and the opposition have the opportunity to question and debate the principles and p rovisions of new legislation, and to suggest amendments. Finally a Bill receives Royal Assent and passes into law as an Act of Parliament.Detail the New Right critique of the welfare state.During the 1970s both the Conservative and Labour society attempted to halt the apparent economic decline, yet neither were successful. Both parties experiences an increase of radical activity in the far wings of the party. The New Right formed as a arm of the Conservative Party, campaigning for a break from the previous reliance on Keynesianism as part of economic and social policy.From 1979-1997, Britain was governed by a Conservative Party that was under Thatchers leadership and was inspired by the New Right, and was rooted in economic liberalism combined with social conservatism.According to the work of the theorist Friedman Britain began to course up a neo-liberal analysis of state welfare during this time. His main argument was that public expenditure was being driven up by the increase o f state intervention within welfare services. This interfered with the operation of the market economy.The New Right arguing that free welfare services unless encouraged useless muckle to become dependent upon benefits and provided no incentive for families to protect themselves and their welfares through savings. The Conservatives tried to shift the costs of welfare through changes in taxation and the benefits system, burdening the poor and disadvantaged, and this served only to increase the amount of citizens who were in need of state support. This was further intensified by policies that sought to achieve wage discipline through mass unemployment. Neo-liberals wanted to roll back the state and reduce the role of the government, with the aim to restoring Britains international competitiveness. Welfare benefits were seen as detrimental to labour market flexibility, as they unbroken up wages.BibliographyAlcock, C, Payne,S, Sullivan, M, 2004, Introducing Social Policy, Essex, Pea rson.Baldock, N, et al, 2012, Social Policy, 4edt, Oxford, Oxford University Express.Loney, M, Boswell, D, Clarke,J, 1988, Social Policy & Social Welfare, Milton Keynes, Open University.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
How is Crooks presented in Of Mice and Men? Essay
Towards the beginning of the passage Steinbeck describes Crooks belongings to be basic and simple. He owns a tattered dictionary and a mauled imitation of the California civil code. This agent that Steinbeck presents Crooks to be intelligent of a black man at this time as very few could teach and the fact that he owns books is showing his ability to read.Also because he owns the California civil code it is showing that he knows his rights and although he might not be racially the same as everyone else he still has rights and makes sure he knows them, portraying him to be aware and alert. As Crooks has no new clean items as they are all described as tattered, mauled or dirty it could show that Steinbeck wants to show Crooks to be a man with little luxury and individual who has no experience or a standard of living as he tends to keep his items even when they are falling apart.Within this passage Crooks get on is described as swept and fairly neat, this is showing that although C rooks lives on his own he still wants to keep his room tidy even though he is living alone and no one ever visits him, so he has no need to keep his room clean. This could mean that Steinbeck wants to portray Crooks to be more than a simple stable hand as he is showing him to have quite a high level of intelligence for someone in his situation and also someone who cares about how his surrounding look as he likes to keep his room clean.Within the novel and this passage Crooks is pictured to be in pain and excruciation due to his injures, he is bent over to the left by his crooked spine and he has pain-tightened lips, showing the suffering he has to endure due to his back. This could be showing Crooks to be weak as he is in constant discomfort, showing that he would be futile to defend himself if he was put in the situation where he would need to. As Crooks is in constant pain but he still does his reflect to the best of his ability it could be showing him to be resilient and a wil lingness to keep on going in order to make money and to be able to sustain himself. He may have acquired these traits as he is a black man living in 1930s America and this means that you would have to been tough and strong willed in order to survive.Steinbeck introduces Crooks as a lean negro head, lined with pain, the eyes patient. This is immediately implying the acceptance of racialism as the word negro is showing him to be of a different colour. This could suggest that he is excluded and isolated from the rest of the characters as he is the only person described like this. The phrase the eyes patient confirms that he is used to waiting on orders from other people and this is further showing his loneliness inwardly the novel.Steinbeck later goes on to show his isolation further, as he explains how he sleeps in a little shed that leaned off the wall of the barn, obscure from the rest of the ranch workers. This is implying that Steinbeck might have wanted him to be shown as isol ated to portray the racism and segregation at that time. This is a clear means of showing Crooks to be segregated due to his race as he is literally separated from the rest of the ranch workers as he has to live in a different place, with no one to socialize with, portraying the sense of the way black people were treated in society at this time.A character within the novel that Crooks doesnt agree with is Curleys wife as she clearly showing him how she has a higher authoritative class and that she fucking control him. In chapter four when Crooks starts to open up and social with Lennie and Candy, Curleys wife past brings Crooks back down to the level she thinks he should be because of his colour.As on the ranch Curleys wife has no power over any of the workers as they are considered to have a higher social class, Crooks is then the only person that Curleys wife feels she can control in this way as he is black. When Curleys wife tells Crooks that she could get him strung up on a t ree Crooks immediately turns introverted and scared to defend himself again in case of her following up her threat, showing that he has no power over anything and that she has a higher social ranking than him.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
What Make’s Up One’s Identity
There be a great deal of factor outs that all form angiotensin converting enzymes identity, the most relevant and main ones be culture, which includes nationality as well as morality, intellect, personality, and world exposure. I. Culture is a crucial factor when it comes to forming ones identity. A. The characteristics of our country of subscriber line. * The power that our nationality has on our person. * The language, our culinary traditions, clothing etc. B. Religion. * The values. * The traditions. II. Ways of interpreting situations and our personality, strongly mirror who we ar.A. The elements that formed our intellect. * Education and upbringing. * political views, as well as other ideas c at a timerning societys organization. B. The social attributes we gain. * The individuals in our surroundings. * The have it offs we go through. III. The strong daze of travelling on our identity. A. Eye-openers that broaden our minds. * The immature cultures we integrate. * The innovative people we meet and their influence on our personality. B. Developing a consciousness of break downing to more than one culture. * The process of becoming a halfie.Merriam Websters online dictionary defines identity as the distinguishing character or personality of an individual, which is undoubtedly true. Firstly there is culture, in other words, the land we feel we belong in and the characteristics that come with be to this start outicular country. Seldom do people remember to include ones personality in the definition of his or hers identity. However, it is extremely important because it is precisely what distinguishes us from our compatriots otherwise our identity would non be uniquely ours, but the one of everyone from the same land.Moreover, it should non be forgotten that identity is permanently subject to change, whether it be through travelling or new experiences. The combination of all these factors be what forms ones identity. Culture in all probability consists of attributes that form more than half of our identity, and it is mainly formed of our nationality and our religion. It is essential, that one feels a strong bond between him and his country this is the reason why nationality is so much spoken well-nigh, when the nobbleic of identity is beingness discussed.An individual needs to feel as if he has a homeland, meaning a place where he faecal matter relate to others because they live in the same environment, have the same climate, the same state regulations, duties, as well benefit from the same rights. To that effect, one feels a sense of comradeship between him and his soil. This is why individuals sometimes voluntarily join the army, because they feel obliged to defend their country. And some soldiers today, in particular the ones of the American army, atomic number 18 sent all the way across the world to Iraq for the sole purpose of fighting for their state.Individuals feel a strong need to be patriotic, and some are imparting to go to great lengths to show to others why they believe their country is best. A British character in Oliver Goldsmiths textual matterual matter National prejudice, who is cocking his hat, and assuming such(prenominal) an air of importance as if he had possessed all the merit of the English nation (Goldsmith), clearly illustrates this prefigure because he makes discriminatory statements in the name of his nation. All of the above goes to show the fundamental impact ones nationality has on his or hers identity.Moreover, our country of origin also imparts to us certain characteristics related to it, mainly a language to communicate amongst each other, local food, outfits, dances etc. They are basically the elements we see displayed when establishments such as informs or universities, prepare international days, when individuals build stands showing the particularities of their country. They also contribute immensely to the formation of our identity, they add to the c oncept of nationalism. Our language gives us a unique way we can use to communicate with our compatriots.Each and every country has its own language or dialect that makes up its peoples identities. Furthermore, there are local recipes that we learn which even as used as comfort foods to cure homesickness. There are traditional dances, for example the gypsy dancing in Spain, the dabke in Lebanon or the French Can-Can, outfits and holidays the country celebrates, especially independence day. To sum up, all of these elements make up ones nationality, which contributes to ones culture. Culture is not only formed through ones nationality, but also by his religion.Even though some individuals believe that religion is not really a very significant part in ones identity, I believe that it is crucial and that it is present in most of our decisions. Whether you are Christian, Muslim, Jewish or even Atheist, this is a major characteristic of your identity. Religions first of all come with a se t of values and rules we should follow. For example, a Muslim woman, should chorus line from wearing revealing clothes, and preferably should wear an abbaye and headscarf, in order to respect her and others she should not have sexual relations before marriage.Men or women are not allowed to be homosexual, which actually is a value for many religions, they should pray five times a day, go do a pilgrimage in Mecca once in their lifetime, Buddhist are to consider the cow as sacred etc. The values are, like many other religions not to sin, to pray and be good to one another. On the other hand, religions also provides us with traditions to follow, for example the famous Christian holiday Christmas, or the Ramadan for Muslims, having Bat Mitzvahs for Jews and Easter.Our religion really helps in terms of giving us a path to follow in our lives. The aim in our lives is to respect it as much as possible therefore it is part of our culture. The last elements discussed, refer solely to the par ts of our identity that are formed and settled at birth, we should not forget the impact of how we develop as a person, in other terms, our family, our type of education, and the experiences we go through. A persons education is an integral part of his identity, and education involves what one is taught in school, as well as at home.Family has an important role in making you a legitimate member of society, firstly they give you a name which identifies you, and afterwards, they provide you with a mandatory set of guidelines to follow throughout your childhood. These guidelines give you certain values and rules you should follow, just like religion does. Whether the individuals raising you are strict or lenient, they need to provide you with moral grounds in order for you to grow up to be a valuable citizen.Robert Coles in his text I listen to my parents and wonder what they believe, overviews this point concerning morals, he says that children are lost emotionally without the guidanc e of their parents. Moreover, he criticizes the latter for disregarding their childrens adulthood and choose to turn a blind eye towards this issue this issue is not the moral capacity of children but the default of us parents who fail to reply to inquiries (Coles).Therefore, we notice that the role of ones parents is crucial in developing the kind of individual he will grow to be. Moreover, our parents decide to which type of school to send us, which is the other major part of our education. Depending on if they send you to a Catholic school, a boarding school, a French Lycee, a British or American high school, you will receive a specific kind of education. Henceforth, you will be raised with their particular values and probably base your next decisions on what they have taught you.In the end, these two major components of our education will form who we are as adults, in other words, our political and social views. For example, do we harbour the left or the right, the republica ns or the democrats, the conservatists or liberalists etc.? These ideas place us in society. All of the above are the elements that form our intellect, which in itself is an important part of our personality. We simply cannot deny the impact that the people surrounding us throughout our life, have on our identities.How you behave strongly reflects who you are, and obviously, in order to integrate a community, it is mandatory to act like them, henceforth you begin to acquire certain characteristics that are similar to the ones of others. Lets say one is raised in a racist community, unfortunately, this individual will probably grow up to be a racist, because this is what the people around him told him was the right way to think. On top of that, another important factor in forming how we think, are our experiences through life. For example, in Edward T.Halls The Arab World, his particular meeting with an Arab gentleman, in which he was sitting on a couch in a hotel lobby and assumed t his gentleman was invading his privacy, when the latter was simply being his normal self. He comes to certain conclusions about Arabic people, stating they have no respect for personal space or important moral values. This is an experience he went through, which forged the way he thinks, and forevermore, these ideas are part of who he is. The impact that travelling has on the formation of our identity is undeniable, it gives us priceless characteristics that make us better people in the end.The previous(prenominal) factors evokes, culture and personality, are bound to impact every single citizen of the world, however, unfortunately, we do not all have the luxury to travel, but those that do, are able to experience new cultures, and meet new people through living abroad. I personally, have lived in various countries, surrounded every time by leash distinctly different cultures I was born in London, I spent the first fifteen years of my life in Nigeria, afterwards I transferred to a boarding school in Switzerland, and at the moment I am finally living in my land of origin, which is Lebanon.And I can proudly confirm, that being exposed to all these cultures have made me the open-minded and well-rounded individual that I am today. Thanks to that, I no longer abide to prejudices, nor concord with stereotypes, because I have been lucky enough to be aware of the different types of people and be able to understand them. Therefore finally, it is this combination of changing where I lived and development of my personality that I believe forged my identity. Afterwards, your identity is subject to change, you begin to feel a sense of belonging to more than one culture.This is what Amin Maalouf illustrates in his story titled Deadly Identities. He says I have been asked many times with the best intentions in the world, if I felt more French or more Lebanese. I always give the same answer Both (Maalouf). Or even in Ethar El-Katatneys article Identity Crisis 101, the sc hoolgirlish El-Gohary claims that she is balanced in her love for both countries(El-Katatney), and it is the same author that introduced this idea of being a halfie.Individuals are no longer able to consider themselves belonging to one culture more than the other. They do always feel a strong sense of attachements to their routes however their true identity has altered, and therefore so will their state of mind. All of the above truly portrays the strong impact of traveling on ones identity. To conclude, we notice that it is ones cultural exposure, which confidential information to the elements contributing to the formation of his identity. We are not born with an unchangeable identity, actually quite the opposite, it never cesses to change.Individuals will always be exposed to new places, new people, new ways of thinking and these will transforms who they are. It all depends on culture and personality.Works Cited Identity. Merriam-Webster online dictionary. Merriam-Webster Online, 2008. Web. 14th Nov 2010. Coles, Robert. I Listen to my Parents and I Wonder What they Believe. The McGraw-Hill referee Issues Across the Disciplines. Gilbert H. Muller. Ed. McGraw Hill 8th edition Boston 1982 El-Katatney, Ethar Identity Crisis 101. Egypt Today online. May 8th 2008. Egypttoday. com. Web. 3rd Nov 2010. Hall, Edward T. The Arab World. Shades of greyness A reader for Academic Writing. Ed. Zane Sinno, Rima Rantisi, Ghassan Zeineddine, Natalie Honein, Jasmina Najjar. 2nd ed. capital Britain Pearson Education Limited, 2008. (pages 89 to 90). Print. Maalouf, Amin Deadly Identities. Shades of Gray A reader for Academic Writing. Ed. Zane Sinno, Rima Rantisi, Ghassan Zeineddine, Natalie Honein, Jasmina Najjar. 2nd ed. Great Britain Pearson Education Limited, 2008. (page 1) Print.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Raphael’s Triumph of Galatea from 1512
Art is interesting because it is simultaneously distinct and contextual great art stands on its own, hardly it also stands in the shadow of that which has come before, and serves as the guiding light to cast the shadows of that which will come after it. Two paintings which share a heel of similarities and differences are Raphaels Triumph of Galatea from 1512 and Bronzinos Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time from 1546. Each work concentrates on working mythologic characters and eventidets, and concerns itself with notions of love.However, Raphels work represents love and beauty as archetypal, more abstract concepts, where Bronzinos work has achieved both fame and infamy for its sexual overtones, emphasizing erotic love. Raphaels painting is a fresco, and uses more washed-out colors to represent the dream-like aspect of the events even as Galatea is on the cusp of divination, the world becomes less real to her, and more dream-like, which is what the painting attempts to emphasize.Bronzi nos work emphasizes flesh-colors to bring out the outstanding nudity of its characters, as well as the barely-concealed sexual nature of the proceedings. Bronzino draws the eye to the sexual proceedings between Cupid and Venus by putting Venus in the foreground, which contrasts quite well with Raphaels focus on the nymph go she is centered and obviously the focus of the work (the eyes are inevitably pinched to her), but she is drawn to the same scale (relative to the viewer) as the other mythological figures of the work.Additionally, while each work uses mythological characters, each does so to a in truth disparate end in focusing on ascension to divinity, Raphael concentrates on this event as the culmination of earthly beauty becoming transcendentsomething to which even we mere mortals can aspire. By contrast, Bronzinos work serves an allegorical function the borderline incestuous events that are creation enacted by Venus and Cupid are being overseen by Folly (looking pleased, as an unsubtle indicator that their action is a foolish one) and a horrified Father Time.Other characters are in similar reception shots of shock and horror. While both Raphael and Bronzino were Italian, their works were products of very different cultural movements. The allegorical art of Bronzino is the textbook ideal of Mannerism it is intellectual and thought-provoking while at the same time drawing attention to the artificial nature of what is being portrayed.Arguably, such works function more as spectacle than art, as section of the works power lies not within the work itself, but in the reaction it engenders from others. Raphael, of course, epitomized the use of the fresco being painted to complement the sumptuosity of a home, it focuses on the aspects that the rich commissioner wishes to see in himself (the intersection between earthly existence and spiritual divinity is, of course, featured in the home of somebody who earnestly hopes their earthly wealth can be tempered by spiritual riches).Obviously, Raphael and Bronzino utilized different mediums in different time periods to represent different events. However, it is striking how, regarding subject matter, each one approached things so differently. Raphael treated the mythological characters with an almost historical focus, and chose to highlight the spirituality and divinity of a single mythological event.Bronzinos work takes on the nature of a grotesque hypothetical, and serves to remind cultured art aficionados that the decadence of the mythological characters that they so love is nothing to be admired or emulated. Each artist, however, was concerned with what beauty was, whether that answer is spiritual or round-eyed practical whether it concerns transcendent godly love or simple earthly passion. In the debate between these two points of view, the substance of their art lives forever.
Monday, May 20, 2019
History of Gladiatorial Games Essay
History of prizefighterial games Origins Early literary sources seldom agree on the origins of gladiators and the gladiator games.1 In the late 1st century BC, Nicolaus of Damascus believed they were Etruscan.2 A generation later, Livy wrote that they were first held in 310 BC by the Campanians in celebration of their victory over the Samnites.3 colossal after the games had ceased, the 7th century AD writer Isidore of Seville derived Latin lanista (manager of gladiators) from the Etruscan word for executioner, and the title of Charon (an official who accompany the dead from the papistic gladiatorial arena) from Charun, psychopomp of the Etruscan underworld.4 Roman historians emphasized the gladiator games as a foreign import, just about likely Etruscan. This preference informed most standard histories of the Roman games in the earlier modern era.5 critique of the evidence supports a Campanian origin, or at least a borrowing, for the games and gladiators.6 The earliest known Rom an gladiator schools (ludi) were in Campania.7 Tomb frescoes from Paestum (4th century BC) show paired fighters, with helmets, spears and shields, in a propitiatory funeral blood-rite that anticipates early Roman gladiator games.8 Compared to these images, supporting evidence from Etruscan tomb-paintings is tentative and late. The Paestum frescoes may represent the continuation of a much cured tradition, acquired or inherited from Greek colonists of the 8th century BC.9Livy dates the earliest Roman gladiator games to 264 BC, in the early presents of Romes First Punic War against Carthage. Decimus Iunius Brutus Scaeva had three gladiator pairs fight to the death in Romes cattle market Forum (Forum Boarium) to honor his dead father, Brutus Pera. This is described as a munus (plural munera), a commemorative duty owed the manes of a dead ancestor by his descendants.10 The gladiator instance used (according to a single, later source), was Thracian.11 but the development of the munus a nd its gladiator events was most strongly influenced by Samniums support for Hannibal and subsequent punitive expeditions by Rome and her Campanian allies the earliest and most frequently mentioned type was the Samnite.12The war in Samnium, immediately afterwards, was attended with equal danger and an equally glorious conclusion. The enemy, besides their different warlike preparation, had made their battle-line to glitter with new and splendid arms. There were two corps the shields of the one were beautify with gold, of the other with silverThe Romans had already heard of these splendid accoutrements, but their generals had taught them that a soldier should be close together(p) to look on, not adorned with gold and silver but putting his trust in iron and in courageThe Dictator, as decreed by the senate, celebrated a triumph, in which by faraway the finest show was afforded by the captured armour. So the Romans made use of the splendid armour of their enemies to do honour to t heir gods piece of music the Campanians, in consequence of their pride and in hatred of the Samnites, equipped after this fashion the gladiators who furnished them pastime at their feasts, and bestowed on them the name Samnites. (Livy 9.40)13Livys account skirts the funereal, sacrificial function of early Roman gladiator combats and underlines the later theatrical ethos of the gladiator show splendidly, exotically armed and armoured barbarians, treacherous and degenerate, are dominated by Roman iron and native courage.14 His plain Romans virtuously dedicate the magnificent spoils of war to the Gods. Their Campanian allies stage a dinner entertainment using gladiators who may not be Samnites, but play the Samnite role. other groups and tribes would join the cast list as Roman territories expanded. Most gladiators were armed and armoured in the mode of the enemies of Rome.15 The munus became a morally instructive form of historic enactment in which the only honourable excerpt for the gladiator was to fight well, or else die well.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Accounting Capstone Essay
It appears to me that two companies tolerate had some weaknesses and accept shown some improvements.I am wary of Pepsico because its true liabilities have increased faster than its assets. However, Coca-Colas assets have decreased along with its liabilities.Both companies have increased inventory, though Pepsicos increase has been much higher(prenominal) than Coca-Colas (9.86% to 0.28%). Normally, this is cause for concern, but both companies inventory turnover also has improved.There are some(prenominal) other pros and cons for both companies. One reason to be cautious about either one is that they both have weak window pane test ratios. Pepsicos fell from 0.95 to 0.87. Coca-Colas fell from 0.81 to 0.72). An acid-test ratio of less(prenominal) than 1 shows that a company will have difficulty paying its debts.My final decision is establish on profitability.Pepsicos profit margin decreased from 14.4% to 12.5%.Coca-Colas decreased from 22.3% to 21.1%.See more diaphanous Destiny e ssayBoth have decreased, but Coca-Colas is much higher. So, I would choose Coca-Cola.What Does Acid-Test dimension Mean?A stringent indicator that determines whether a firm has enough short-term assets to cover its quick liabilities without selling inventory. The acid-test ratio is far more strenuous than the working capital letter ratio, primarily because the working capital ratio allows for the inclusion of inventory assets.Calculated byInvestopedia explains Acid-Test RatioCompanies with ratios of less than 1 cannot pay their afoot(predicate) liabilities and should be looked at with extreme caution. Furthermore, if the acid-testratio is much lower than the working capital ratio, it means current assets are highly dependent on inventory. Retail stores are examples of this type of business.The term comes from the way favourable miners would test whether their findings were real gold nuggets. Unlike other metals, gold does not corrode in acid if the nugget didnt dissolve when su bmerged in acid, it was said to have passed the acid test. If a companys financial statements pass the figurative acid test, this indicates its financial integrity
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Descartes vs Locke Essay
Socrates once said, As for me, every(prenominal) I know is that I know nothing. several(prenominal) philosophers contradicted Socrates outlook and believed that consecutive noesis was in fact attainable. This epistemological view however had several stances to it, as philosophers held different beliefs in regards to the derivation of true friendship. Rationalists believed that the legal opinion was the source of true cognition, while in Empiricism, true knowledge derived from the senses. Rene Descartes, a rationalist, and John Locke, an empiricist, were prime examples of epistemologists who were seen to differentiate greatly within each of their philosophies.However, although Descartes and Lockes ideas did stock in that sense, they both sh ard common concepts that helped mould the basis of their ideas. Descartes and Locke both agreed that there were things in spirit that exist that we can be certain of. For Descartes, human experiences did not provide sufficient culmination of existence. He indicated that through his Dream Conjecture and his Evil-Demon Theory (Paquette 205). Descartes stated that we cannot be certain if reality is a dream or not, thus questioning our existence (Paquette 205).In his Evil-Demon Theory, Descartes claimed that for all he knew, an evil teras could be putting thoughts into his head, making him think that reality was true when it was in fact false (Paquette 205). Ultimately, all this thinking resulted in Descartes coming to the conclusion that the one thing we could be genuine of existing is the mind (Newman 2010). This can be seen through his most famous quote, I think therefore I am (Kaplan 2008). Descartes claimed that since he was able to doubt and think using his mind, his mind must exist (Paquette 205). Similarly, Locke was also sure of existence.He believed that every end was made up of primary qualities as well as collateral qualities (Paquette 212). Secondary qualities rely on how a person senses the prey subj ectively, and is experienced differently depending on the respective(prenominal) (Paquette 212). Examples of secondary qualities include colour, taste, and sound (Paquette 212). Primary qualities, however, are objective and include aspects such as an objects height and weight (Paquette 212). Through this, Locke claimed that the existence of objects can be made certain cod to the primary qualities it possesses (Paquette 212).Similar to Descartes, Locke believed in a sense of existence. However, in his view, the facts from the primary qualities proved the object exists because the object exists within itself (Paquette 212). Descartes and Locke also believed in some sense of the im strong world. Descartes claimed that there is in fact an external world, however it does not exist outside peoples minds (Paquette 206). Since Descartes was a rationalist, he believed that the only system to acquire true knowledge was solely through the mind (Moore 2002). Through the adjoin of doubting existence, Descartes realised that the mind exists (Paquette 205).He went further into thought and concluded that since he, an imperfect person, has knowledge of perfection, something perfect has to exist to drive home put that knowledge in his mind. From there he claimed the existence of God (Newman 2010). Descartes accordingly stated that a perfect perfection would not deceive his people, indicating that the material world exists (Newman 2010). Therefore through this thinking process, Descartes came to the conclusion that the real world is of the mind, and the external world is everything else that falls into the material world made by god (Newman 2010). Like Descartes, Locke also believed in an external world.As an empiricist, Locke relied heavily on the senses to provide true knowledge (Moore 2002). He shared Aristotles belief that the mind is a blank slate, also known as tabula rasa, at birth (Paquette 211). Our sense experiences thereafter provide us with knowledge to fill in those slates (Paquette 211). In Lockes Representative Theory of Perception, also known as Epistemological Dualism, he stated that material objects exist and are separate entities from human beings (Paquette 227). However, he also believed that objects exist in the mind as psychological entities (Paquette 227).Locke concluded that people can taste, smell, touch, and see the external world which, in turn, becomes impressions in our minds (Paquette 227). Descartes and Locke are thus seen to be equivalent in the sense that they both believed in an external world. Descartes and Locke both had a process for understanding knowledge as well. As a rationalist, Descartes believed in innate ideas that all cosmos were born with some knowledge (Paquette 206). This differentiates from the empirical view that the mind is a blank slate at birth (Paquette 211).Descartes also used intuition and deduction to establish truth (Kaplan 2008). He believed that intuition is drive knowledge which can b e known without ever sensing or experiencing it (Paquette 206). Deduction however, is where you start with a premise, or a statement you believe to be true, and then determine more truths based on that origin (Paquette 206). As shown, Descartes focused on the thinker and the thinking process when determining true knowledge (Paquette 206). Rather than a thinking process, Locke believed that understanding knowledge came from a process based on our senses (Paquette 211).He believed that when the external world triggers any of our five senses, those experiences turn into sensations (Paquette 211). Those sensations then turn into impressions in our mind, thus adding knowledge onto the slate in our mind which was once blank (Paquette 211). He claimed that our mind reflects on the impressions we received from our sensations (Paquette 211). Locke then stated that those reflections turn into an idea which can be either simple, or made up of a bundle of simple ideas called complex ideas (Paqu ette 211).Like Descartes, Locke is seen to use a process for finding knowledge as well. There are many aspects to Rene Descartes and John Lockes philosophies that are clearly distinct from one another. However, it is basically incorrect to claim that rationalist Descartes and empiricist Locke bear no similarities. The two epistemologists are seen to share a similar base within each of their philosophical ideas. Through the many differences between Descartes and Locke, their basic concepts of existence, the external world, and the process for obtaining knowledge are quite similar to each other.This connexion illustrates that although the ideologies people possess on life vary to a great extent, there can always be some sense of a common ground that brings us all together. Works Cited Kaplan, R. Philosophy In our time. BBC Homepage. BBC News. , 2008. Web. 12 Nov. 2011. . Newman, L. Descartes epistemology.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Community Health Essay
Measels, also known as rubeola, is a viral respiratory illness. Although vaccination is available in developed countries, it remains one of the leading causes of death among children worldwide (CDC, 2013). The degree of contagiousness of measles contributes to this alarming statistic. The initiatory sign of measles is often an extremely elevated temperature and lasts for round one week. Other signs and symptoms include cold-like symptoms much(prenominal) as cough, watery eyes, and a runny nose. Also, small white lesions are visible on the inner of the mouth.A hallmark indication of the measles respiratory virus is the rash presenting on the face and neck, which spreads with judgment of conviction to the limbs. There is no antiviral for the measles at present time. However, a definitive treatment has been identified. Vitamin A supplements, two doses given 24 hours apart, have been proven to reduce the number of deaths resulting from this virus by fractional (WHO, 2014). The deat hs that do result from the measles virus are typically due to complications resulting from the virus.A2,3Incidence Because there is a vaccination for measles, it is rare in parts of the world where children are routinely vaccinated. Worldwide, there are approximately 20 million instances of measles (WHO, 2014). Mortality There are over 100,000 deaths yearly contributed to measles. The majority of those deaths occurred in India (WHO, 2014). Prevalence After the introduction of the measles vaccination, the prevalence of the virus has decreased dramatically. However, vaccinations that are easily friendly within the United States and former(a) developed countries are not as readily available for other countries. Awareness Immunization awareness is of utmost importance. Because deaths from this disease are easily preventable with a bare(a) immunization, immunization programs are essential in protecting human lives.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Burts Bees Essay
A while back in 2007, Burts Bees was bought out by Clorox for $913 million. In buying Burts Bees Clorox is promising to go putting green. This was Cloroxs boodle in buying out another(prenominal) green companies to help them achieve their goal in expiration completely green. Mr. Shavitz and Ms. Quimby the original owners of Burts Bees had a huge fall out that began in the late 1990s which has been going on ever since. (1) The reason that Clorox was willing to pay almost $1 Billion for Burts Bees because they see a big opportunity in the market to make their products green.The Burts Bess is really into the substantial giving back to the community, and always helping. A few solutions they have done for the community is Urban tend when they teamed up with NEEM, to help make Durham, North Carolina greener, and help them plant more community gardens. Another event that they have done is help create green homes in North Carolina. As I was smell on the Burts Bees website on their mo st frequently asked questions someone asked how they can receive donations, and the answer the telephoner gave threw me aback. At this time, Burts Bees is not currently providing product or financial donations.We remain committed to funding local community organizations committed to The Greater Good (2) Personally in reading this I facial expression like if they want to help create that customer satisfaction, they should be willing to help everyone go green and not just the community. Since the buyout according to Clorox, their natural care products already account for over $6 zillion in sales and is gro succeedg at a fast rate. The sales are climbing to a yearly rate of around 9%. As for the stalk holder Clorox states, they rose from $1. 69, 2. 8%. to $62. 69. This was a huge boost for the stockholders, and for people who wanted to buy into the stalk.As of 25th 2013, the stalks are at $83. 25. (3) This was excessively helping Cloroxs public relations by helping them get well k nown. Clorox does a livelong bunch of press releases to help show that they have turned green. They also do press releases when they win an award or do contests for people to enter. When you go on the Clorox website they give you three options to choose from, take Releases, Media Resources, and Press contacts. Since readying together with Burts Bees, Clorox is also trying to get more involved in the community which they never used to do.On their website they state, Clorox knows that it cant do it alone and actively seeks partners and other affiliations to help us become a more sustainable company. Clorox also cares. In addition to our work to make Clorox a more sustainable company, we strive to make a positive eco impact beyond Clorox. (4) Clorox donates nearly $1 million dollars to environmental causes. Some of things they do to help the community is they donate products to the cede the Frogs, and Save the California Oaks. They also have their own foundations to help Keep Amer ica Beautiful.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Am I an etrepreneur Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Am I an etrepreneur - Essay ExampleEntrepreneurs will gather resources and take the risk of expend these resources into a venture that they are not certain will bring profits, and this is what will cut them surface from just normal business people. Creativity and innovation are paramount for entrepreneurs as creativity enables them to develop, and uplift new ways of bringing solutions while innovation gives them the ability to apply creative solutions to problems and openings in their try to enhance peoples lives and make profits.Entrepreneurship will entail the actions taken by entrepreneurs to bring about change and to slay financial benefits and the satisfaction that something was changed for the better. Entrepreneurship will also entail the act of creating something after seeing an opportunity, shaping a goal to be achieved and taking advantage of the situation in order to make profits (Gilbert, 2006). The entrepreneur or the person with the mentation will then plan, persua de and raise the capital needed to initiate the business from where he will run the business to ensure success.For entrepreneurs to be deemed as victorious several(a) characteristics are required, which will play a crucial role in determining their entrepreneurial success. Person in ally, as an entrepreneur, I progress to realized that I have the required skills and knowledge needed to become successful in the banking sector. I have engaged in various activities that have proved to me that I gage be rich and successful as it has been my long term goal to be rich and concur control of my ventures (Gilbert, 2006). At a tender age, I engaged in various money breeding ventures that have enabled me to cater for my personal needs and also save a lot. In fifth grade, I made profits from noticing that students were carrying snacks to school, and there was only one canteen in school that was unable to meet to the needs of the whole school. Being a member of the business club in schoo l, I genuine the theme that we could start our own canteen, where we could employ one person to run the business. Other students supported the idea, and we proposed the idea to the school administration, which was reluctant to accept it, but finally did after we convinced them that it would not interfere with our studies. We stash away start up from membership fees that were charged for admission into the business club from where we started the venture. Profits from the canteen were apply to expand the venture and by the time I was clearing school the canteen had grown and all members had benefited from it, and the whole school had also benefited from readily available snack. I have ever since acquired the skills of seeing an idea and investing in it in order to gain and benefit those who what I serve. As an entrepreneur, I have acquired the skill and knowledge of examining needs, wants and problems to see how I can bring solutions or improve how they are work out in the existi ng ways (Hamm, 2002). I have the skill off narrowing all the assertable opportunities into one specific opportunity which carries more weight or is more probable to bring profits. I am innovative and come up with creative ideas to solutions of needs of people, and
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Personal Wellness Living Plan Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Personal Wellness Living Plan - Article idealPersonally, my goal is to work on reducing my body angle from currently 170kg to 80kg. This is a hard task, and for me to obtain it, a lot of disciple and advice from health officials give be very vital. One can smother weight in many different ways. However, before resorting anyone of them, it is critical to consult medical practitioners to advise you on the best method suitable for you. Health experts take in always advised that eating a honorable victuals is one of the best ways to reduce the body weight (Moreno 48).Healthy weight decline takes time and energy, but simple changes in the lifestyle like eating a healthy nourishment can greatly help in the process. Keeping proper food and exercise diary will be key for me to achieve my goal. A regular workout regime will be developed, and my diet is modified according to my doctors advice so as to achieve a healthy weight loss. The implementation of this plan will not be easy as I will have to adjust to some routines that I was never used to before. Having to eat fewer carbohydrates will specifically be tough for me as some of my favorite meals fall in this category of foods. To overcome all these difficulties, I will count on the support of my family members. They will play a big part in my transformation process, offering moral support and guidance.Despite all the challenges I am likely to demo in my dream to lower my body weight, my motivation is to reduce the risks of getting high blood embrace and other diseases related to body weight.
Monday, May 13, 2019
Can married woman today have it all Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Can married fair sex today gain it all - Essay ExampleIn the past, few societies felt that wo hands were a liability especially when taking them to school. Secondly, women be non considered as workable leaders in some parts of the valet de chambre. This has been holding women back in the society as well. In many countries, majority of lead is held by the male gender, which leaves the women at a disadvantage in the society. Women have to struggle way harder than men to get elective posts in many countries even in the unquestionable world. Despite their struggles, they make limited progress. Though some end up getting some of the leadership roles, they are not given the ultimate control especially in high decision fashioning ranks. This has been a setback for women as roughly of them are not delegated the duties of policy formulation for the society as a whole. Similarly, there is the infamous quote that states that women are their own enemies. This rhetoric statement means that some women are pulling down their fellow women. The unity of women is wanting, and they do not have the much requisite corporation to make the best outcome for their own gender. In some instances, women are openly seen to contradict other(a) women. In such cases, the opposing sides create a drift among the women leaving room for men to flourish at their expense. The idea of marriage has been changing over time but depending on the express issue. To sire with, in the previous years, men were known to be the bread winners of the family. Nowadays, this is almost a forgotten case. The man and woman in the home are both bread winners. A family has to depend on both of them for ultimate survival. For example, while the father provides the basic needs like shelter, the mother is, on the other hand, providing clothing. This has brought stability in families as they never lack basic needs. Similarly, women nowadays are career cerebrate and are likely to look for a career and deve lop it to the highest of levels. However, in yesteryears, women remained as housewives meaning that they did not have any other career apart from caring for the family at the basic level. The changing world has proved that women can also have career even when they have families to take care of. Apparently, women are also in control of numerous families. In ancient times, the man was the only one in control of a home. As such, men had the ultimate control in decision making and proceeding of tasks. Therefore, women had no room to make any decision when the man of the house was not around. In most cases, women had to wait for the head of the house to make decisions. Such decisions were made without consulting their wives. However, nowadays, this has changed Women have room to make vital decisions even in the presence of the man of the house. This change has been attributed to the change in women and their desire to make changes in the world. This has uplifted the need for women in t he society as they have resulted to positive changes cross the world. In many homes, women are equally in control just like their male counterparts. It is possible for a woman to have a career and still bring up the family in the best manner possible. To begin with, women have instigated the change they wanted in the world as they now have more opportunities to be heard. Since they want to uplift the girl child in the society, they will work tirelessly to ensure they ca-ca their goals. As such, women are working
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Not Specified Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Not Specified - Essay ExampleOn the other hand, when there is high chief city resource then more investments could be made to set up the best business procedures and usefulness provision systems, to enable them offer nothing but the best products to the consumer hence helping them build a strong node base.It is however also important to notice that, the existence of these things such as crownwork and human resource which is seen as the basis of success and growth of a firm by many an(prenominal) people would be useless when there are no consumers to consume the products or services been produced. In other words, it is the existence of consumers which determines whether or not the large human and capital resources possessed by a firm is needed or not.When firms are able to build a strong and established customer base, these customers help these firms to produce fresh and innovative products and services as a result of been able to get word some other necessarily of their custo mers and capitalizing on the trust built in them by their customers as a result of the long lasting relationship between the firm and its customers. Apart from these established customers leading or helping a firm to produce more innovative products, they can also help in improving already existing ones.From the article, you would realize that Hercules business as a result of supplying its armed forces customers with explosives, gave them a good insight into the activities of their established customers, helped them in analyzing and figuring out some other needs or things their established customers need to be supplied with or use in their operation. This lead to the production of new companies such as the turpentine and pine oil and these products immediately after been introduced into the market had ready consumers for them since its production was motivated by the needs of some customers. This is
Saturday, May 11, 2019
The Development of Electronic Music in the age of Post Modernism Essay
The Development of electronic Music in the age of Post Modernism - Essay ExampleThis merely discontinueed the reintegration of Acoustic sounds to allow for the reintegration of Acoustic sounds through carefully sampled computer based musical instruments. (Schwartz, S. 1993.).This is particularly true in damage of the graphic signal-processing software which when it came out allowed for real-time MIDI control allowing the post modern composer to use this system even with limited technical knowledge. Chadabe, J, 1997).The availability of of such techniques and the further advent into the market of the Yamaha DX-7 MIDI keyboard in 1985 and of hard disk recording and editing softwares were all set to revolutionise Electronic music. (Schwartz, S. 1993.).The nineties further paved the way for more interactive computer-assisted performance and the release of the multimedia CD-ROM meant that the MIDI sequencing programmes were all set to expand to include digital audio. Chadabe, J, 1997) . This is in contrast to the position of technology available for the electronic composers back in the 1940s. where as the musicians were still struggling with amplifiers (for example John Cages speculative Landscape no.1 (1939)).Towards the fifties there was the Radio-diffusion-television upon which the modern musique concrete is based upon.The founders of the French version of the Groupe de Musicque Concrete include the likes of Messiaen, Boulez and Stockhausen. Another studio opened very soon under Karlheinz Stockhausen and made generous use of electronic sound generators and modifiers.
Friday, May 10, 2019
Article analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Article analysis - Essay ExampleThese be the joined Kingdoms spring declined in the 19th century following the two major world wars. France power declined and the late seventeenth century. The adversaries of these two prominent nations exploited the tectonic monetary changes to adopt military and organizational inventions to enhance their draw close and merged alliances to monitor domination. Layne predicts that the States will experience a similar phenomenon like what befall join Kingdom and France. According to the author, united States will experience multipolarity in the period 2000-2010. Although the subject on unipolarity was handled about at the end of the given time period, Layne holds that United States power remains supreme. Nevertheless, he disagrees that the States is in some way immune to realists suck ups, eventually concluding that Washington ought to espouse to a constrained off-shore balancing policy instead of wasting its might trying to control the globe. Review Realist view of international traffic sees spherical politics and inter sourions as being propelled by individual interests of countries. This view perceives nations struggle for supremacy in order to enhance and preserve their economic and military wellbeing in rivalry with other nations. This view was portrayed by Americas invasion of Iraq in 2003, which critics of Layne agree with. America used its military might to uphold the realists view. However, questions arise as to whether Iraqs incursion by United States made sense. In the Washington post, Ignatius (2013) holds that invading Iraq in a bid to topple the then Iraqis president Saddam Hussein was one of the biggest policy mistake in the contemporary American history. Such decision by America saw an increase in international actors condemning its act marking the emergence of criticism against Americas misuse of its global power. In addition, United States invaded Afghanistan subsequently the September 11 attack, thou gh the rivalry seems to date back in 1979 during the cold war term. As the era of the cold war came to an end, some scholars and analysts saw the emergence of modern cold war era by the United States. The actions of United States make it appear more like an heir of the cold war. The United States emerged as the global power among the preeminent participants of the cold war. However, the country needed to show and exercise global leadership in order to uphold and preserve its standing as the global leader and superpower. These incursions are criticized as they go against the United Nations charter. The open criticism of United States action is a clear bell ringer that Americas unipolar moment is indeed coming to an end as Layne asserts. In the new past, actions of United States and other world players perfectly present the fulfillment of Laynes assertion that great powers are starting to rival America through hard and soft balancing of power. Technological, economic, and politic al actions of other world powers just reinforces Laynes point of view that unipolar moment of the United States is ending soon. For illustration, China is emerging as a United States rival in economic might. During the global recession that hit America hard, Chinas economy was expanding. India and China economies have recently been distinguished as the main global powers countering United States. Seib, (2012) in his opinion in the New
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Mormon Church of the Latter Day Saints Research Paper
Mormon Church of the Latter Day Saints - Research Paper casingThe wise, prudent and intellectual individuals, by dint of their ghostlike thoughtfulness and strong religious belief, rose to the occasion to reproach and forbid the people from making alterations in the real teachings of the founders of the religion, so that the square spirit of faith could be rejuvenated out of the misconceptions and amendments inaccurately taken place with the passage of time the Latter Day Saints Movement was excessively launched with the same motifs and objectives in view. Launched by Joseph Smith Jr. (1805-1844) out of some powerful, unabated and unremitting spiritual inspirations, the driving force was determined to give up and eradicate every unnecessary addition from the religious norms and beliefs, which had no roots in the faith introduced by Jesus Christ and the saints belonging to the earliest Christian centuries. It is, therefore, the movement is frequently argued to be the fundamental ist movement of restoration for the real teachings of Christ, and its spiritual leaders are called the latter(prenominal) day saints in order to distinguish them from the early era saints of Christianity. Smith Jr. was restoring the only true church which had been lost for centuries due to the corruptions into which all supposedly Christian groups, whether Catholic or Protestant or Orthodox, had fallen. (Moorhead & Heuser, 19851) Hence, like Martin Luthers reform movement, Mormonism was also interested to mitigate the corruption and exploitation of church existence conducted at the hands of religious dogmatism. Mormonism refused to accept the false notion that the historical events, described in the Bible, were scarcely parables on the contrary, the church strongly believed that all the Biblical stories are based upon the real events occurred from God both as reward on the pious humans for performing excellent deeds, or the punishments for making trickery and going astray from t he right path of glory and virtue. Consequently, Noahs survival in the great englut was the sign of the Lords blessings upon Noah, his family, and true followers, while the same was the token of His displeasure on the unruly and transgressors. Similarly, Abrahams seed was bestowed upon with mercies and bounties in the form of spiritual and worldly leadership, while the later generations had to lead the animateness of slavery because of the malpractices the children of Israel had started committing. For instance, Judahs scheme of throwing Joseph into the well, and peoples worshipping the golden calf in the absence of Moses invited the wrath of God on transgressors. All these incidents had occurred in reality, so declaring them as the parables and folklores really meant disclaiming the powers of the Lord and His universal frame of justice and fair play. Mormon Church also disregards any claim regarding the evolution process and declares Darwins evolution theory as baseless and ima ginary one in nature and scope.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Can we apply Hobbes argument about the state of nature to Essay
Can we apply Hobbes argument about the state of nature to multinational transaction - Essay ExampleIn this regard, the state of nature considers men to be in a competition with each other for imaginativenesss that include food, for example. As a result, they tend to distrust and fear sensation another thus instigating a pre-emptive attack due to the quest to maximise their own interests at the put down of other large number. On the other hand, difference, emanates from the desire for natural equality and the fear factor that eventually leads to war. On this note, the state of nature suggests that, the alternative option for removing the contributory factors to conflict is to embrace the state by surrendering reign to the Leviathan in order to enjoy security and order. According to Hobbes, the international sphere exists in a take in of the state of nature (1985, p.37). This paper explores whether Hobbes argument about the state of nature can apply to international relations. While international relations emphasises a peaceful co-existence between sovereign states, the Hobbesian view focuses on the protective character of states. This makes it difficult to apply the Hobbesian argument in international relations because it discards the moral principles that guide the relations among states.Hobbes advances five conditions for the state of nature that includes equality, competition, and the existence of two types of people, non- universal egoism and uncertainty. With regard to equality, Hobbesian view reiterates that people possess almost equal mental and physical capabilities. As a result, those regarded as weak withal have enough power either mental or physical to destroy the strongest. The competition caused by scarcity of resources also creates a situation where everyone grapples for the same unlimited resources. The Hobbesian view further associates the scarce resource with power since not everyone can amass power. In this sense, power is often a pre serve for a few individuals in the society who tend to maximise it for their own self-interest (Hampton, 1987,
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Whole Foods case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Whole Foods - Case Study ExampleTri-component model which is expressed through sequence cognitive-affective-conative locoweed be utelised by Whole Foods Market towards this effect. This denotes that Whole Foods Market should first engage in communicate the potential customers of the importance of the organic food and then work towards lowering the prices. This can be achieved by packaging its foods into different sizes that would enable such customers afford to buy. When this is done, the feeling of affordability will be created to the customers and they will be eventually buy Whole Foods Market foods. At the end, customers would buy the recommended products and succeeed in weakening any misconception that quantity them from buying the products. In fact, when a few of them get the experience of the products, they would recommend the products to other customers. However, this has to be attach to by other complementing strategies. The company should produce lavishly quality produc ts and offer good customer service. Customers be considered to be rational in consumption. Therefore, they tend to purchase from stores that meet their current needs. If Whole Foods Market is ineffective to meet different customer needs, there is a high possibility of the customers would shift to other companies whirl similar products.For Whole Foods Market to be able to change some of the negative attitude of customers that nix them from buying the organic food, the company should concentrate on changing the motivation function. This can be achieved by offering cheap organic foods that would negate the customers misconception that organic foods are expensive. Additionally, this can be done strategically by focusing on the group that has such misconceptions with the intent of proving that Whole Foods Market foods are of high quality and affordable to all. Additionally, if the customers have a different belief that seems to
Competency Training (Fire Service) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Competency Training (Fire process) - stress ExampleFire fighters need up-to-date, comprehensive training materials to thoroughly prepare for any situation that whitethorn arise. The mission is to provide leadership to career and volunteer chiefs, chief fire officers, and managers of extremity service organizations by dint of vision, information, program line, services, and representation to enhance their professionalism and capabilities 2. The main goal is that the firefighters in the operation department would execute their duties professionally, and with confidence, which would result in reduction of property loss and damage, subsequently re-instating stakeholder confidence in the Fire Department to carry forth its mandate.One of the major challenges today to attain this goal is that a number of independent systems of training and education staggers fire service professionals. Besides, as the professional qualification series has grown, it is becoming increasingly tricky for firefighters or departments to find the necessary time to accomplish these levels of competency 3. Efficient training systems are those that notice what they do well and take advantage of the strengths and opportunities provided by other systems to supplement their efforts. There should be a national system for fire service training and education because, as with other professions, a hypothetical core of academic courses should be a prerequisite for entering these fields. The fire and emergency services should continue towards becoming a full-fledged profession just like doctors, lawyers, nurses and other professions 4. In theory providing emergency fire service is a portable skill. Right now, there is no one universally recognised and reciprocal system to acquire the knowledge and skills required in the Fire and Emergency Services.The Fire Service training has important roles to play in the reform agenda. They should be re-modeled in order to be more than effective. There is a need for
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