Wednesday, July 31, 2019
I Do Not Believe in Ghosts
I do not believe in ghosts When I was little I lived in a house that was haunted. Wait don’t go! I know, I know, this subject is tired. The thing is I don’t even believe in ghosts. At least that is what I tell myself now, but back then I’m telling you that house was haunted. We moved there when I was in first grade and the first time I saw it, I started crying. Something about the house just seemed wrong. It was â€Å"pretty†, but it gave me a really ugly feeling.All sorts of weird, creepy, and inexplicable things would happen there. We had three dogs when we lived there, two of them ran away, and one went crazy and couldn’t live with us anymore. We had rabbits and they all died. We stopped getting pets. The toilet would flush itself. Once, I was talking back to my mom and she told me to stop or God would punish me and I said something along the lines of â€Å"yeah, right†and then the ground shook. I kid you not there was an earthquake, but no one except my mother and I felt it.Apparently, only our house shook. Another time, my brother who was an infant at the time was in his bassinet under a lamp that was hanging from the ceiling. I looked at my mother and told her she shouldn’t put him there because that lamp was going to fall on him. I walked over and moved the bassinet and as soon as I moved him the lamp fell. Crazy! It makes no sense to me that I have such clear memories of this house that was seemingly possessed and yet, I do not believe in ghosts. Do you?
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Conquering Arayat Essay
Thesis Statement: Conquering the town of Arayat is more than just trekking the mighty â€Å"Bunduk Alaya†but also discovering their fascinating history, savoring their tasty cuisine, celebrating their unique festivities and most of all learning more about their interesting people. I. A number of historians have proposed varied explanations regarding the etymology of the name â€Å"Arayat†. a. Some people believe that Arayat originated from Fernando de Arayat. b. Another historian argues that it came from the Kapampangan word â€Å"Dayatan†. c. A different account states it rooted from â€Å"Alaya†another Kapamangan term. d. A present-day researcher claims it obtained its name from the biblical Mt. Ararat. II. The fusses faced by the present day Arayat rooted from its controversial history. a. The origin of Arayat is still unknown but historical accounts show that it already existed between 1335 and 1380. b. The people of Arayat showed abhorrence to the coming of the Spaniards and other invaders. c. Arayat gained notoriety when it became the hotbed of many rebellious groups after the colonial war. 1. The prominent HUKBALAHAP movement stayed at the town till it faded at early 1950’s. 2. Following the Huks, HMB was established to fight against the US-sponsored Philippine government. 3. The said to be sons of HMB, NPA still continues to reside at the town. III. Arayat’s culture is a unique blend of its history, geography, customs and traditions. a. The Legend of Mt. Arayat is one of the well-known literatures in the town and in Pampanga. b. When it comes to architecture, Arayat exhibits classic and exemplary designs of its illustrious parish church and memorable national park. c. From the trees of Mt. Arayat, the towns boast of their high quality wood competent for global exportation. d. Its unique halo-halo by Kabigting’s is what makes Arayat a cut above the rest when it comes to Kapampangan desserts. e. Arayat’s major celebration is the feast day of its patroness, St. Catherine of Alexandria, every 25th of November. f. 90% of Arayat’s population is dominated by the devotees of the Roman Catholic religion. IV. The town of Arayat is not second-rate when it comes to its tourist attractions. a. The most outstanding landmark of Pampanga stands at the heart of Arayat. b. The Mount Arayat National Park offers a historical yet contemporary vacation experience. c. St. Catherine of Alexandria is the 7th oldest parish in Pampanga. d. The Cong. Dadong Dam was built to supply water to seven towns of Pampanga. V. Arayat is a home to several infamous revolutionary personalities, national government officials and Armed Forces of the Philippines generals. CONQUERING ARAYAT Demographics The town of Arayat lies in the northern tip of Pampanga, and is surrounded on the northwest by Magalang, on the northeast by Cabiao (in Nueva Ecija), on the east by Candaba, on the south by Sta. Ana, and on the west by Mexico. Its total land area is 17,694 hectares with a population of 118,312; less than one fourth is forested. Only 19 kilometers away from San Fernando, the capital town of Pampanga, Arayat is about an hour drive from Manila. The town is the biggest in northern Pampanga, It is composed of 30 barangays/barrios namely: Arenas, Baliti, Batasan, Buensuceso, Camba (Kaledian), Candating, Cupang, Gatiawin, Guemasan, La Paz (Turu), Lacmit, Laquios, Mangga-Cacutud, Mapalad, Matamo, Palinlang, Paralaya, Plazang Luma, Poblacion, San Agustin Norte, San Agustin Sur, San Antonio, San Jose ( Mesulo), San Juan ( Bano), San Mateo, San Nicolas, San Roque (Bitas), Sto. Nino (Tabuan), Suklayin, and Telapayong, not to mention subdivisions that sprout outside the town proper among which are: Fidela, Guemasan, San Nicolas, Aliwalas, Castillo (Bitas), and Leonor Subdivisions. Arayat is generally a plain or a level land, except the areas where Mt. Arayat stands and its vicinities, with a type I climate and two distinct seasons: dry and wet. The rainy or wet season normally starts in May and runs through October, while the dry season is from November through March of the following year. The Origin of the Name â€Å"Arayat†Some researches state that the name â€Å"Arayat†is derived from the name of Spanish encomiendero, Fernando de Arayat, who was first administrator of the town and who most likely came from a village in Spain called Arayat. Eventually another particular historian allegedly claims that it was the natives who coined the original vernacular name â€Å"Dayat†from their word â€Å"dayatan†literally meaning â€Å"irrigated seed bed†. Nonetheless, a particular researcher argues that Arayat was earlier known as â€Å"Alaya†meaning â€Å"east†. Mount Arayat was then called â€Å"Bunduc Alaya†or â€Å"Eastern Mountain†. The same source states that the Spaniards subsequently made up the word â€Å"Arayat†. However, on a different approach, a contemporary researcher proposes that Mount Arayat is the biblical â€Å"Mount Ararat†where Noah’s Ark apparently landed. But the same researcher does not say how the current name evolved; nor does he explain how come there is another Mount Ararat in the Middle East. Pre-Colonial History The accurate date of the founding of Arayat cannot be determined. However, between 1335 and 1380, historical accounts confirm that it was among the few Pampanga towns already existing. It was allegedly founded by either Prince Balagtas, a monarch of the Madjapahit Empire who came to Luzon, or his son Araw (Lord) Malangsic. It was then called â€Å"Bayan ning Pambuit†and situated in the barrio of Panlinlang. The present Poblacion was still a jungle with balugas (aetas) and other pagan tribes as residents. It was a widespread encomienda consisting of the town as it is known now. At that time, it was an extensive encomienda consisting of the town (present Arayat), and parts of Magalang, Sta. Ana, Candaba, San Miguel de Mayumo (in Suclayin) and Cabiao (in Nueva Ecija). It the present, it is cited in the northern part of Pampanga. It is bounded by the towns of Magalang on the northwest, Cabiao on the northeast, Candaba on the east, Sta. Ana on the south and Mexico on the west, with a total area of 17,694 hectares. The town of Arayat is the biggest in Northern Pampanga Colonial History By 1571, Arayat had emerged as one of the prosperous settlements in Pampanga. But by 1590 when the first Augustinian mission was established in the town by Fray Juan de Valderama, its population numbered only 100. This can be explained by the fact that many young men had been conscripted into the military service to help the Spaniards contain rebellions and defend the country against foreign invaders like the Dutch, the British and the Chinese. As early as 1660, there existed in Arayat a Spanish military for which figured well in the local revolts. Truly, Arayateà ±ous shared the Pampango’s reputation for bravery. The town bred such revolutionary personalities as Generals Jose Alejandrino, Mamerto Natividad, Benito Natividad and Ananias Diokno. Arayat was once the hideout of insurrectos. Hacienda Alejandrino in Panlinglang and Arenas (then called Baliti) was in fact attacked and destroyed because the insurrectos were known to be holding out there. Post Colonial History After the last group of invaders (the Japanese) left the province particularly the town of Arayat, it remained a nest to rebellious groups like the HUKBALAHAP (Hukbo Laban sa mga Hapon). In the late 1940’s Arayat gained unsavory reputation for being the breeding ground of HUKBALAHAP rebellious movements. At that time, Mount Arayat was often the scene of many military attacks. By early 1950’s the Huk rebellion reached its pinnacle and then diminished and disappeared gradually. This markee the formation of a new revolutionary army the HMB (Hukbong Mapagpalayang Bayan or People’s Liberation Army). HMB directed its fight against the newly established US-sponsored Philippine puppet republic. The thick forests of Mount Arayat and its hard terrain gave these rebellious groups advantages to lure the military away from tracking them. These characteristics of the mountain kept these rebellious groups secured and tenable. During the Marcos regime, a new vigilant group emerged, the NPA (New People’s Army) and even up to this time still growing in terms of numbers of members. At present there are still HMB’s and NPA’s residing in the town of Arayat. People there regard HMB’s as â€Å"matwa†meaning â€Å"older†men and the NPA’s as â€Å"anac†meaning â€Å"younger†men. The reason behind this is that the NPA is believed to be the younger generation of the HMB. It would be usual for people living in Arayat to see these rebels wandering around town. They learned to share their beloved town to these people. According to some of the people there when it comes to dealing with these rebels, â€Å"if you do not bother them, they will not bother you as well†. Literature Legend of Mt. Arayat (Sinukuan) There are various legends about the mystical Maria Sinukuan and the mighty Mt. Arayat. Here is one version popular in the town of Arayat: Long Ago, before the invaders came, the mountain of Arayat was alleged to be inhabited by an enthralled woman who was believed to be the fairy god mother of the townspeople. This lady is popularly known as Mariang Sinukuan. Her naturally curled black hair reaches down to her ankles. Her nose is finely chiseled and her eyes are framed with long, black lashes. Her lips were well-formed, her eyebrows were arched and her skin was flawlessly brown. But Mariang Sinukuan was not only known for her physical beauty. She possessed a kind and charitable heart because she always helped those who were in need. It was said that Mt. Arayat was flourished in all kinds of fruit trees. Aside from the fruit trees, it was said that animals of all kinds once rambled this mountain. The eccentric thing about these fruit trees and animals was that the fruit trees bore unusually big fruits all year round and the animals were owned by no other than Mariang Sinukuan. She used to distribute these fruit trees and animals to the deprived. Poor families often woke up to see fruits and animals for their needs at their doorsteps. They knew it was Mariang Sinukuan who left these foods while they were sleeping. the natives were very thankful to be graced by the enchanting goddess. And to show their appreciation and reverence, they never tried to go to her dwelling place in the mountain. The people considered her abode as a sanctified place. But such was not always the case. There came a time when the inhabitants were no longer satisfied with what the captivated lady left at their doorsteps. They wanted to get more. One time, some young men decided to go up Mt. Arayat. They wanted to get more of Mariang Sinukuan’s fruits and animals. They started for the mountain early at dawn. They reached the base of the mountain at sunrise. There were guavas bigger than their fists that drooped from the trees. Pomegranate branches almost reached to the ground because of the many and big fruits they bore. Ripe mangoes were just within one’s reach. Fowls of every kind were abundant. Pigs, goats and other animals wandered around. The young men were still viewing this marvel of nature when from nowhere came Mariang Sinukuan. They were impressed by her radiance. They could not find any words to say to her. It was Mariang Sinukuan who first spoke to them. She welcomed them and said that they could eat as much as they want but they shouldn’t take anything home without her knowledge. After recovering from their astonishment, the young men began to pick up fruits. They ate and ate until they could not eat anymore. Afterwards, one of the men encouraged the others to pick some fruits and fill the sack that he brought. But the other man said that they shouldn’t do that because the lady already warned them. However, the man insisted on getting some more fruits, he said that they’re plentiful and the lady won’t know the difference. And so the young men started to fill their sacks with as many fruits and animals as they could get hold of. Then they started for home. As they were about to begin their descent they felt their sacks becoming heavier. They didn’t mind this, but they had not gone ten steps farther when they felt that their load was pulling them down. Putting the sacks down, how surprised the young men were to find that the fruits and animals had become big stones. They remembered Mariang Sinukuan’s warning. The young men became horribly terrified. Leaving their sacks behind, they ran as fast as their feet could carry them. But before they reached the base of the mountain, they saw someone blocking their way. It was Mariang Sinukuan who was very mad. Because of the covetousness of the young men, Mariang Sinukuan punished them. With the wave of her wand, she changed the young men into swine. This was not the last time that people tried to get hold of Mariang Sinukuan’s fruits and animals. Again and again they tried to steal them. At last, fed up with the people’s greediness, Mariang Sinukuan stopped leaving food at their doorsteps. She caused the fruit trees and animals in the mountain to fade away. She no longer showed herself to the people for she was dismayed with their materialism. Architecture St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish Church Found in Arayat, St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish Church is the seventh oldest Church in Pampanga. This Church was built in the Spanish era in honor of St. Catherine of Alexandria. The Church, measuring 70 meters long, 16 meters wide and 12 meters high, is known for its classical architecture. The presbytery, ceiling and the main altar have been recently renovated. The original stone facade has been covered with cement and painted white. Mt. Arayat National Park Situated at the base of the well-known Mount Arayat is the Mount Arayat National Park, a major tourist attraction not only in Pampanga, but whole Luzon. It is noted for its swimming pools, refreshing surroundings and its cool water falling from its waterfalls. This Park was originally a project of Dona Aurora A. Quezon, wife of the late Manuel L. Quezon of the Philippine Commonwealth, and has been developed into its present state during the post war era. Arayat Institute Arayat Institute is one of the oldest schools that offers complete general secondary course and is recognized by the government. Together with new Berline High School these two public high schools are subsidized by the government, on the other hand, Mangga-Cacutud and Camba Public High Schools, schools cater mostly from barrio youth. All baranggays have their own elementary school. Agriculture and Woodcraft Arayat croplands cover 7,716.49 hectares or about 60% of the total area. It can be also said that it falls within the category of those with traditional industrial structures as reflected by its lands use, agriculture has the widest area, followed by forest land, swamp and marshed land. Rice and sugarcane are the main staple products of the town, followed by corn, mongo, watermelons, turnips, peanuts, camote and different kinds of vegetables. Fresh fish are abundant in its rivers and swampy areas. The forest land of Mount Arayat is the source of firewood, charcoal and the famous â€Å"Teak†wood used in furniture making. Cuisine It is not only having the most prominent landmark of Pampanga (Mt. Arayat) situated in its lands that the town of Arayat is proud of, it also boasts of having the best halo-halo in the country – Kabigting’s Halo Halo. It is not your usual halo-halo for it has caramel made from carabao’s milk, cream of corn and beans cooked for a day to acquire a sweet taste. So how did this pride of Arayat came to be? Sometime in 1970 gave rise to this famous delicacy when Geraldine Kabigting suggested to his brother Jacinto Kabigting to add an interesting flavor to the established and traditional tropical fruit flavors of halo-halo and so they added the caramel, cream of corn and beans. Susan and Johnny Medina who just reside near the Kabigting’s Residence have tasted the newly discovered exotic flavor of halo-halo. Subsequently days after the first taste-test, the group of Travel Time with Susan visited Kabigting’s Residence to savor and introduce their halo-halo on air. Kabigting’s Halo-halo was made popular through that documentary story from Travel Time. Unexpectedly, foreigners and tourists began to go and dine in the place. Ordinary people from the community, known politicians (Tessie Aquino-Oreta, Lilia Pineda, Dong Gonzales, Monz Laus, etc.) artists (Chesca Garcia, Angel Aquino, etc.) media people (ABS-CBD Crew, Jessica Soho, etc.) and even former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo personally went there to taste their infamous halo-halo. They also serve special pancit palabok. Kabigting’s residence served as the place to order Kabigting’s Halo-halo which is located at Paralaya, Arayat, Pampanga. It has branches also at Robinson’s San Fernando and Marquee Mall. Festivals Arayat is all the luckier in the facade of recent destructive natural calamities such as the 1990 Killer Earthquake and June 1991 Mt. Pinatubo Eruption, it being phenomenally spared of major damages in lives and properties. The town is blessed to have as its Patroness, St. Catherine of Alexandria, in whose affectionate concern and fortification, brings harmony and serenity among the people reign, despite the diffident livelihood of the people and their diverse political and ideological persuasions and viewpoints, not to mention social differences. By her compassionate intervention, Arayat remains to be on the forefront in so far as tranquility and progress are concerned. The feast day of St. Catherine of Alexandria is celebrated every 25th of November. In line with this, 25 other fiestas in small baranggays of Arayat are celebrated in honor of Santa Catalina (St. Catherine of Alexandria). Religion As with the rest of the town of Pampanga, Roman Catholic remains the dominant religion in Arayat, numbering for more than 90% of the entire population. Iglesia ni Cristo is second followed by the Aglipayan Church, Seventh Day Adventist, Rizalists, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Methodist. The people of Arayat, although pre-occupied with different problems, are not negligent in their religious obligations. The Catholics are keeping pace with the demand for more religious facilities and services. The town’s old catholic church, St. Catherine Parish, which was built in the Spanish era, was the object of the recent major renovations through the collective efforts of mandated organizations. And due to demands of religious services to barangay northwest of the Pampanga River and to bring such services more accessible to people, the St, Isidore Parish (Camba) was established by the Archdiocese of San Fernando. The religion that catches our attention the most is the Rizalist. Like Mt. Banahaw, Arayat too has a mystical side for it is in her foothills that Rizalist gathers every December to honor the national hero in quiet ceremonies. The cult was brought about by Mariang Sinukuan, the female incarnation of Rizal. This religion negates the concept that Rizal is the reincarnation of Christ because they believe that Christ does not exist. For them, Rizal is God himself, the Alpha and the Omega, the Kristong Kayumanggi and the savior of the Philippines. There may be many different names but He is only one. Famous Sites MT. ARAYAT The most popular landmark of not only the town of Arayat but as well as the whole province of Pampanga is the majestic Arayat Mountain or also known as â€Å"Bunduk Alaya†. Mount Arayat is an extinct volcano on Luzon Island, Philippines, rising to a height of 1,026 m (3,366 ft) ASL. There is no recorded eruption of the volcano, and its last activity probably dates to the Holocene era. One academic report indicates activity within the last 2000 years, but it is believed that this refers to the volcano’s geothermal activity. Mount Arayat is equally recognized as â€Å"Mount Sinukuan†, entitled after the renowned Goddess and charmed lady, Maria Sinukuan. It has three peaks, the two highest of which the Northern Peak with 1086 meters altitude and the Southern Peak with 984 meters height. Fluttering at the foot of Mt. Arayat is the well-known Pampanga River. One does not have to mount its summit to see its natural beauty, for it is centrally located in the region, so that one will without doubt, take pleasure in its magnificence as he travel along national highways of Central Luzon. MOUNT ARAYAT NATIONAL PARK Located at the base of the highly recognized Mount Arayat is the Mount Arayat National Park, a primary tourist attraction not only in Pampanga, but the whole Luzon. It is noted for its swimming pools, natural, revitalizing and lush surroundings and its cool water cascading from its waterfalls. This park initially a project of Doà ±a Aurora A. Quezon, wife of the late Manuel L. Quezon of the Philippine Commonwealth, has been refurbished into its present state during the post war era after it has been shattered in the course of the World War II. It was established on June 27, 1933 to save and preserve the flora and fauna blossoming therein. The 3,564 feet high mountain at Baà ±o, Arayat is an perfect spot for outdoor activities with its picturesque vicinity under cool shades of fertile green trees, mountain wind, natural falls and two standard sized-swimming pools, recreational halls and picnic huts. The former President Quezon and his wife fell in love with the place when they visited their medical officer, Dr. Egmidio Cruz, a native of Arayat. He really liked the cool breeze of the serene and calm town. He immediately bought farms which later named Caledian & Suclayin, after his properties in his native Tayabas which bore the same names. During the summer he brought other government officials and foreign visitors to Arayat. Eventually he had several improvements done in the town. He was responsible for the concreting of roads, building of a bridge linking Arayat and Cabiao, as well as the development of recreational facilities at the base of Mount Arayat, with the construction of a swimming pool, dressing headquarters and a nursery. The project was discontinued when the World War II broke out, but resumed afterwards under the supervision of local officials and civil-spirited citizens. It now bears the name Mount Arayat National Park. ST. CATHERINE PARISH CHURCH The people of Arayat, although preoccupied with economic difficulties are not negligent in their religious obligations. The Catholics are keeping pace with the demand for more religious facilities and services. The town old Catholic church, St. Catherine Parish, which was built in the Spanish era, was the object of the recent major renovations vis-à -vis the church proper, the convent and the church patio, through the collective efforts of mandated organizations. The church was built in honor of the Patroness of the town, St. Catherine of Alexandria who brings tender concern and safety and preserves serenity and tranquility among the people of Arayat, despite wide-ranging political and ideological points of view and beliefs, not to mention social differences. By her compassionate intervention, Arayat continues to be on the forefront in so far as harmony and advancement are concerned. Santa Catalina de Alexandria (St. Catherine of Alexandria) is the 7th oldest parish in Pampanga built in 1590. CONG. DADONG DAM The P3.4-billion Cong. Dadong Dam, also known as DELTA to the natives was designed to irrigate 10,270 hectares of farms in seven eastern towns of Pampanga. Recently, there are controversies that emerged regarding the discontinued use of the well-recognized dam. FAMOUS PEOPLE Like other towns in Pampanga, Arayat has bred some prominent and outstanding national figures from the Spanish era to the present. Noteworthy to mention are: Generals Jose Alejandrino, who is a contemporary of Jose Rizal, Mamerto Natividad, his brother Banito, Ananias Diokno, and Dr. Egmidio Cruz, the medical officer of foremer President Manuel Quezon and his wife Former executive secretary and Ambassador Amelito R. Mutuc and Press Secretary Leoncio R. Parungao, both of the Macapagal administration, also came from Arayat. Not to mention military figures that made their marks in the high echelon of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, namely: Commodore Lodogovildo L. Gantioqui of the Philippine Nave, Col. (Ret.) Vicente A. Pascual, former Deputy Judge Advocate General, Major General Rene R. Cruz, former RaCom V. Commander and PC-INP Deputy Commander for Administration. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 2 ]. Arayat Map, JPG, [ 3 ]. Holy Angel Univeristy Center for Kapampangan Studies, History of Arayat (Angeles City, Pampanga, n.d.), p. 1. [ 4 ]. Den Mar, â€Å"Arayat – Our Ancestral Home,†Arayat,http://arayat2012.tripod. com/ index2.htm (accessed December 30, 2010). [ 5 ]. Holy Angel Univeristy Center for Kapampangan Studies, loc.cit. [ 6 ]. Den Mar, loc.cit. [ 7 ]. Holy Angel University Center for Kapampangan Studies, loc.cit. [ 8 ]. Ibid. [ 9 ]. Ibid., p.2. [ 10 ]. Michael Raymon Pangilinan, â€Å"Arayat,†Kapampangan Online, (accessed December 30, 2010). [ 11 ]. Dugdale Pointon, â€Å"Insurgency in the Philippines,†Insurgency in the Philippines, http:// (accessed Decmeber 30, 2010). [ 12 ]. Mariang Sinukuan, GIF, [ 13 ]. Den Mar, loc.cit. [ 14 ]. Ibid. [ 15 ]. Holy Angel Univeristy Center for Kapampangan Studies, loc.cit. [ 16 ]. Den Mar, loc.cit. [ 17 ]. Ibid. [ 18 ]. Teak, JPG, [ 19 ]. Den Mar, loc.cit. [ 20 ]. Kabigting, JPG, [ 21 ]. Pampanga Directory, â€Å"Pride of Pampanga†, http://pampanga (accessed December 30, 2010). [ 22 ]. Saint Catherine of Alexandria, JPG, N00 /favorites/page36/. [ 23 ]. Den Mar, loc.cit. [ 24 ]. Rizalistas, JPG, [ 25 ]. Den Mar, loc.cit. [ 26 ]. Alex Castro, â€Å"Mountain of Myths†, Indung Kapampangan, http://kapampangan.word (accessed December 30, 2010). [ 27 ]. Dennis Villegas, â€Å"The Second Coming of Rizal†, Philippine Online Chronicles, (accessed December 30, 2010). [ 28 ]. Mount Arayat, JPG, [ 29 ]. WikiMapia, â€Å"Mount Arayat,† (accessed December 30, 2010). [ 30 ]. Mount Arayat National Park, JPG, /Pampanga/blog-7999.html. [ 31 ]. Den Mar, loc.cit. [ 32 ]. Jheng Arceo, â€Å"Things to do and see: Natural Parks and View Sites,†Jheng’s Blog, http: //jhengarceo Demcember 30, 2010). [ 33 ]. Holy Angel University Center for Kapampangan Studies, loc.cit. [ 34 ]. Saint Catherine of Alexandria, JPG, /arayat_church.htm. [ 35 ]. Den Mar, loc.cit. [ 36 ]. Cong. Dadong Dam, JPG, 66344/#/. [ 37 ]. Tonette Orejas, â€Å"Pampanga dam with abundant water underused,†Philippine Daily Inquirer, August 8, 2007, 20070808-81413 (accessed December 30, 2010). [ 38 ]. Holy Angel University Center for Kapampangan Studies, loc.cit. [ 39 ]. General Jose Alejandrino, JPG, [ 40 ]. Den Mar, loc.cit.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Forces That Drives Growth in International Trade Research Paper
Forces That Drives Growth in International Trade - Research Paper Example Additionally, improvement of upcoming democracies in the realms of politics in most countries is a strong force for the growth of international trade. Primarily, according to Diaw & Lessoua (2013), the increased utilization of the internet has stirred international trade forward. More people can now access the internet today than any other time in the history of internet invention. The internet has comes with many prospect that has been of advantage to the connectivity and increased transaction of business. With internet, most of the products in overseas can be ordered online and paid online with services such as PayPal and other services hence giving international trade a force that takes into new levels. More so, internet has come up with websites that display products that oversees and in demand by a particular individual or company on other corners of the world. Websites such as provide a good platform of increasing the international trade. Internet has also made communication between international traders cheaper and cheaper hence easier for them to be in commerce with each other. In overall, Internet has made thi s world smaller and smaller hence hyper-connectivity consequently increasing the international trade (Diaw & Lessoua 2013). The upcoming democracies according to Van & Lewer (2007) have also played a role in the surge in the international trade growth in the world at present. With democracy, most of these countries have had peace of late, which is an imperative component in having international trade growing and getting forward. Most important to note is that most of this countries that have come to embrace democracy are the hub of minerals and other products that are in demand internationally. Africa has been for long been torn by war and made it difficult to trade with other countries internationally hence becoming hurdle in stirring the international commerce forward. With the latest development and having peace in these countries,
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Explain clearly what is understood by the meaning of Leadership. What Essay
Explain clearly what is understood by the meaning of Leadership. What is the distinction between Leadership and Management - Essay Example The paper will discuss certain leadership taxonomies and definitions and will also explore a few leadership theories in order to get an insight into leadership. The second part of the paper will strive to find out the main discrepancies between management and leadership and the reasons as to why both are assets to an organization. Both functions are complementary to each other and without the existence of any one of the two it becomes impossible for the other to perform effectively thereby impairing organizational growth. Contents Abstract 2 Contents 3 Introduction 4 Insights into leadership 5 Leadership theories 6 Leadership and management – a distinction 8 Conclusion 10 Reference 11 Introduction One of the most popular and discussed topic is leadership. Scholars have tried to define leadership in several manners. In an examination of 587 publications, at least 221 definitions of leadership had emerged. Leadership is the manner in which an individual induces aspects of respec t, obedience, cooperation and loyalty among followers. Leadership in the 1930s was considered to be an area where organizations had to move depending on specifications provided by the leader. The 40’s definition of leadership focussed on the constructs of power, authority, circumstances and position. The 1950s definition emphasized on the essentials of team building and the authority the leader commanded on team members. The 1960s definition of leadership influenced followers to shared goals and vision. The 1970s leadership definition viewed a leader to have discretionary powers and 1980s the leader inspired the followers to conduct meaningful activity. The 1990s defined leadership as a combined task accomplished by both followers and leader to make certain modifications impacting common purposes. The first ten years of the twenty first century witnessed the leader to be solely accountable and responsible for all activities conducted in an organization. From the above, it may be observed that there are certain themes in leadership. These are as follows: a) Leadership is not limited to senior management members or the top boss b) Leadership helps in excelling performance level in followers c) Management and leadership are two distinct constructs d) There is a humanistic and sensitive dimension to leadership e) Leaders need to apply a host of skills, capabilities, qualities thereby undertaking a holistic approach f) An individual who has expertise in implementing, initiating and anticipating change is a successful leader (Bass & Bass, 2008) Insights into leadership Leadership styles vary from person to person. However, the manner in which one may be able to aptly distinguish various leaders depends on the manner in which they act on logic. This is the skill to interpret and analyze surroundings especially when they are challenged by some external or internal issues. Academic scholars have observed that leaders who delved deep within them to develop and un derstand themselves can transform their own capabilities as well as the capabilities of the organization. The effectiveness of organizations mainly depends on coordinated leadership which stems from leaders having varied levels of hierarchy. Their skills help in impacting individuals, units, teams and the overall organizational results. Academic study on leadership has highlighted that leadership significantly impact units, teams and the entire organization. Although there is vast literature on the outcomes of effective
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Saudi EFL Instructors' and Students' Perceptions toward Implementing Essay
Saudi EFL Instructors' and Students' Perceptions toward Implementing MALL in High Education - Essay Example This has resulted in new approaches of teaching and learning and this has made it possible to devise teaching plans within and outside the classrooms. The incorporation of technology into education is supported by a number of theories including behaviorism, constructivism, situated learning theory, collaborative learning theory, informal and lifelong learning theory (Naismith et al., 2004). In the field of teaching and learning new languages, many models that are based on the utilization of technologies have emerged. These technologies play a crucial role in the improvement of the educational process. Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is one of these models in which students use computers to learn the language (Levy, 1997).Although CALL gained its popularity in many developed countries in the early 1980s, Saudi Arabia unfortunately did not introduce computers to its educational system until the last decade of the twentieth century (Oyaid, 2007). As a result of the constant developments in the field of ICT, a new stage of CALL developed known as mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) in which students use mobile devices in the language learning process (Begum, 2011). These devices are the new generation of computers and include personal portable mobile devices such as cell phones, MP3/MP4 players, personal digital assistants and palmtop computers used for lan guage learning (Kukulska-hulme, 2008). For the purpose of this paper, the researcher will focus on the use of smart phones and tablets for the delivery of higher education. Regardless of the challenges that result due the usage of mobile devices in education, a number of successful attempts have occurred in different parts of the world. This successful usage resulted in improving the linguistic competence of the students (for example, Thornton and Houser, 2003; Myers, 2000). However, it needs to be understood that in order to successfully implement MALL in any
Friday, July 26, 2019
Effect of E-Business on Marketing Strategies Case Study
Effect of E-Business on Marketing Strategies - Case Study Example becomes the first mover in the e-retailing market proposing a wide product range to diverse customer targets. E-business allows the company to connect customer service and good levels, increases customer satisfaction and decreases retention artistries. The main strategy is a virtual bookshop which helps the company to promote and sell its products to customers. Similar to traditional marketing, a virtual bookshop allows customers to review product details and analysis, read about the main characteristics and qualities. In contrast to traditional marketing, a customer sees only an image of the product. Following Archer et al (2002) "Various information systems can be used to process transactions, collect and analyze data. Technology-based tools have helped marketers perform their marketing strategies more efficiently and effectively in the traditional marketplace" (73). In contrast to traditional marketing, proposes a greater range of titles to choose from. Customers have twenty-four-hour access to book, table of contexts and reviews. They can order the book from any parts of the world and at comparatively low price. Also, e-business allows Amazon to establish a competitive price through lower transaction costs. Customer service therefore plays a pivotal role in e-business. Getting this role right, and to a standard of expertise that is superior to that of competitors and sustainable in the longer term, requires an in-depth understanding of the nature and nuance of customer service. Knowing customers means closing the loop between the messages sent to them and the messages they send back. The personalization of the service allows Amazon to create a core of brand supporters and increase its sales. Core information builds and provides access to the books catalogue (Turban et al 2004). The customer database also provides added-value informa tion. Core handling and processing maintains payment services between the company and its customers whether they be readers, publishers, resellers or authors. This function also covers shipping and delivery administration. From this configuration, the process of publishing and book selling became much more dynamic than the linear model that was the traditional industry model. The Internet has allowed each party in the process to interact with each other with more intensity ( In contrast to traditional marketers, Amazon has wide possibilities to gather information about target groups and is able to make customer-specific recommendations, analyze their demands and needs. The customer database is used as a marketing tool in targeting existing customers and pursuing potential new ones. Amazon services (web-site and delivery service) are accessible for a large number of households and individuals. Delivering content gives more detailed information on an offer and goods; enabling transaction leads direct to a sale. Shaping attitudes can help build brand awareness, and solicit response. An advertisement may be intended to identify new leads or as a start for two-way communication (Archer et al 2002). In these cases an interactive advertisement may encourage a use to type in an e-mail address. In contrast to tra
Legal Framework in Employment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Legal Framework in Employment - Essay Example As per common law, an employer has the right to dismiss an employee with prior notification. Terminating an employee without prior notice is a ‘wrongful dismissal’ against which an employee can sue the employer. Unfair dismissal is created by statute law, and it may occur even with proper notification. The Employment Rights Act 1996 has given six potentially fair reasons for terminating an employee. The employer has to ensure that the decision of dismissal, he has made justified and is conducted fairly.Employment Relations Act 1996, section 98 (4), provides details to declare a dismissal fair or unfair. The employer is responsible to justify a fair dismissal and likewise give reasons for unfair dismissal. In any case, if an employer is unable to prove that the dismissal is justified as per the Employment Relations Act 1996, it will be declared as unfair.Not only the law provides support to the employees the employers also have equal defenses to claim the fairness of thei r dismissal decision.In the case [British Leyland (UK) Ltd v Swift, (1981)], the employer’s decision was declared as ‘fair’ by the court of law as the employer justified his decision claiming to terminate an employee due to misconduct.In another case [Iceland Frozen Foods Limited v Jones, (1982)], the employer terminated a night-shift foreman at the warehouse. The employer held the employee responsible because he could not secure the warehouse at night which resulted in slow production.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Business Enterprise and Cultural Enrichment Essay
Business Enterprise and Cultural Enrichment - Essay Example A number of impacts are realized when businesses participate in the championing of beneficial and beneficial cultural practices. Cultural enrichment influences positively on the growth of the business if the business offers its best with regard to the cultures of its surrounding. However, not all cultures practiced in the surrounding of business premises will create an enabling environment. Managers and other senior personnel should investigate and re-evaluate the implications of a single cultural practice before arriving at decisions of determining whether resources of the business are to be used in popularizing and sensitizing clients concerning the culture (Schumacher, 2011). Cultures that communicate information, which dissuades people from consuming certain brands constituting the business’ stock, should be avoided since their effects are counterproductive. If such cultures are popularized, the business will realize loses that may put the enterprises’ future in hig her risks that may lead to closure, relocation, or even retrenchment some of its workers (Schumacher, 2011). A business enterprise can input towards improving and retaining certain cultures in many ways. For instance, through carrying out campaigns geared towards instilling public awareness. This can be done by public address systems mounted on vehicles that go around imparting information into the people. On these vehicles, renowned cultural icons (traditional artists) must be given top priority to talk to the public about the business and the need for culture and its existence (Schumacher, 2011). Additionally, the business can contribute to cultural growth by selling of music enriched with the sounds from cultural, musical instruments. Businesses like those of fashioning designing should sell garments that do not discriminate the culture of the people. For example, a business selling clothing in a region where scarves make the order of the day should include this in their stock. P rojects geared towards improving and enriching the culture of the people should be investigated by the business so as to identify with the achievements brought to the people by such programs. The business should also contribute intensively to the planting of crops that are used to praise and adore the lord almighty for instance. The business can also come up with laws that do not discriminate workers. Such laws should be consistence with the people’s cultural practices, and they should also create a homely working environment by boosting performance and other merits in the duties and assignments to be accomplished (Schumacher, 2011). Performances of the employees are directly influenced by the kind of working environment created by their employers or organizations; hence it is the obligation of the business to meet employees’ needs. Besides other requirements, employees deserve rules that are friendly to their cultural practices in order for them to deliver accordingly . The approach towards work can be compromised if the employee has to sacrifice many of his cultural practices for the sake of work. Society has other ceremonies that call for the participation of every person who is part of it. On such days, the business is compelled to disobeying the demands of the community; otherwise, it might experience a reduction in sales (Schumacher, 2011). Some cultures determine or dictate how a business enterprise within them
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
An introduction and conclusion for literature review in finance Essay
An introduction and conclusion for literature review in finance (preparing for my dissertation) - Essay Example USA Petrochemical Industry Despite of the rise in the global demand for the petrochemical products, the USA petrochemical industry is facing increasing competition in the petrochemical export market. With supply of the natural gas by using the comprehensive pipe line system to both receive the raw materials as well as to deliver the finished products. So, it is expected that the US petrochemical industry would revive sooner than the other competitors. Furthermore, economic trade group such as NAFTA would contribute further to its growth. Political & Legal Factors The petrochemical industry in USA is governed by several laws and regulations. The hazardous materials transportation act and the pollution prevention act are significant among these. According to the first act, the Department of Transportation gets the authority to control the transportation of such materials including the petrochemicals. Furthermore, the USA government has become increasingly active and concerned about the safety and environmental areas for this petrochemical transportation.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Reasons for and Against Intervention in Syrian Civil War Essay
Reasons for and Against Intervention in Syrian Civil War - Essay Example The intricate state of affairs in the Middle East has encouraged President Al-Assad to cling onto power and instigate a bloody onslaught against his populace. The Syrian citizenry has continuously demanded that been demanding that President Al-Assad steps down, in order to facilitate the setting up of a government with a solid democratic foundation. Even though President Al-Assad has lost a solid power base, it is apparent that he has exploited the intricate regional state of affairs which has destabilized the capacity of the United Nations (U.N) to firmly counter the Syrian crisis 2. In order to comprehend the complex state of affairs, it is appropriate to take a broader look at this region. This may help in understanding why the U.N seems incapable of being decisive against President Al-Assad. However, as the president of the world’s superpower, there is urge of considering whether to intervene or not and save the Syrian people. This crisis that started on 15th March 2011, h as claimed very many lives as protesters all over the country call for the resignation of president Bashar Al-Asad in favor of political rights and freedom. However, Bashar has consistently ignored the grievances of the people and continuously used violence to protesters as well the rebels with the urge of overthrowing the government 3. Therefore, the United States of America should not and cannot stay oblivious to the abominable mass killings in Syria. It is thus with this regard that the government needs a strong and firm decision on the Syrian crisis so as to restore peace and stability in a country where the two attributes have long been forgotten. Moreover, The Syrian regime’s violent reaction to protests since March 2011 has led to the death of approximately 5,400 people, according to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).Â
Monday, July 22, 2019
US History-Westward Expansion Wars & Indians Essay Example for Free
US History-Westward Expansion Wars Indians Essay This paper concentrates upon the historical expansion of the USA over the territory of Native Americans, this process as a series of wars was hard and challenging for both sides. At the beginning of the 19th century, when United States were growing really quickly, expanding the territories to the South, there appeared impediment on their way, namely the territories which used to be the native lands of the Cherokee, Greek, Choctaw, Seminole tribes. For white Americans these people were not defending their own lands, they were causing obstacles for the progressive growth, whereas they needed these lands so much for growing cotton, thus were doing everything possible to make the Federal government to submit the territories of Indians. The main reason of these wars is believed to be the colonial interest of the US. Generally historians describe these events using the term Indian Wars conflicts between the USA and Native Americans or Indians. This term also includes the colonial wars, before the United States were created. During the period starting from the mentioned colonial wars till the American frontier of 1890 Indians had to go thought the process of assimilation, dissimilation and were made to relocate to special places, which were later called Indian reservations. â€Å"One scholar has noted that the more than 40 Indians wars from 1775 till 1890 reportedly claimed the lives of some 45. 000 Indians and 19. 000 of whites†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (J. Tebbel, K. Jennison, 11). Generally talking about Native Indians, we have to underline that actually these were not all the same people, there were some formal unites, that took part in the wars, the main decisions about wars and peace were also taken locally, and there were certain leaders of the alliances. One of the examples can be the Iroquois Confederation. Most scholars nowadays state that it would be too simple and not deep enough to consider these wars as just racial wars between Indian people and American people, the fact was that Indians didn’t struggle only with white people, they also fought with Indians as well. The result of the wars was however rather of single meaning, namely the conquest of the United States of Native Americans. The years from 1622 to 1774 are called colonial era for America. This period of time includes the wars between Native Americans and the USA before the Declaration of independence was issued. Colonial powers in North America had to subdue the resistance of the native people, trying to overcome their hostility. The following 70 years were the wars against the United States that were newly formed. The year 1763 is known for the Pontiac’s Rebellion in the territory of Northwest. The main conflict at that moment with Native Americans was the consequence of not giving up of the tribes from Northwest of the settlement in the Ohio valley. The first couple of attempts of white people was not successful enough to defeat the tribes, but in 1794, during the battle of Fallen Timbers General Anthony Wayne was victorious. In 1830 president Andrew Jackson remade the Indian Removal Act into law. The act itself was not s straight order for relocating Native Americans, but it was pushing them to exchange their lands in the eastern part for those in the west. One of the historians Robert V. Remini stated that the deeds of the president could be explained by his intention to keep national security as the main reason, because at that time Great Britain and Spain started to use the Native Americans for the war with the United States. After the year 1815 the US was pushing the Indians to reservations by Mississippi river, and the result of the mentioned policy was the fact that by 1860 most of the tribes had to relocate. Usually that was not done peacefully; there were fights and strong resistance. For example in order to move the Seminole it was necessary to win several wars for the white Americans. â€Å"The most notable Seminole War involved the celebrated Osceola. Similarly the refusal of the Sac and Fox to be removed led to the Black Hawk War in 1832†(J. Tebbel, K. Jennison, 25). During the years 1823 – 1890 the western part of the Mississippi was the territory of hard resistance from Indian tribes against white settlers, the strongest were the Sioux of the Northern Plains and the Apache of the Southwest. In 1864 the battle called the Sand Greek Massacre took place, as the result around 150 persons were killed or injured. â€Å"The Indians at Sand Greek had been assured, by the US government that they would be safe in the territory they were occupying, but anti-Indian sentiments by white settlers were running high. Later congressional investigations resulted in short-lived U. S. public outcry against the slaughter of the native Americans†(Y. Bill, 137). Later on there was a number of another war conflicts, but as soon as in the year 1887 the Dawes Act was issued the new epoch stared, practically the resistance of the Native Americans was finally broken and the U. S. government succeeded in removing them to reservations. Overall, the epoch of the Indian wars is a huge bloody spot in the history of the USA. One the one hand, being guided by the best aim of progress and development the white Americans did their best in order to remove Indians from their native lands, although the cost for it were thousands of people’s lives. It is not necessary to mention that the interests of Native Americans were not much taken into consideration, and their resistance is practically well founded. Sources: 1. M.Norton. A People A Nation Volume One: to 1877, Seventh Edition, 2004 2. Portrait of America: From the European Discovery of America to the End of Reconstruction by Stephen B. Oates, 2000 3. Taylor, Alan. American Colonies: The Settling of North America (The Penguin History of the United States , Volume I) (History of the USA ), 1999 4. Y. Bill. Indian Wars: The campaign for the American West. Yardley, PA: Westholme, 2005 5. M. Schmitt, D. Brown. Fighting Indians of the West, 1966 6. J. Tebbel, K. Jennison. The American Indian Wars, 1990.
Moving away from hatred Essay Example for Free
Moving away from hatred Essay â€Å"On Saturday in the Serbian Town of Cacak (which is located in the Western-Central part of the country), fans of the local team Borac Cacak were conducting racial chants and wearing KKK attire aimed at one Mike Tamwanera. Usually when you have fans chanting or hissing at a player he usually plays for another team, but Tamwanera who is from Zimbabwe, plays for Borac Cacak. While arrests were made by Cacak police and the club has stated that these fans will be banned from future games, the act itself is extremely disgraceful. It is extremely disappointing to see Serbian people do this type of action The problem lies in the fact that these small group of fans who donned the garments known for extreme racism do not realize that the Ku Klux Klan have also been known to hate all minority groups including Slavic people who we Serbs are a part of. By wearing the white-cloth attire, these fans are showing that they support the hate done to their own people; its the same if Serbs wore Nazi uniforms and paraded around the town (Kross. 2006)†Looking back at these incidents, I am made to reflect on the acts of racism that I have seen and heard of here in America. One case here in America that has definitely struck a bone in me is the Jena Six (6) incident. As we know this is with regard to six (6) black teenagers beating up a white teenager and being charged with attempted murder and conspiracy. Looking at this incident, I am led to believe that the root of the case is rather complicated and is in fact rooted in decades of violence and aggression between Black and White Americans, which has led to a vicious cycle between the two. As Todd Lewan wrote in his article, â€Å"Clearly, something bad occurred in Jena, population 2,971, an old sawmill town in LaSalle Parish that, once upon a time, was Ku Klux Klan country. And, as most white and black residents readily agree, there is no good reason for embracing what unfolded here. †However, digging deeper into the story we see that the issue at heart is basically spawn by misunderstanding and hatred. Hatred that is drawn from differences we refuse to see beyond as human beings. This coupled by the fact that numerous injustices have been made in the past only add up to the existing problem. Racial acts are no longer the only scope of the norms and mores groups become socialized into but aggression and violence become a legitimate way by, which such groups express themselves. Looking back at the incident it is history repeating itself as Black Americans get back at White Americans for disputes and vice versa. In addition to this, the fact that racism is a group privilege as pointed out earlier only compounds the matter. This is since it bolsters the behavior and even perpetuates violent and aggressive acts such as the Jena 6 incident and even the beating of the gypsies in Europe. Moreover, the group does not see that such acts are wrong. Certain acts to them are merely a way by which they can express themselves and the like. Yet to think that even such actions are spawned from misunderstandings or inaccurate interpretations leads me to think that so much pain and suffering can actually be avoided if we simply open our minds. Taking into account the Jena Six incident as taken from Newsweek: â€Å"Decades of suppressed racial hostility spilled forth at the appearance of those swaying nooses. Word spread quickly that day; before long, scores of black students congregated under the tree. As black students, we didnt call it a protest, says Robert Bailey Jr. , one of the Jena Six. We just called it standing up for ourselves. School officials convened an assembly in early September, where local District Attorney Reed Walters appeared, flanked by police officers. I can be your best friend or your worst enemy, he told students, warning them to settle down. With a stroke of my pen, I can make your lives disappear. A visit to the school, along with the fact that the three white boys who admitted to hanging the nooses were only dealt a few days suspension, further inflamed the African-American community. It felt like they were saying, We can do what we want to those ns, says Marcus Jones, Bells father. Things reached a boil later in the semester. During the Thanksgiving holiday, someone set fire to the school, reducing the main academic wing to rubble (no one has been arrested, and though a link between what was ruled an arson and the racial discord hasnt been proved, many suspect there is one). The following day, Bailey was punched and beaten with beer bottles when he tried to enter a mostly white party in town. The white kid who threw the first punch was later charged with simple battery and given probation†¦ (Flores and Kovach. 2007). †We can see that the escalation to the whole incident could have been avoided if it was approached with more understanding from both races. It should not have been about White or Black but rather of what was socially and morally right or wrong. We have to realize that racism not only is morally wring but is also legally wrong. According to UN International Conventions, the term racial discrimination shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life. Although it is defined and seen in a sociological standpoint as being a group privilege and can in a certain sense cause a debate as to whether or not such behavior exhibited by a group is deviant; the fact remains that it has moral, ethical and legal ramifications. Racism, be it in the form of a racial slur or an actual physical act (whether in retaliation or not) is just plain wrong. Yes there have been numerous indignations between various races in the past but we have to learn to bridge beyond differences in ethnicity and culture. Perhaps the next step in a progressive and linear development in achieving true equality is for us to start relearning the concepts we have learned. To unlearn what it is to hate and to start seeing others as being our equal. Of course this is easier said than done. In his article entitled â€Å"Racism in America: What has to happen for black and white to unite? †Jeff Hickman sites that a greater problem or obstacle to hurdle in overcoming racism is ignorance. In his words, â€Å"As we all know it takes only a very short time to teach a person to hate, and yet you can spend a lifetime in vain attempting to repair the misguided web of lies racism encompasses†¦One of the most difficult tasks in life to accomplish is to overcome the core fundamental principles that you are taught as a child. Parents, Grandparents, and role models, yield an enormous amount of influence in the moral development of a child (Hickman. 2007). †Taking this into account we can see that norms and mores carried from one racist group can actually be passed on to the next generation. Furthermore, studies have also shown the relationship of peers and role models in reinforcing a behavior. Such is the contention of Alfred Bandura, a psychologist who formulated the Social Learning Theory. According to his theory we learn basic skills and behaviors by observing what others or rather role models do. Given the case of racism the more alarming aspect is that violence and aggression are also passed on and reinforced. Rick Van Acker â€Å"the development of chronic aggressive and violent behavior is complex and appears to involve the interplay of multiple risk factors†¦factors related to family functioning, peer associations, and the community in which the child resides, however, probably account for the greatest variation in the learning and expression of aggression and violence†(pars. 3). Hence we have a vicious cycle that we must break. As they say, hate breeds hate. Going back to what Joseph Addison said, â€Å"If men would consider not so much where they differ, as wherein they agree, there would be far less of uncharitableness and angry feeling in the world. †This is something we must all take into heart. The problem raced by racism and the ignorance it has bred is not unique to White Americans, Black Americans, Serbians or what ever other race. The connotations we have and the diversity between races should not be viewed as taboo or dreadful. Instead we should learn to respect the diversity we have cross culturally and see it as part of what makes us beautiful. Moreover, we have to see beyond the differences and realize that we are all the same†¦that we are all human beings. Racism has always been both an instrument of discrimination and a tool of exploitation. But it manifests itself as a cultural phenomenon, susceptible to cultural solutions, such as multicultural education and the promotion of ethnic identities (Sivanandan pars. 1). It is not a hopeless scenario. We can change it through continuous education and culture sensitivity. We must remember that in the end, the world we live in does not shape our society but we as human beings are the ones that create, maintain and change the very fabric of the society we live in. References Fraser, Angus. The Peoples of Europe: The Gypsies. Blackwell Publishing P, 1995. Hickman, Jeff.â€Å"Racism in America: What has to happen for white and black to unite? †The People’s Media Company. 1 May 2007. 25 September 2007. http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/221501/racism_in_america_what_has_to_hap pen. html? page=3 UN International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. 7 March 1966. New York. Kovach, Gretel C. and Campo-Flores, Arian. â€Å"A Town In Turmoil. †Newsweek Society. (20-27 August 2007 Issue). 25 September 2007. http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/20218937/site/newsweek/page/0/ Kross, Final. â€Å"Racism in Serbia and Kezman. †Fox Sports. 18 October 2006. 25 September 2007. http://community. foxsports. com/blogs/FinalKross/2006/10/18/Racism_in_Serbia_and_Kezman Lewan, Todd. â€Å"Black and white becomes gray in La. Town. †The Associated Press. 2007. 24 September 2007. http://news. yahoo. com/s/ap/20070922/ap_on_re_us/a_place_called_jena Race and Ethnicity. 31 March 2003. Elaine Leeder and US2 Design. 24 September 2007. http://www. sonoma. edu/users/l/leeder/index. htm Racism. 25 September 2007. Wkimedia Foundation, Inc. 25 September 2007. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Racism Shah, Anup. â€Å"Racism. †Global Issues. 20 December 2004. 24 September 2007. http://www. globalissues. org/HumanRights/Racism. asp#RacismagainstGypsies Sivanandan, A. â€Å"Poverty is the New Black. †The Guardian Unlimited. 17 August 2001. 25 September 2007. http://www. guardian. co. uk/globalisation/story/0,7369,538225,00. html World of Quotes. com. 2007. 2003 – 2006 Roy Russo. 24 September 2007. http://www. worldofquotes. com/topic/Difference/1/index. html. Van Acker, Rick. â€Å"Aggression and Violence: Factors Related to Their Development. †T/TAC. 1 May 1997. 25 September 2007. http://www. wm. edu/ttac/articles/challenging/aggression. html.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Mockumentaries And Documentaries
Mockumentaries And Documentaries A documentary film is a film that shows true-life histories or current event exposure. A documentary film often records the truth as well as reality. In order to have the audiences attention, a documentary film also contains some entertainment value while educating the audience about the topic. Documentary is a discursive structure, which creates style of immediacy and truth, using photographic technology in order to present first-hand experience and piece of information. In addition, documentaries often take care of particular cultures, nations, ethnic groups, or regions. Documentary needs fictive element to make it appealing. Salaam Cinema and Cannibal Tour were the examples of documentary films. As for mockumentary, it is defined as a type of films that reproduces the stylistic elements of documentaries by using filming techniques. Mockumentary is a television program or movie captured in the way of a documentary film is captured but it contains fictitious and frequently mocking s ubject matter that presents in a non-fiction or documentary format. It mocks the basic characteristic and argues that documentaries try to claim. There are similarities between documentaries and mockumentaries as mockumentaries use all the documentaries codes and conventions, such as that turn a mockumentary into a documentary, be determined to show the film as a documentary even though it is not a documentary. A mockumentary is successful when it is able to combine history and present through a false lens as well as leading the audience to doubt the reality. Mockumentaries have been made to the audience to challenge the audiences beliefs as well as the directors imagination. Forgotten Silver and Quarantine are the examples of mockumentary films. Forgotten Silver (1995), by Costa Botes and Peter Jackson, is a mockumentary which records the process of life of a silent filmmaker from New Zealand, Colin McKenzie as well as his incredible progress that were lost since olden times. The film offers an interesting and entertaining take on the issues of film reality against film fantasy as well as backups eyewitness testimony or interview sessions including films and photographs. Therefore, it seemed real. It claims that this mockumentary was real because it uses all the documentary codes and conventions. Mockumentaries use the aesthetics of documentary in order to undermine any claims to truth. (2001, p.46). It captures and read the complication of real life. Mock-documentaries tend to assume an archetypal generic form rather than recognize the complexities of the genre (Roscoe, Hight, 2001, p.50). Besides, Forgotten Silver reminds us that the event actually happened as it has recorded everything in it. In Forgotten Silver, it uses interview to authenticate views. The interviewees included Jonathon Morris (archiviste), Costa Botes (Realisateur), Harvey Weinstein (Miramax Film), Leonard Maltin (Historian), Sam Neil (Actor/Realisateur), and May Belle (Research Assistant) as his wife. Film reality and film fantasy are supported by the use of real footage. Forgotten Silver uses archive footage as another documentary code to add authenticity, such as landing at Anzac Cove war footage and New Zealand City footage. Camera effect such as slow zooms has been used in Forgotten Silver in order to show the audiences that there are no exaggerate actions. Besides, pictures of Colin McKenzie throughout whole film, his pictures taken throughout his life, pictures with mother, Colin McKenzies recreated city, pictures of documents such as Deputation from the New Zealand Communist Party. Old video clips have been showed in the film such as Richard Pearses flying video, Salome John the Baptist (casting), Gallipoli Footage (Brook e McKenzie 1915), Stan the Man (Stan Wilson) spontaneous shots by Colin McKenzie. In addition, there were newspaper shots such as Richard Pearses flying video and Incredible Taking Picture Sensation. Other than that, current videos such as his journey to discover the recreated city, discovery of Salomes production storeroom, Alexandra Nevsky Attachà © Cultural de Russie prove the signed contract between McKenzie. Mockumentary filmmakers wish to engage the audience in discourses about fact and fiction. As Roscoe and Hight put it Mock documentaries foreground their fictionality, their intention is to play with, undermine or challenge documentary, rather than to seek validity through an association with the genre. (2001, p.46) Another documentary code used in Forgotten Silver is the use of texts or graphics. The names, title, year of each interviewee as well as the name, year of each video have been showed in the film. Realism in any representation, like documentaries, has also to be a construction as it is impossible to achieve a perfect match between events in a historical world and the texts that represents them (Kilborn and Izod, 1997. p40). Effects such as zoom in and highlights the important wordings on pictures, documents and newspapers have been used. Reconstruction, a re-enactment of another time or place for a different audience, a graphing of history in and through the cinematic image and taped sound, onto the present. (Rabinowitz:1994:16). This film has utilised natural sound such as old film rolling sounds and movie original background sound in The Natural Season 1908, Stan the Man and Stable Stumbles. Non-digetic sound, is defined as the background music when narrator narrates a story, such a s a dramatic background music as narrator narrates a sad scene. This has been found in Forgotten Silver as the background music for pictures such as celebration sounds when the war ended. Forgotten Silver has used reconstructions or set-ups to convey realism as another documentary code, such as old films, Made-up of McKenzies Salome production storeroom, old Egyptian statues, hand-made costumes and crafted swords and shields for Salome shooting. Mockumentaries also deconstruct the socio political stance that documentaries tend to adopt in relation to the socio historical world (Roscoe and Hight, 2001).With all the documentaries codes and conventions used in Forgotten Silver, has made the film real to be believed by the audiences. For examples, Richard Pearses flying video, Colin McKenzies first alleged talking movie and color film as well as a discovered city in West Coast. However, it was a hoax, said by the Wellington filmmaker, Costa Botes, which is also the director of Forgott en Silver, established that it was a documentary-style programme that he co-directed with the filmmaker Peter Jackson. In addition, McKenzie was a pure fiction. Even though it was with proves from the interviews by local celebrities and film experts as well as a mockumentary adopts documentarys behaviour and codes. Quarantine (2008), directed by John Erick Dowdle, casted by Angela Vidal as a reporter for the tv show Night Shift, was on duty to spend an evening with the Los Angeles Fire Department. Therefore, she and her cameraman, Scott Percival, join the fire-fighters George and Jake to an apartment building. This film is a remake film of the Spanish Horror film REC. The film was about the owner was accused with investigating and segregating a suspected Armageddon virus for a faction. Unfortunately, the virus lost control and transform into infectious virus, which infects the man. It is the reason why the people in the building were infected. The whole building has been closed for quarantine. This mockumentary was a hoax as there are no bloodthirsty savages in the world. It was just an imagination of the director challenging the beliefs of the audiences. Footage could be seen in Quarantine as there are few scenes have been zoomed in, such as when the bloodthirsty savages are attacking human. L ightweight camera has been used in Quarantine, which has similarity with Forgotten Silver. However, there is one dissimilarity, Quarantine did not use background music, and it uses sound effects. Voice-Over has been used in the film while capturing the subjects in front by Angela. Quarantine seemed to be real as it uses documentary codes. Interviews have been made throughout the whole movie. For example, a quick interview sessions with the fire-fighters George and Jake before heading to the infected apartment. Interviews have made the film more real. The mock documentary form seems to be more typically used by film makers to parody aspects of popular culture, particularly media culture, than to encourage viewers to question their adherence to assumptions and expectations attached to documentaries. (Roscoe and Hight, 2001. p.161). In Forgotten Silver and Quarantine, they both have similarities with the documentary film, Cannibal Tours (1988), filmed by Australian director and cinematographer Dennis ORourke. They have used the skill of archival footages as they captured real images by using lightweight camera. . For that reason, it brings the audience nearer to reality as well as truth. Other than that, interview sessions and images captured with lightweight camera were done. In Cannibal Tours, there are interview sessions with the native and the tourists. It uses real footages to explain the history of how the Germans visited there before. Filmmakers have considered the problem of subjectivity and objectivity to be red herrings where they record about native peoples story. We realized that the most important thing was not the film and the information in it so much as the way this information was debated. One of the aims of such films is to provide the occasion for people to find themselves and speak about thei r own problems. The projection becomes the place where people talk and develop their awareness. (Chanan 1997:373). Documentaries hold a privileged position within society, a position maintained by documentarys claim that it can present the most accurate and truthful portrayal of the socio historical worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. They attempt to create a position for the audience in which we are encouraged to take up unproblematically the truth claims offered to us (R and H:2001, p.6, 23). Even though mockumentaries have documentary codes, it is still a fictional documentary, which is also called as a hoax. A documentarys interviews are based on the interviewees true opinions whereas a mockumentarys interviews are based on ready-made scripts. Mockumentaries cannot be viewed as real as everything is ready-made. It is not real images such as documentaries. In Salaam Cinema (1994), by Mohsen Makhmalbaf, a film about people who would like to become famous. It is real as it captures the crowd by using lightweight camera. The crews were captured in the frame, not behind the camera. A handheld camera work and head shots convey a realistic sense of an historical truth. For example, the scene where people were trampled in a way it was real because people will do that but in salaam cinema, it was provoked. The usage of handheld camera could be seen in Quarantine to convey realism as it captures live images. Mockumentaries manipulates the truth in a documentary manner. It is used to convey a constructed or ones imagined view. In spite of the similarities in terms of its documentary codes, a mockumentary can never equal to a documentary. It is still, a fictional documentary. The whole agenda and practice of a mockumentary is to edit certain parts of a footage or image to present the constructed message and omit the parts where they are not coherent with the constructed message, re-make artifacts and a set of actors to be interviewed based on ready-made scripts. Hence, a documentary is to tell its audiences of the truth and findings while a mockumentary tries to manipulate a belief and convey an imagined view. The emerging of mockumentaries in our recent days of film industry has raped the pride of a documentary. Documentaries now are less promising compared to the olden days where there are no mockumentaries. It ripped off the value in researching and producing of a documentary as it leav es documentary in shades of doubts by the viewers. It is now hard to authenticate a documentary and disproof a mockumentary. Some critics claim that mockumentaries are a waste of time and resources as in the end of a day, the viewers gain nothing but a bad joke. However, the decision lies in the viewers ability to ensure clear validity of what they watch and what they believe. After all; a mockumentary is only an illusion where it manipulates within the premise of a viewers belief.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Essay -- Philosophy, Political Science
The concepts of liberty and individuality experienced a critical change in meaning and understanding as Europe shifted from the 18th century Enlightenment era to the age of political economy and utilitarianism of the 19th century. This clear distinction can be seen when comparing the works of enlightenment thinker Jean-Jacques Rousseau to authors of the 19th century, including utilitarian John Stuart Mill and communist Karl Marx. The fundamental differences in the ideas of liberty and individuality between the two centuries can be attributed to the political, economic, and social climates of each author’s time. Rousseau’s interpretation of liberty was that of true, unlimited freedom. However, this form of liberty only exists in the state of nature, and thus termed natural liberty. Rousseau maintains that "the law of nature" is the law of self-preservation and individuals have no moral duty toward each other. In order to protect themselves and their property from others, individuals may agree to a social contract in order to form a society that is beneficial to all. The contract functions on the basis of a mutual obligation between society and each individual, and is fulfilled by a surrender of natural liberty in exchange for a moral and political freedom. The general will, which is the will of society as a whole, always desires the common good, says Rousseau. Civil society is thus governed by the general will of the body politic that desires the common good. It is interesting to note that Rousseau’s social contract theory essentially abolishes the ideas of the individual, and instead adopts only ideas common amongst all. This is a key factor that distinguishes 18th century philosophy with that of following century. Rousseau’... ...rkets. The nature of Capitalism makes this so, since the primary goal is to increase efficiency and profit. By taking over other markets, the consumer and labor pool populations are both enlarged. The constant advancement and revolution of technology was also a pattern Marx had noted. With increased productivity resulting from changing technologies also came instability and anxiety, since improvement of machines meant the replacement of human work and job insecurity. These largely negative aspects of capitalism motivate Marx to write the critical The Communist Manifesto. By closing analyzing each authors work, it can be said that the contents of their respective books were indeed a result of the environment the author had been exposed to. As a result, the ideas of liberty and individuality changed as times changed, leading to the differences between the centuries.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Eating Disorders And Gymnastics Essay examples -- Athletes Sports Pape
Eating Disorders And Gymnastics Eating disorders are especially common among athletes because the pressure of the sport environment frequently precipitates the onset of these problems. In this population, certain compulsive behaviors such as excessive exercise and restricted eating patterns are seen as acceptable, and pathogenic methods of weight control are often introduced. In addition, concern about body size and shape is increased because of the "social influence for thinness [from coaches and peers], anxiety about athletic performance, and negative self-appraisal of athletic achievement" (Williamson et al. 1995). Finally, the competitive nature of sports reinforces characteristics such as "perfectionism, high achievement motivation, obsessive behavior, control of physique, and attention to detail" (Ludwig 1996). Most successful athletes are more determined and more disciplined than the average individual. They often set very high goals for themselves and work extra hours each day to reach them. These same attr ibutes, however, can lead to eating disorders and are often found in anorexic and bulimic patients. Are certain types of sports more prone to develop eating disorders than others? Eating disorders are obviously found in all sports, but athletes participating in activities that emphasize leanness for performance and appearance are at a significantly greater risk. Thus, gymnasts, long-distance runners, divers, and figure skaters are more prone to developing eating disorders and related problems than those who compete in nonweight-restricting sports such as volleyball or football. Furthermore, disordered eating patterns are found more in female athletes than in males. In a NCAA survey of collegiate athl... ...utjesdyk, D., & Jevne, R. (1993). "Eating disorders among high performance athletes". Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 22, 271-281. 13. Sundgot-Borgen, J. (1994). "Risk and trigger factors for the development of eating disorders in female elite athletes". Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 414-418. 14. "Ultra slim & fast" (1996). Psychology Today, 29, 17-18. 15. Vuori, Ilkka (1996). "Peak bone mass and physical activity: a short review". Nutrition Reviews, 54, S11-17. 16. Warren, B., Stanton, A., & Blessing, D. (1990). "Disordered eating patterns in competitive female athletes". International Journal of Eating Disorders, 9, 565- 569. 17. Williamson, D. et al. (1995). "Structural equation modeling of risk factors for the development of eating disorder symptoms in female athletes". International Journal of Eating Disorders, 17, 387-393.
At the Ball Game :: essays research papers
With the thousands of poems depicting the game of baseball and its remarkable players, coming across a poem seeking thorough cross sectioning of the crowd is unusual, and rarely encountered. William Carlos Williams has created a poem which portrays the crowd as a quasi-organized mob bent on either cheering for their team, or in turn, booing them. The reason why Williams does this is because he is portraying, in a sense, simplicity versus chaos with simplicity being the game of baseball itself and chaos being the crowd.      The game of baseball is simple and to the point. One throws the ball, fields the ball and uses a bat to hit the ball. The crowd however is complex with many fields acting upon it. Emotions and the vast consumption of alcoholic beverages turn the crowd into a dangerous mob. With references to stanza’s ten and eleven, it tells of how the Jew and the flashy female understand what is happening as emotions increase. Stanza ten refers to sexual assault and stanza eleven refers to the genocidal attempt by Hitler and his Nazi regime.      Williams tells of how the crowd acts and moves as one. He refers to these people which make up the crowd as drones, completely and uninterruptedly tuned into what is happening on the diamond. Williams believes this to be beautiful, for even in its chaos, there is a sense of uniformity. He also tells of how the crowd is drawn to the game for its exciting chase. This simple form of a game can stimulate a crowd into becoming a mob that could be perceived as dangerous.      Ultimately, Williams believed that the crowd was but one emotion, one movement and one person all in the same. The game of baseball is nothing without the roar of the crowd and its summer solstice. To these people that make up the crowd, it is every man’s dream, it is the cheering and laughing that keep them going, it is baseball. At the Ball Game :: essays research papers With the thousands of poems depicting the game of baseball and its remarkable players, coming across a poem seeking thorough cross sectioning of the crowd is unusual, and rarely encountered. William Carlos Williams has created a poem which portrays the crowd as a quasi-organized mob bent on either cheering for their team, or in turn, booing them. The reason why Williams does this is because he is portraying, in a sense, simplicity versus chaos with simplicity being the game of baseball itself and chaos being the crowd.      The game of baseball is simple and to the point. One throws the ball, fields the ball and uses a bat to hit the ball. The crowd however is complex with many fields acting upon it. Emotions and the vast consumption of alcoholic beverages turn the crowd into a dangerous mob. With references to stanza’s ten and eleven, it tells of how the Jew and the flashy female understand what is happening as emotions increase. Stanza ten refers to sexual assault and stanza eleven refers to the genocidal attempt by Hitler and his Nazi regime.      Williams tells of how the crowd acts and moves as one. He refers to these people which make up the crowd as drones, completely and uninterruptedly tuned into what is happening on the diamond. Williams believes this to be beautiful, for even in its chaos, there is a sense of uniformity. He also tells of how the crowd is drawn to the game for its exciting chase. This simple form of a game can stimulate a crowd into becoming a mob that could be perceived as dangerous.      Ultimately, Williams believed that the crowd was but one emotion, one movement and one person all in the same. The game of baseball is nothing without the roar of the crowd and its summer solstice. To these people that make up the crowd, it is every man’s dream, it is the cheering and laughing that keep them going, it is baseball.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
A Comparison of the Influential Role of the Chorus in Sophocles’ Antigone and Euripides’ Medea
A comparison of the influential role of the chorus in Sophocles’ Antigone and Euripides’ Medea It has been said by Napoleon Hill, â€Å"Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another†. This has been put to use in the plays Antigone by Sophocles and Medea by Euripides. The chorus which was an integral part of ancient Greek drama was used in the dramas to play an influential role. However, the group they mainly influenced contrasted and thus will be explored in the essay. The chorus in Antigone is composed of Theban men who were summoned by the newly crowned king Creon. Its interaction was mainly with Creon. Sophocles has shown a relation between the chorus and Creon, both being old and wise men of Thebes. They are introduced rejoicing the victory of Thebes over Argos. As the play develops they get actively involved commenting on every action and decision of the main actors. Its support wavers from Creon to Antigone during the course of the play. The women of Corinth formed the chorus in Eurpides Medea. They chiefly served as a commentator to the play. Euripides has shown a relation between the chorus and the character they interact the most, Medea, as both belonged to the group of women living in the male-dominated society. The involvement of chorus has been minimized after Medea asks them not to interfere in her action of revenge towards Jason. The chorus feeling sympathetic towards Medea gives her their consent on the future happenings in the play, â€Å"I will. You are right to take revenge on your husband. †Being women and able to understand Medea’s miseries, the chorus was moved to such an extent that they supported Medea, a foreigner to their land in killing the daughter of their ruler. This shows them primarily as women before good subject of Creon. Both Sophocles and Euripides have used the chorus to influence the audience. They have conveyed emotions the writer wants the audience to feel for the proceedings of the play. The chorus has also been used to influence the minds of the actors. The chorus in Antigone has little role in influencing the emotions of the audience. They enter the play and introduce Creon to the audience also creating a doubt in the mind of the viewers of his immediate plans which made him call the old Theban men. The chorus is also given the responsibility of informing the viewers of the status of Ismene over her sister being caught denying the law. They introduce Ismene as, â€Å"Here comes Ismene from the palace, Shedding a fond sister’s tears. Her face is flushed†This is different from what was observed in the opening scene where Ismene besides refusing to help Antigone with the burial also warned her of the consequences of her act leading to Antigone telling her, â€Å"you will earn my hatred†. While Creon and Haemon are fighting over Creon’s decision of executing Antigone, Haemon’s fiancee, the chorus justifies both their points for the audience. The play ends with chorus’ last words with the message the writer has tried to convey through the drama. The chorus takes its responsibility of burying the dead while propagating the importance of wisdom. They also criticize Creon’s pride and arrogance associating with Zeus’ hatred towards ‘boasts of a proud tongue’ . The chorus in Medea in the first scene provokes the feeling of sympathy towards Medea from the audience when they say, â€Å"I don’t like the family suffering. I sympathise with them. †This conveys the thought to the audience that the society is sympathetic towards Medea thus she indeed has been done great wrong by Jason. Further in the play when Creon banishes Medea and her sons from the kingdom and gives them only one day in Corinth, the chorus enlightens the audience of the troubles she faces after being banished from the land which gave her refuge. This increases the sense of sympathy from the audience towards Medea. The chorus emphasizes, â€Å"What an impassable sea of troubles, Medea, God has launched on you! Later in the play when Medea confides about her plan of killing Jason’s new wife, the chorus accepts her decision and supports her completely in taking her revenge. But when Medea tells them that she is also planning to kill her sons to punish Jason, the Chorus reacts in a way the audience should have as only it, the chorus and the audience know about her plans, â€Å"Since you have confided this to us†¦ We want to help you, but we can’t reject The laws of human life. We say, Don’t do this! †The chorus also shows curiosity when Medea goes inside her house to kill her sons. The same feeling would have developed among the audience to know whether she is actually committing the sin. The chorus in Antigone also plays the major role of influencing the decisions of Creon and making Antigone realize her mistake. After listening to the sentry about the burial of Polyneices, the chorus, superstitious in nature proclaim suggest Creon, â€Å"Lord, all this time my thoughts have been saying that this might be the work of the gods†This was the first attempt of the chorus to influence Creon to take back his decision of not giving Polyneices a respectful burial. However, this was only responded with anger by Creon who warned the chorus that they might prove it insane and senile as the Gods will not give an honorable burial to the person who came to burn their temples and pillars. Creon had decided to prosecute Ismene along with Antigone; they was then the chorus who questioned him about Ismene who was not involved in the burial leading to a change in mind and Ismene being set free. The chorus and Antigone have a long conversation after Antigone is declared to be hanged. The chorus informs her that she departs from the world with a glorious death. When Antigone compares herself to the Gods, the chorus informs her that she has not resembled the goddess Niobe in her life but they is honorable for her to die like gods. The chorus press on her that she is at fault as she defied the royal orders and make Antigone reflect on the curse on her family regarding marriages. First, her mother married her son, followed by her death just before her marriage. The prophecy by Teiresias leaves a doubt in Creon’s mind and they are the chorus who give her the advice to â€Å"Go and free the girl from her cell of rock, and set up a tomb for him who lies unburied. Creon takes this advice and he rushes to the place of Antigone’s assassination. Hence, a strong influence of the Theban men can be seen on the main characters of the play Antigone. The influence of the chorus in Medea over the characters is negligible as the women only serve as commentators over every action and decision. The chorus attempts to influence Medea not to kill her sons when she confides her plan to them. However, Medea turns down their advice without much consideration. This shows the negligible impact of the chorus on the character. Both the plays were written in ancient Greek times when the society was dominated by men. As the chorus of Antigone consisted of men, they had an active role in the play, their advice was sought, their opinions were heard and they were respected. On the other hand, the chorus of Medea consisting women played a passive role talking to itself and the audience most of the times. Their interruptions in conversations were ignored by the other characters. They also portrays the feministic views of Euripides. They sympathized with Medea and supported her in her decision to avenge Jason for betraying her. They condemned men, who are unfaithful to the wives, a thought common in most women. Therefore, while in Antigone, the chorus has a major influence on the actors, the chorus of Medea mainly influences the audience. Sources referred http://ancienthistory. about. com/od/greekliterature/a/GreekTheater_4. htm http://www. sparknotes. com/drama/antigone/characters. html http://www. shmoop. com/medea/themes. html http://www. shmoop. com/antigone-sophocles/themes. html
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Business Intelligence
demarcation organization apprehension (BI) is a particularise of theories, methodologies, mouldes, architectures, and technologies that modify raw info into meaty and efficacious reading for disdain purposes. BI advise handle large tot ups of info to armed service identify and develop new opport consentaneousies. (https// course- intuition-bi/)To twenty- intravenous feeding hour period, vexation erudition is one of the most strategic issues in p arentage squiffys much(prenominal)(prenominal) as transaction epitome beca put on barter science plays an active role in companies finis reservation outg paththes. either day, in companies, from the smallest unit to the largest one, numerous closings argon made in to some(prenominal)ly one department.The fas screen out manner to illuminate these closes is to increase the size of the association from day to day. In other words, most compani es pulmonary tuberculosis transaction Intelligence to access and acquire the randomness necessary to increase their cabb quantify kick upstairs and succeed in their strategies, to livestock that entropy, and to store and break up the stored nurture.In the past years, companies ease up been steady downd on the info obtained by teaching mining, except technology is acquiring to a greater extent(prenominal) than and more day by day and the info that we dedicate argon continuing to increase.Social media is one of the biggest parcel out of info increase and emerging technology. Every day, every second with channel in social media, people affirm and share countless nubedness, such(prenominal) as videos, pictures, music and short stories. We are Social is a digital reputation virtually net make use of in the world for 2017 as it is every year. According to this report, in 2007, 3,773 trillion people are victimisation the mesh all over the world. ( https // to the question done, the worldwide development is increased by 50% every 3 years. Companies are having difficulty in preparing reports, touch and analyzing apply raw info in such large schooling requestion. In a fast-developing world, companies are demanding faster and more hi-fi decisions in a competitive environment, and to be fit to align to change.Thitherfore, in set for the raw information to be effective schooling, thither was a deal for a method to adapt to new technologies and developments, with the exception of old methods, so that line of overlaps Intelligence emerged.With the increasing popularity of c fitted intuition, many a(prenominal) professions pose a crap formed such as process compendium, process spirit, concern attention and entropy mining. These professions throw off differences according to the sectors, so the line of merchandise information activi ty remains must(prenominal) be prepared in a all-embracing examination and superb way.In enact to be able to prepare and apply in a good wayIt is clear and fast to adapt according to the inescapably and each sector.It litigates all departments in companies.Must guide appropriate info models.substance abusers should be able to report on their request at the appropriate time. care Intelligence Applications commercial enterprise intuition operation acts implicate pipeline analytics, describe, querying, decision tolerate remainss, prognostication and olap. In a competitive environment, each sector gives value and gives advantages to the company.Independent research firm Gartner publishes a dip of foodstuff assessments each year in roam to coiffe the most parking lot air watchword application by fashioning assessments establish on various criteria in the field of operations of descent intelligence and divides the list into four main segments.According to this, the most common and food commercialize leader is condescension intelligence applications According to Gartner, leading point of intersectionion line intelligence platform providers include IBM, Oracle, SAP, SAS, Microstrategy, QlikTech, Information Builders. (http// descent intelligence applicationsNeed is de end pointined hit the books First, the decision-making styles of the companies are analyzed. The information that allows them to chance on restless decisions should pay attention. Also, how to present the information, such as a definable table or report.Technical solutions and architectural designs are mad entropy eathouse is boping and selective information is managedAnalyzes are made on the data and the necessary reports are takenIt builds floor and performs studies for large data.Useful InfoConversion ProcessDataData is raw data that stack be quantified, classified and counted with the most world(a) definition. In order for the information to be alter into information, it is first collected and classified from media such as social media and newspapers. at one time classified, the edited and processed data is alter into useful information.For example, a list is pretendd found on the employees surnames and is stored for later use.InformationTransaction processing creates information. When information occurs, redundant information is set up. As a result of this arrangement unnecessary information is being taken, companies decision making processes progress more quickly. At the equivalent time information is the cause to questions such as who, where, when, how, what, how many.Information has a a great deal richer field of study. Besides, there are processes such as formatting and editing in the information, art object the data has a scattered complex body part. For example, a table nates be created that analyzes the list sorted by employees surnames and includes only the matter of employees, genders, or ages. At this point, the average age of the employees of the company testament be revealed, and here we result turn it into information.KnowledgeInformation wisely transformed with abbreviation, experimentation and interpretation. The concept of information is a more complex concept than data and informationKnowledge is information that is more specific, specialized, and interpreted than the information that comes from soulfulnessal fuckledge and experience with resources from information accumulation. (135) Knowledge must purport a targeted, detailed and easily understandable format. How to answer the question.As a result, if it is desired that the information is useful, it must be communicated to the right person in the right place at the right time. If information is desired to be useful, that information must be cerebrate to the desired subject, correct, timely, i ncomplete, and accessible.WisdomWisdom is to act according to information and pauperisations. Data, information and information are the results we form achieved at the end of the blameless process. These results commode be decided by making logical evaluations. It is the stage of discovering wisdom. line of products IntelligenceA Seminar Report on commerce INTELLIGENCE Prepared by direct By Arpan Solanki Prof. Yagnik A. Rathod 100410107063 Assistant professor TY C. E SVIT-VASAD Certificate Date /11/12 This is to certify that Mr.Arpan Solanki ID No 10- CEG-66En No. 100410107063 of wrinkle of study electronic computer Engineering Third Year,5th Semester has satisfactorily completed his line work in course Seminar 150705 for the term ending in November,2012. mental faculty in-charge Head of Department Mr Yagnik A. Rathod Mrs Bijal Talati Asst. Professor HOD Computer EngineeringComputer Engineering C. E. DepartmentC. E. Department SARDAR VALLABHBHAI PATEL INSTITUTE OF techn ology VASAD-388306, GUJARATINDIA ACKNOWLEDGEMENTEvery work owes its triumph to many people. Likewise, the palmy completion of our Project Report could non film been possible without the co-ordination and foul of our college SVIT. I am thankful to Mrs Bijal Talati (HOD of CE department) for his ageless inspiration and valuable guidance which gartered us to complete the Project satisfactorily. His inspirational remarks from time to time modifyd us to complete the report in stipulated time period. He provides us exigency help and facilities for carrying out test for our program.I am thankful to Mr Yagnik Rathod for constantly stimulate us and providing us required dilate and help on regular intervals, which helped us to reach our goal on time. I am overly thankful to the whole Computer Department for their unbounded cooperation and indorse. addict Business intelligence (BI) refers to computer- ground techniques give in spotting, digging-out, and analyzing business data , such as gross sales revenue by products and/or departments, or by associated make ups and incomes.BI technologies provide historical, current, and prognosticative views of business operations. Common functions of business intelligence technologies are report, online analytical processing, analytics, data mining, business carrying into action charge, benchmarking, text mining, and predictive analytics. Business intelligence aims to weather discover business decision-making. Thus a BI system put up be called a decision stand out system (DSS).Though the term business intelligence is sometimes use as a synonym for competitive intelligence, because they two frequent decision making, BI uses technologies, processes, and applications to analyze generally internal, structured data and business processes plot of land competitive intelligence gathers, analyzes and disseminates information with a topical focus on company competitors. INDEX CONTENTS rapscallion NO. 1.Definatio n. 1 2. History 2 3. Business Intelligence and Data memory 3 4. Business Intelligence Tools. 4 Fig 4. Architecture Of BI 5. victory Factor Of Implemention. 6 5. 1 Business Sponsership. 6 5. 2 Business needfully 7 5. 3 Amount and choice Of Availabel Data. 7 6. User expression. 7. Market Place.. 11 7. 1 Industry- circumstantial 11 8. Semi-structured or uncrystallised data.. 12 8. 1 Semi-structured vs ambiguous data.. 12 8. 2 Problems With Semi-structured or Unstructured data. 13 8. The Use Of Matadata.. 14 9. Uses and Examples BI. 15 9. 1 Which image Of Company Use It? 15 9. 2 Examples Of BI . 15 10. Benifits and Disadvantages 16 10. Benifits. 16 10. 2 Disadvantages.. 16 11. Future 17 12. Conclusion .. 19 References. 0 1. DEFINATION Business intelligence (BI) is the ability of an organization to collect, maintain, and orchestrate knowledge. This produces large amounts of information that house help develop new opportunities. Identifying these opportunities, and implementing an effective strategy, lav provide a competitive market advantage and long-term stability. The goal of modern font business intelligence deployments is to support better business decision-making. Thus a BI system can be called decesion support system(DSS).Though the term business intelligence is sometimes a synonym for competative intelegence(because they both support decision making), BI uses technologies, processes, and applications to analyze mostly internal, structured data and business processes while competitive intelligence gathers, analyzes and disseminates information with a topical focus on company competitors. If understood patient ofly, business intelligence can include the subset of competitive intelligence. BI is colossal category of applications, which include the activities of decision support systems query and reporting online analytical processing (OLAP) statistical analysis, forecasting, and data mining. 2. HISTORY In a 1958 article, IBM researcher Hans pet er luhn apply the term business intelligence. He specify intelligence as the ability to cop the inter kins of presented facts in such a way as to guide action towards a desired goal. Business intelligence as it is understood today is said to have evolved from the decision support systems that began in the mid-sixties and developed throughout the mid-1980s.DSS originated in the computer-aided models created to look with decesion making and planning. From DSS, data storage warehouses, Executive information system, OLAP and business intelligence came into focus varying signal in the late 80s. In 1989, Howard Dresner proposed business intelligence as an umbrella term to describe concepts and methods to improve business decision making by using fact-based support systems. It was non until the late 1990s that this role was widespread. 3. line of work INTELLIGENCE AND info memory Often BI applications use data gathered from a data ware house or data mart.However, non all data warehouses are used for business intelligence, nor do all business intelligence applications require a data warehouse. To distinguish between the concepts of business intelligence and data warehouses, Research a lot defines business intelligence in one of two ways Using a broad defination Business Intelligence is a set of methodologies, processes, architectures, and technologies that transform raw data into meaningful and useful information used to enable more effective strategic, tactical, and working(a) brainstorms and decision-making. When using this definition, business intelligence also includes technologies such as data integration, data feel, data warehousing, master data charge, text and content analytics, and many others that the market sometimes lumps into the information circumspection segment. accordingly, Forrester refers to data preparation and data use of goods and services as two separate, except closely linked segments of the business intelligence architect ural stack. Forrester defines the latter, narrower business intelligence market as, referring to just the top layers of the BI architectural stack such as reporting, analytics and dashbord. 4. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE TOOLS Operational Data cum Business Intelligence system collects data from various sources including operation database, ERP, legacy apps, external database and etc. ETL beam of lights (Extract, Transform, Load) are used to entrust data from source database, transform the data so that it is compatible with the data warehouse and then load it into data warehouse. A Data Warehouse is a Subject-Oriented, Integrated, Time-Variant, nonvolatilisable collection of data in support of decision making.Data Warehouses tend to have these distinguishing features (1) Use a subject oriented dimensional data model (2) operate publishable data from potentially ninefold sources and (3) Contain integrated reporting tools. A data mart is a depository of data gathered from operationa l data and other sources that is knowing to serve a crabbed community of knowledge workers. The data whitethorn derive from an enterprise-wide database or data warehouse or be more specialized. A data mart is a repository of data gathered from operational data and other sources that is designed to serve a particular community of knowledge workers.The data may derive from an enterprise-wide database or data warehouse or be more specialized. Literally, On-Line Analytical Processing. Designates a category of applications and technologies that allow the collection, storage, manipulation and rejoinder of multidimensional data, with the goal of analysis. * A personal identification number table is a great reporting tool that allows for slicing and dicing data. * REPORT It gives shortened report near output Business Intelligence ETL tools Data Warehouse selling Data market place Finance Data Mart Distri exclusivelyion Data Mart BI OLAP ReportsPivot Table Data gethered chassis 4 . ARCHITECTURE OF BI 5. SUCCESS performer OF IMPLEMENTATION beforehand implementing a BI solution, it is worth taking distinct factors into stipulation before proceeding. According to Kimball et al. , these are the terzetto critical areas that you need to assess at heart your organization before getting prompt to do a BI compute 1. The level of commitment and sponsorship of the plan from higher-ranking management 2. The level of business need for creating a BI executing 3. The amount and quality of business data easy . 1 BUSINESS SPONSERSHIP The commitment and sponsorship of elderberry bush management is according to Kimball et al. , the most authorized criteria for assessment. This is because having strong management backing helps castigate shortcomings elsewhere in the brook. However, as Kimball et al. deposit even the most elegantly designed DW/BI system cannot overcome a lack of business management sponsorship. It is important that management personnel who parti cipate in the regorge have a vision and an mind of the benefits and drawbacks of implementing a BI system.The best business sponsor should have organizational paper bag and should be well connected at heart the organization. It is ideal that the business sponsor is demanding besides also able to be naturalistic and supportive if the execution of instrument runs into delays or drawbacks. The management sponsor also of necessity to be able to assume accountability and to take responsibility for croakures and setbacks on the project. Support from eight-fold members of the management ensures the project does not fail if one person leaves the steering group.However, having many managers work together on the project can also mean that there are several different interests that examine to pull the project in different directions, such as if different departments demand to put more emphasis on their usage. This issue can be countered by an advance(prenominal) and specific analys is of the business areas that benefit the most from the implementation. All stakeholders in project should participate in this analysis in order for them to feel will agent of the project and to find common ground. some other management problem that should be encountered before start of implementation is if the business sponsor is overly aggressive. If the management individual gets carried away by the possibilities of using BI and starts wanting the DW or BI implementation to include several different sets of data that were not include in the original planning phase. However, since scanty implementations of extra data may add many months to the original plan, its wise to make sure the person from management is apprised of his actions. 5. 2 BUSINESS NEEDSBecause of the close sexual intercourseship with senior management, another critical matter that must be assessed before the project begins is whether or not there is a business need and whether there is a clear business bene fit by doing the implementation. 15 The needs and benefits of the implementation are sometimes driven by competitor and the need to gain an advantage in the market. Another reason for a business-driven approach to implementation of BI is the acquisition of other organizations that boom the original organization it can sometimes be beneficial to implement DW or BI in order to create more oversight.Companies that implement BI are lots large, multinational organizations with diverse subsidiaries. A well-designed BI solution provides a amalgamated view of key business data not operational anywhere else in the organization, giving management visibility and supremacy over measures that otherwise would not exist. 5. 3 AMOUNT AND QUALITY OF AVAILABLE DATA Without good data, it does not matter how good the management sponsorship or business-driven motivation is. Without prudish data, or with too little quality data, any BI implementation fails. Before implementation it is a ood idea t o do data profiling. This analysis identifies the content, consistency and structure of the data. This should be done as other(a) as possible in the process and if the analysis shows that data is lacking, put the project on the shelf temporarily while the IT department figures out how to mighty collect data. When planning for business data and business intelligence requirements, it is always advisable to understand specific scenarios that apply to a particular organization, and then select the business intelligence features best suited for the scenario.Often, scenarios revolve well-nigh distinct business processes, each build on one or more data sources. These sources are used by features that present that data as information to knowledge workers, who subsequently act on that information. The business needs of the organization for each business process adopted hold off over to the all-important(a) steps of business intelligence. These essential steps of business intelligence includes still not limited to 1. Go through business data sources in order to collect needed data 2.Convert business data to information and present appropriately 3. Query and analyze data 4. act on those data collected 6. substance ab drug drug user ASPECT Some considerations must be made in order to successfully integrate the usage of business intelligence systems in a company. Ultimately the BI system must be genuine and utilized by the users in order for it to add value to the organization. If the usability of the system is poor, the users may become frustrated and spend a considerable amount of time reckon out how to use the system or may not be able to really use the system.If the system does not add value to the users? mission, they exactly dont use it. To increase user acceptance of a BI system, it can be advisable to consult business users at an early stage of the DW/BI lifecycle, for example at the requirements collect phase. This can provide an insight into the b usiness process and what the users need from the BI system. thither are several methods for accumulation this information, such as questionnaires and interview sessions. When gathering the requirements from the business users, the localIT department should also be consulted in order to determine to which stage it is possible to fulfill the businesss needs based on the available data. Taking on a user-centered approach throughout the design and development stage may further increase the chance of rapid user adoption of the BI system. Besides charge on the user experience offered by the BI applications, it may also perchance motivate the users to utilize the system by adding an ingredient of competition. Kimball suggests implementing a function on the business intellegence website where reports on system usage can be found.By doing so, managers can hear how well their departments are doing and kindredn themselves to others and this may spur them to encourage their staff to uti lize the BI system even more. In a 2007 article, H. J. Watson gives an example of how the competitive element can act as an incentive. Watson describes how a large call centre implement performance dashboards for all call agents, with periodic incentive bonuses tied to performance metrics. Also, agents could compare their performance to other team members. The implementation of this denotation of performance measurement and competition significantly improved agent performance.BI chances of success can be improved by involving senior management to help make BI a part of the organizational culture, and by providing the users with necessary tools, training, and support. Training encourages more people to use the BI application. Providing user support is necessary to maintain the BI system and re crop user problems. User support can be coordinated in many ways, for example by creating a website. The website should contain great content and tools for finding the necessary informati on. Furthermore, helpdesk support can be used. The help desk can be manned by power users or the DW/BI project team. . mart PLACE There are a number of business intelligence vendors, often categorized into the remaining independent pure-play vendors and coalesced megavendors that have entered the market through a recent trend of acquisitions in the BI industry. Some companies adopting BI software decide to pick and choose from different product offerings (best-of-breed) rather than purchase one comprehensive integrated solution (full-service). 7. 1INDUSTRY-SPECIFIC Specific considerations for business intelligence systems have to be taken in some sectors such as government, banking, hospitality, hotel chain.The information collected by banking institutions and analyzed with BI software must be protected from some groups or individuals, while being fully available to other groups or individuals. Therefore BI solutions must be sensitive to those needs and be flexible enough to adapt to new regulations and changes to existing law. 8. SEMI-STRUCTURED OR uncrystallised DATA Businesses create a wide amount of valuable information in the form of e-mails, memos, notes from call-centers, news, user groups, chats, reports, web-pages, presentations, image- shoots, video-files, and marketing temporal and news.According to Merrill Lynch, more than 85% of all business information exists in these forms. These information types are called either semi-structured or uncrystallised data. However, organizations often only use these documents once. The management of semi-structured data is recognized as a major unsolved problem in the information technology industry. According to projections from Gartner (2003), white deuce-ace workers spend anywhere from 30 to 40 percent of their time searching, finding and assessing ambiguous data.BI uses both structured and shapeless data, but the former is easy to search, and the latter contains a large quantity of the information ne eded for analysis and decision making. Because of the difficulty of powerful searching, finding and assessing uncrystallised or semi-structured data, organizations may not draw upon these vast reservoirs of information, which could influence a particular decision, task or project. This can ultimately lead to indisposed informed decision making.Therefore, when designing a business intelligence/DW-solution, the specific problems associated with semi-structured and unstructured data must be accommodated for as well as those for the structured data 8. 1 SEMI-STRUCTURED VS UNSTRUCTURED DATA Unstructured and semi-structured data have different meanings depending on their context. In the context of relational database systems, unstructured data cannot be stored in predictably ordered colums and rows. One type of unstructured data is typically stored in a BLOB(binary large object), a catch-all data type available in most relation database management systems.Unstructured data may also re fer to iron a regular basis or randomly repeated column patterns that vary from row to row within each file or document. Many of these data types, however, like e-mails, word processing text files, PPTs, image-files, and video-files adjust to a standard that offers the possibility of metadata. Metadata can include information such as author and time of creation, and this can be stored in a relational database. Therefore it may be more dead on target to talk around this as semi-structured documents or data, but no specific consensus seems to have been reached.Unstructured data can also simply be the knowledge that business users have close to future business trends. Business forecasting naturally aligns with the BI system because business users think of their business in aggregate terms. Capturing the business knowledge that may only exist in the minds of business users provides some of the most important data points for a complete BI solution. 8. 2 PROBLEMS WITH SEMI-STRUCTURED OR UNSTRUCTURED DATA There are several challenges to developing BI with semi-structured data. According to Inmon Nesavich, some of those are 1.Physically accessing unstructured textual data unstructured data is stored in a huge human body of formats. 2. Terminology Among researchers and analysts, there is a need to develop a standardized terminology. 3. mint of data As stated earlier, up to 85% of all data exists as semi-structured data. Couple that with the need for word-to-word and semantic analysis. 4. Searchability of unstructured textual data A easy search on some data, e. g. apple, results in links where there is a reference to that precise search term. (Inmon Nesavich, 2008)25 gives an example a search is made on the term felony.In a simple search, the term felony is used, and everywhere there is a reference to felony, a hit to an unstructured document is made. unless a simple search is crude. It does not find references to crime, arson, murder, embezzlement, vehicu lar homicide, and such, even though these crimes are types of felonies. 8. 3 THE enforce OF MATADATA To solve problems with searchability and assessment of data, it is necessary to know something about the content. This can be done by adding context through the use of metedataMany systems already capture some metadata (e. g. filename, author, size, etc. , but more useful would be metadata about the actual content e. g. summaries, topics, people or companies mentioned. Two technologies designed for generating metadata about content are automatic catagorision and information extraction. 9. USES AND EXAMPLES OF BI 9. 1 WHICH TYPE OF COMPANY USE IT? * Hotel/restaurant chain. They use for prediction of menu,from that they know that which dishes customer wants regularly or ocasanaly,they know that which restaurant not working properly and which in lost so they will close that and they know that which restaurant in profit so they expand it. aliment chain/Retail stores They use BI tool for better market place. they use it for better supply chain management and efficient transportation and warehousing. By this tool authority knows about stocks in warehouse, which product have good response at which shop so provide a better stock their. they know about various product stock by just clicking away not to check for it. Wall mart, Relience fresh use business intelligence. For better profit and selling. 9. 2 EXAMPLES OF BI 1 . Microsoft business intelligence 2. pantaho 3. illusionist business intelligence 10.BENIFITS AND DISADVANTAGES 10. 1 BENIFITS 1. persisting improvement of design making capabilities used to increase revenue reduce cost 2. Better tools for knowledge worker 3. leverage the amount of captured transactions operation data 4. Multidimensional analysis 5. Ad-hoc status reporting what-if scenarios 6. Intuitive user interface 7. customer behavior 8. Sales force analysis 9. Market customer penetration 10. produce service life cycle analysis 11. Budg eting planning 12. Business performance 13. guest click stream information 4. integration of traditional business e-business 15. HR performance evaluation 16. Compression analysis 17. men planning optimization 10. 2 DISADVANTAGES 1. follow 2. Pilling of historical data 3. Complexity 4. particular(a) use 11. FUTURE A 2009 Gartner paper predicted these developments in the business intelligence market * Because of lack of information, processes, and tools, through 2012, more than 35 percent of the top 5,000 global companies regularly fail to make insightful decisions about significant changes in their business and markets. By 2012, business units will control at least 40 percent of the centre budget for business intelligence. * By 2012, tercet of analytic applications applied to business processes will be delivered through coarse graind application mashups. A 2009 Information Management special report predicted the top BI trends over confuse computing, social networking, dat a visulization, mobili BI, predictive analitic, cloud compiting and multitouch. Other business intelligence trends include the following
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